Thread: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker3 years ago

well after a few days debating if i should remove his legit runs. i have came to the concusion that since he blantly stole runs from others all his runs should be taken down and i suggest that anyone that mods any games he has ran should also do the same. if we allow one person to think this bullshit is ok then others will follow so its time to cut the head off the snake!

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker3 years ago

i can confirm his runs in trailblazer and freerunning for psp are legit as a friend and i mod both those games and we have watched runs down to the frames but i agree with the choice the commuiny has made by banning him as sure some runs may be legit but i believe the power got to him and he got caught and this is a shame so many great speedrunners have fallen to this bull$#!% where they trive on the atteion they get and over time this makes people do some stupid stuff.

i would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this and please dont fall to the darkness and keep on shining guys and if you ever think your content isnt worth it never give up and steal someone elses content. always show ur true self because thats what people are intersted in and thats what most people dont understand.

sure people come for the game ur playing but they STAY for the person behind the mic,cam,vr avitar so always reamber to show the world ur light and make them smile :D

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: Bloons TD
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker3 years ago

ok boss i agree with you there :) and same to u and ur family i hope all is well <3

Thread: Bloons TD
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker3 years ago

hey thanks for verifying my run F1 :) i have a quick qeustion about the starting time of runs when exactly did u start the timer? i might do a few runs tonight so ill also be remaking splits.

do we start on the start of the level or when we place the first tower?

Thread: Bloons TD
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker3 years ago

sorry it took so long for my reply (im not F1 just in contact with them on discord and here)

As I'm he person that requested the game i know most about this title but F1 has informed me that he would like to play the game first before hand and emulation on psp is sketchy at times where all games have differnt settings and to properly emulate games a person needs a psp next to the device your emulating on that way a person is able to get a 1:1 emulation rate tru settings trying to match them

but i can give you an idea of catigortys for the game that way you can start doing runs while you wait :)

Bloons TD (PSN) speedrun catigoys

Classic pack 1 (all maps) Easy Medium Hard Classic 1 ^ ^ ^ Classic 2 ^ ^ ^ classic 3 ^ ^ ^

Forest Pack (all maps) ^ ^ ^ Forest 1 Forest 2 Forest 3

Desert Pack (all maps) Desert 1 Desert 2 Desert 3

Moon Pack (all maps) Moon 1 Moon 2 Moon 3

Classic pack 2 (all maps) Classic 1.5 Classic 2.5 Classic 3.5

stress mode (all maps in game)

Thread: Bloons TD
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker3 years ago

also heres one of the first indavigal level runs that way u have an idea on stratigy :)

Thread: Bloons TD
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker3 years ago

yea sorry f1 ive been offline for a bit got my pc up and running finally

rules for any% go as follows beating all 15 levels on any difficulty (this can have 3 any% runs for easy med and hard)

100% is where the player has to play all 15 levels on each difficulty for a total of 45 medals earned

indavigal levels will be split into 3 catigorys for each difficatly and lastly!

timeing starts as soon as u press triangle to start the first round this gives the runner a little time to think and set up the first round prefectly because later levels get insane with button controls

timing ends when the medal screen shows up (any% and 100% this will be done on the final level)

these are just the baseline rules and im sure if f1 doesnt agree with the starting time rule i compltely understand :)

rock on and have a great night/day

andresfgp13 gefällt das.
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker4 years ago

hey guys my discord bot posted this today and i just wanted to spread the word (even tho i dont have a ps4 LUL ) https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA01047_00-RATCHETPS4000000

i hope you guys also spread the word :)

Thread: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker4 years ago

https://www.speedrun.com/get_in_harmony the dev of the game desided that they should remove one word from the title so instead of Get In Harmony the game is now known as In Harmony https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/p/in-harmony/9p85n7mhw4w8?activetab=pivot:overviewtab (yes the tab for the mircosoft store still says get in harmony idk why this is) https://www.inharmonygame.com/ i hope this is enough info and thank your for taking the time to do this :)

starsmiley gefällt das.
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker4 years ago

hey man we all got into speedruning games for simlar reasons and sure you belive this commuinity is a wasteland but take it from me the actual Wastelandwalker.

life is like a shitty roleplaying game where your actions effect a wide amount of poeple and due to us being speedrunners,streamers and content creators we make a difference in a wider group. like sure it may seem like you dont have a following but in reality you do and sure this one community isnt right for you but never ever toss away your skills as a speedrunner because there are many many commuintys that will accept you and help you improve not only as a speedrunner but also as a commuinty member because like i said before it may seem like you dont have a following but theres always people that will tune into your streams and not say anything the entire time because they dont wanna distrub you while your running a game and on top of that they wanna know what you have to say about the games,life,etc. SO NEVER think your not good enough because in realty we speedrunners help alot of people with depression just because we speak our minds and we can make people smile and i know this because for the longest time i was that person and speedrunners like you and everyone else in the commiunty (yes even the cheaters because their runs are so fake they are funny) made me who i am today and before you do anything drastic like remove your runs,channel,etc. I just wanna say thank you but dont go back into the darkness bud theres thousands of games to speedrun and if your not happy with a commuinty do what i did and find a game thats not on the site and speedrun that and within 12 hours of requesting it you set up the page and tahdah your the modirator and you can promote the game all you want and make a commuinty. So please keep that in mind bud :) and please dont stop

Gerbungis gefällt das.
Thread: In Harmony
British Columbia, CanadaWastelandwalker4 years ago

hello everyone welcome to the get in harmony forums feel free to chat about the game and new glitches u find here :) also please join the discord as i will regualrly be running this game and will be expanding across its knowledge as i do so thanks guys :)

Wastelandwalker Informationen
4 years ago
1 year ago
Gespielte Spiele
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Letzte Aktion 1 year ago