IrelandWayno7174 years ago

Hey guys,

After reciving a fair few requests on "where is the gta online discord" i have gone out of my way to sort this out. Since GTA:O speedrunning was a thing, we've just used the #gta discord for GTA:O speedrunning discussions. Not many people know this since there doesnt seem to be a discord link anywhere, thats my bad. Anyway, untill the GTA crew gets sick of gta online runners being there. All discord discussions will happen in the #gtao room on the #gta discord. See the link below for an invite.

Please read the rules there and try not to break em. Dont make S regret allowing us there lol.

FallBackITA27, madebyWITT und 3 Andere gefällt das.
IrelandWayno7174 years ago

Hi Everyone,

After a recent discussion regarding adding a category. It is become clear that there exists no clear standard for people to submit a new category to this game.

Currently, when you want to request a category, you just submit a forum post and I or Ben will look at it and give our thoughts along with others and weight if it’s a category that should be added. If people respond favourably to it and we think its valid. We will add it. Otherwise, the request may (if not enough interest is gauged or the category has massive issues or is not needed/wanted) be rejected or shelved.

Following with the existing standard, to submit a valid request, you must have 2 clear things to start with. A forum post and 2 runs of the category that are independent of other possible runs. The runs can be created after the forum post is submitted, but if 2 runs are not posted in the forum post. The category will not be considered.

In the interest of not cluttering the leader boards with categories that no one runs your requested category must have two submitted runs from two different people that do not overlap with an existing run. For example, requesting heist ILs. The runs must be submitted independent of a full run to count.

This is to see if at least two people have an interest in kickstarting a category. After that you may submit your runs as part of a series of runs like normal. (If the category gets added. This rule will be lifted.)

Regarding the forum post while not completely required (It will help the discussion if done) Please list the pros and cons to the category and any issues it may have in the present or future. If you do not do it, someone eventually will. Below are some rules regarding submitting a category.

The category must not be too specific. Heist ILs are boarding on that specific part, but to give an example. Heist Preps for Doomsday would be too specific to request. Its ok to debate if a category is or is not too specific and since it can be a grey area. It is important to make your case clear.

No minigames, free mode missions or arbitrary categories. Arbitrary categories include examples like "Driving around SA motorway in the fastest time" or "Drive up Mt Chiliad" Minigames include things like golf, tennis, arm wrestling or arcade games. Free mode missions include free mode events, business restock/selling or other free mode related stuff. If the free mode event is part of a bigger run, it is allowed. I.E doomsday prep stuff

The category must have a distinct start and end point. A distinct start can either be a lobby a notification or popup appears on screen. A distinct end, this can be "Mission passed", "Finished" or something along the lines.

I should point out that there are going to be special cases. But these rules will exist to make you think about the category before submitting it. Please do submit it as a forum post and a discussion can be had. The only hard rule is that 2 runs rule. If your post does not contain that, the category will not be added.

Thank you for your time, and if you have any questions about this. Please feel free to post them here.

IrelandWayno7175 years ago

Hi Guys,

For the next couple of hours. I'll be moving all of your runs over to the new catagory layout to cutdown on tabs as requested by a multatude of users. This process will take a while and you will see runs be moved around and 4 new catagories get added.

If you are planning on submitting a run between now and during the move. Please submit the run to the old catagories as you would normally do and i'll move them over as i go through them.

Please do not submit anything to the new catagories untill the move is completed. I will post here when the process is done. By the final move the catagory board will look like this

Main Heists will be renamed to original heists as the name 'main' is ambigous and may change with the introduction of the diamond casio heist.

Each catagory will be broken down into sub varible catatagories. There will be 4 main catagories by the end of this process

Original Heists The Doomsday Heist The Diamond Casino Heist Misc

Original Heists will have the following varibles. Fleeca Prison Heist Humain Labs Serise A Pacific Standard All Heists Criminal Mastermind

Doomsday Heist will be broken down into Act I Act II Act III All Acts Criminal Mastermind

The Diamond Casino will be broken down into Silent And Sneaky Loud Big Con

When submitting a run, the only thing that will change is selecting another item from a dropdown. Submitting a run is done how you normally do it. Click the catagory you want, click submit run, select the heist or run you did. I.E fleec or All X and fill in the details and submit

Please note, in order to facilitate this change, all heists now has a non requirement for 4 people. This is because of fleeca requiring a max of 2 while all others have 4. Please fill out all 4 people for non fleeca runs.

Thank you for your time when reading this. And this process should be over in a couple of hours and shouldnt cause any complications.

Quick Edit: The 4th catagory is Misc for any other catagories that may be added in the future for whatever purpose. All Surivals, Casino Missions and other misc stuff will be under this as normal

MPRF12345, iguana und 4 Andere gefällt das.
IrelandWayno7175 years ago

Hi guys

I was contacted by several runners and other members of the community in regards to the current timing method of GTA:Online because of the load times. It was raised to me that the load times regarding runs has seriously effected times and people where unhappy with it. However due the nature and complications with timing a run 'without loads' i and a few others have agreed on a middle ground solution to add a new timing method

Going forth, there will be a new timing method is referd to 'In Heist Time' or 'in game time' as per limitations of not being able to add a custom time column.

What is 'In Heist Time' (IHT)?

'In Heist Time' refers to the total accumulation of time from when you first gain control of the character, to when you lose control of the character per setup/heist/setup or setups (Doomsday heists).

Why is it called 'In Heist Time' and not just stick to 'In Game Time'

Calling it in game time doesn't really fit with what we are going for. In game time refers to the total accumulation of time you spent 'in game' which includes load screens and traversing lobbies. Why its called In Hest Time instead of something else is because people run heists more often to notice the load issue. The name doesn't really fit the other categories but the same logic still applies

Is IHT mandatory?


Will IHT replace the existing timing method?

No, IHT will be an alternative for people to sort the leaderboard by and rank the runs themselves. IHT is not mandatory but might become a popular timing method in the future.

How is IHT timed?

IHT is timed from the moment you (the host) gains control of a character, to the moment you lose control of your character per setup/final setup/setups of setups. Think of each setup as a IL and add the times up. Thats IHT.

Does that mean IHT removes time between heists?

Yes, IHT removes the time between setting up heists. Since RTA is still the standard, you still need to think about routing between heists and the strats involved. But the time in lobbies and in the mission setup screen is not taken into account.

What happens to the current 'Loadless Time' column?

The current loadless time column will remain for the time being, until we are satisfied at the amount of runs that will start using IHT. If you wish to retime your runs that exist and submit a IHT you are more than welcome to do so, we will re accept it. We currently added a new verifier to the leaderboard who has opted to retime the runs and migrate old runs to this new timing method.

Why will you not make IHT the standard?

For two main reasons,

  1. RTA being the standard in GTA games
  2. Cutting the portion between heists would be cutting to much of the 'run' that makes it a 'all heists run' or heist run

Why not make loadless the standard?

Besides the listed reasons above, what constitutes as a load in GTA:Online is a massive grey area that cant be decided on. Load times can also very between person to person and as such people can have different load times. As well as the massive amount of effort required by both the runnner and verifier to make sure that the load time is correct. There is simply too many variables and issues surrounding it

How does IHT apply to other catagories such as 'all lamar missions' 'all casino missions' or 'all survivals'

Same rules apply, the name just wont fit those other categories

Who's IHT will you take, the host or the client?

The host, since the host loads in first and can have control first it makes sense to time it like a single player run. The one problem we may see here is if a issue arises that can delay a run because other clients are slowly getting in. However that problem should be minor compared to the grand scheme of things, if the problem persist which it shouldn't we may consider to move it to the last person loading in.

I hope that those questions should answer any questions you may have, if not please post them in this section and will try my best to get at them.

Quick Edit:

As a small addition to the leaderboards as well, we've added a varible that specifies which update the run was 'run' on. As of now the current update is 1.47 but going forth we'll be changing that per update of gta online

Derpeth und iguana gefällt das.
IrelandWayno7175 years ago

Hi Guys

After some discussion with some people, i've decided that from today you need to specify if your heist run was completed using a multiple hosts setup.

I.E if you have multiple people that all have a setup ready to go.

While not a mandatory rule, all runs with multiple hosts are still valid and very much ok. Its just some more information for people who play using a different set of rules. By default this is set to false

The reason for this being introduced is a few people feel that using multiple hosts for setups feels a little like loading mission saves mid run in single player gta games. But if you dont feel like its like that please let me know

Toni_Sins, CPZXIII und 3 Andere gefällt das.
IrelandWayno7178 years ago

I've got a run to submit in the Any% good category but there is no category to place this in :/

Here is the run

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