Thread: Road Rash II
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou882 years ago

if i remember correctly it was something a fellow moderator wanted added years ago when we split up the runs into levels and by bike. as long as your video includes all five races in the same attempt and your on the bike you submit for I am fine with your submission. i'll adjust the rules in a couple days incase fellow runners object.

Matias_daisenryaku und Basecase gefällt das.
Thread: Road Rash II
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou882 years ago

yep, feel free to use a load state prior to your run to save time.

Basecase gefällt das.
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou882 years ago

cool, if the game has a a checkpoint system as you described I'd say we include both Houston and Detroit in the main categories and leave the skips categories for the major glitches that we have discovered.

meauxdal und GhillieGuide gefällt das.
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou882 years ago

I understand the desire to count the Detroit example as a skip as that was my initial reaction too, but I fear how restrictive the rules would end up being written. The only way to write a rule that separates this trick, that I can think of, would be to count any use of the ground out of bounds to advance to a further track segment or count a lap is a skip. If we decide to include the Detroit skip I am curious what exploits of this trick could be found in the future the allow the user to skip larger segments of the track. As of today I'd say we include it, but would hate to see the community have to come together again when a larger skip with this method is discovered.

meauxdal und GhillieGuide gefällt das.
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou882 years ago

Love the discussion so far. As I now consider myself a casual more than a speedrunner so I'll try to be brief. After reading your posts i'd prefer to see the community allow "minor skips" that involve jumping over a corner, first lap gravel pit etc. in the main categories and only limit the use of glitches that allow incomplete laps to count, skip sections of the track, etc. to be forced into the skips categories. Also, as Meauxdal brought up, please don't feel inclined to make a decision/rule based upon protecting historical runs at the expense of new strategies. I understand mine were set years ago with the available strategies at the time.

GhillieGuide und meauxdal gefällt das.
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou884 years ago

For me I always wanted to come back to the game at some point to improve my old records as I knew they could easily be lowered. Not just the times, but the video quality of those runs sucked too. After logging in one day to find Pancakes had done so to one of the records and we had an IL leaderboard that needed to be filled I was hooked and started runs the next day. Overall just pumped to be running against other people as I was on my own years ago when I set those old records.

GhillieGuide, Pear, und DJ-Cat gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou884 years ago

Hello, I would like to be added as a mod for the https://www.speedrun.com/excitebike_64 community. We currently have runs that have been awaiting verification for about three weeks. We have tried to message the moderators for this community, but as there hasn't been any action on the community in years we fear the two moderators may no longer be active. I have held the world records for this community for years and would be more then delighted to pick up the moderator duties for the future. Please let me know if you require any more information. Thanks, in advance.

Nova Scotia, Canadaandou884 years ago

We would recommend starting off with Sarah. You'll find she has the best turning by far. Most of the tracks you are limited on trying to land as soon as possible and carry as much momentum through corners so Sarah will be your fastest choice. On some of the more open outdoors tracks her lack of turbo may not make her the best choice, but little testing has been on towards that.

Nova Scotia, Canadaandou884 years ago

i've sent a message to leopold67 to request that we remove the differnt columns from the IL leaderboard, add hill climb and excite 3D and get confirmation that we can use the in game time trial mode to set our IL records. I got a couple ILs ready that i'll be uploading today. good luck in your runs. glad to see some life back in the community.

GhillieGuide gefällt das.
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou884 years ago

sounds like a plan. I also think we should be using the time trail mode to set our IL records.

Nova Scotia, Canadaandou884 years ago

Hi, I like the idea of having IL categories to run, and will be submitting some soon, but am wondering why we have columns for the different rounds (ie. bronze/silver/etc) if the races are not repeated in this format. I was also wondering if we could get a couple extra rows for the hill climb and excite 3D?

Nova Scotia, Canadaandou884 years ago

all runs are RTA

Thread: Road Rash II
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou885 years ago

Agreed. I would be willing to add an additional rule stating that using pause during a race is not prohibited. If everyone agrees with Anko's idea just let me know and I'll make it so.

Thread: Road Rash II
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou885 years ago

I feel like the community should have a vote on which method of calculating time they prefer. This new manipulation of the IGT is not in the spirit of speed running in my opinion, but I also see the benefits of using IGT and am unsure which way I would vote at this time. An example I find myself referencing would be the golden eye community which uses IGT and to my knowledge allows players to optimize the IGT. They have runs that have faster RTA, but are lower on the leaderboards because they had a slower IGT. Ultimately I am interested to see if this community find this new discovery to be too much of a nuisance to continue to use IGT.

Frika gefällt das.
Thread: Road Rash II
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou886 years ago

adding similar emulation restrictions from the other two games sounds good. thank-you for the work. The leaderboard looks much cleaner and competitive.

Thread: Road Rash II
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou886 years ago

I do agree that igt would be superior. It should help us keep the emu and console rankings together and help with verification. sorry for the delayed response. I check this site almost everyday, but must have missed the notification of your first post.

Thread: Road Rash II
Nova Scotia, Canadaandou886 years ago

you seem to know a lot more about this than I. I've made you a moderator for this game. Feel free to make any fixes you see fit.

Nova Scotia, Canadaandou888 years ago

looking to start running this game, trying to decide between emulating the genesis version or buying the PC version. Does anyone know if the PC version runs at the same speed and if all the glitches/zips still work?

Nova Scotia, Canadaandou888 years ago

cool if you make make a moderator for this game?

andou88 Informationen
8 years ago
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