Lauf: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord2 years ago

NO, YOU'RE! punching you

Lauf: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord2 years ago

the first ever sub 6 run congrats man

Lauf: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord2 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss

Nachrichten: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord2 years ago

there was literally 1 run in the entire category

Thread: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord3 years ago

i did make a server a while ago (when there was really only 3 people that ran the game so i didnt think there was a point)

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Thread: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord3 years ago

i just checked the rules "get the least" i guess i accidently saved it before i finished the sentence lmao

Thread: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord3 years ago

also beach world is now 0 jumps (is hard!!!)

Thread: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord3 years ago

alright i found a potential work around, since the runs likely wont be more than 45 minutes for no jump (unless an absolutely insane strat gets made for low jump) the number of jumps in the run will be the hours on the leaderboard and everything else on the time is the same (that way the number of jumps still takes priority on the leaderboards but a run that has the same amount of jumps but is faster will still be ranked accordingly) the category is added

Thread: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord3 years ago

same, i submitted it to speedrun.com back in april but i got no response until antartica commented on my run mentioning it was added

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Thread: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord3 years ago

i like this idea, im thinking the leaderboards might first be ranked off of amount of jumps (if thats possible) and once we find a verified cap of least jumps it could turn into a timed event (cause i feel there are a couple tactics that can prevent some jumps like on test 8 with the gap jump)

Lauf: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord3 years ago

wow those lines are fantastic, beat my time by 3 frames!

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Thread: lolwut
Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord3 years ago

Dang does that mean i have to touch the abomination that is test 2?

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Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord5 years ago

its kind of a shame that im not the only one as the first run i did on this game was verified in 7 days (submitted 2019-03-30 verified 2019-04-06) now its been over 10 weeks i honestly thing this game is just dead now due to the lack of activity from the mods even if they do come back they will have so many runs to verify that it would probably take a year or two to verify them all

Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord5 years ago

so i would say wait a little as it takes some time for the mods to get around to getting to your run as there are usually people that have older runs that need to be verified but i am suffering the same problem having my speedrun still in pending after almost 10 weeks

Alberta, Canadaawesomeboxlord5 years ago

i understand mods have lifes (school, work, girlfriends/boyfriends) but i submitted a run on june 7th its a 5 level speedrun no skips its been almost 10 weeks so im not sure if mods are just taking a break or if my run is just extremely hard to verify

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