

I found this Reddit thread:

They discuss ways to improve the gameplay of HoMM3.

Would it be ok to have combat animations speed up in a run?

The current HotA version is. 1.6.1, and the next major patch with the Factory (IIRC) Faction. In future, will it be a good idea to provide what version of HotA version one's using.

What are people's thoughts on this?

Hello, I was just thinking about how to improve the first impression of visiting

The first thing we see is an empty list. Unless it is changed, will new people click trough the page?

On Super Mario 64, you see the most relevant run (120 stars):

Since no HoMM3-runners have done the RoE expansion in one sitting (except for the Cheater%), wouldn't it be cool to change it?

I vote on Long Live the Queen, Any%, HD+, since it has the most contributions?

What do you guys think? Should it be the same, or could it need a little change here and there?

NieMaTakiegoDrugiego und MiklMaar gefällt das.


I was just wondering if anyone who have had any experience of any bugs, errors or soft locks with Heroes of Might and Magic 3? Are there any version or expansion pack that have anything on them that makes for a problem to play it on any modern day computer? We now have the HD+ Mod that makes Heroes 3 much more manageable than before, that is my opinion on it though.

Now let's assume that you play on a Windows 10 operative system with the GoG (SoD) version of HoMM3 installed, plus the HD+ Mod in 2020. I have set the System Options within the game for the her to Fastest, as well as in the Combat Settings. Are there anything else that can make the game go "less slow" when speedrunning, or a HotA pvp for that matter? Where are the discussions around this? Does there have to be one?

A thing I did to test the "transitions between windows" in the campaign (the time it takes after a right click on the mouse to take you to the next thing) where I turned off the Subtitles for the Heroes 3 campaign. I checked with subtitles on again. The result: I saw no difference in lag. It would be nice just to play around with the settings, to potentially discover time savers (if there are some the H3 community aren't aware about yet?

I was also wondering if all SoD's are considered "the same version", in Europe as it does in The States? On, when submitting a run to the site, you get the options to chose what version that you are playing on? Since CD-Rom are a thing that is hard to come by anymore, at least where I live in Norway, is the digital version of H3 the same version most people have? Which version of Heroes 3 do you use, CD-Rom or Digital?

EDIT: I noticed that there are no way to upload photos on the forum.

Public link to screenshots of HoMM3 Settings I use when speedrunning the game:

Screenshot of Adventure Map Settings in SoD:

Screenshot of Combat Settings in HotA:

Screenshot of Adventure Map Settings in HotA:

The screenshots are taken of a list of SPEEDRUNS that I did earlier in a video. If you are interested of knowing the timestamps;

04:38 - Shadow of Death Adventure Map Settings 24:53 - Horn of the Abyss Combat Settings 34:01 - Horn of the Abyss Adventure Map Settings

Link to the video:

Hope to hear people's thoughts on what setting to use, tips to reduce lag, and equipment (Mouse and keyboard good for fast H3). :)

Edit: It seems that my screenshots are not available to everyone? I live in Norway, and I use the Google Drive service. The link I post might not be available to users from other countries, like the US. Could somebody please let me know if you are not able to see my screenshots? Thank you! :)

Hello Heroes of Might and Magic III Forums!

I was just wondering if it would be a possibility for Heroes of Might and Magic III Leaderboard on to have a game cover picture of the expansion sets Armageddon's Blade (AB) & The Shadow of Death (SoD), as they are increasingly getting runs submitted to both the Full-game Leaderboard, as well as the Level Leaderboard? It would be of course an esthetic change, but I think it would make sense for any new visitor to see the 2 different expansions + the original Heroes of Might and Magic III: Restoration of Erathia (RoE), and be able to click between them to see their respective runs.

Link to high resolution Armageddon's Blade Box Cover:,34650/ Link til high resolution Shadow of Death Box Cover (This picture was taken from an angle, so it is not straight. If needed, it could be edited in photo editing software and have the top streched to it's proper size):!Aug3-zAXUeElsCD7Yjxgorn0IWsA?e=4cmTFC

It is possible to find straight box covers of Heroes of Might and Magic III: SoD, while searhing for it on Google as well:

Thanks for taking the time to read this suggestion for the Heroes 3 speedrun site.

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