Is the best possible time always 4:35.034? Whatever I do I always seem to get the same time to the frame lol
Hello y'all just to let you know, so we're all in the same page.
I'm taking as first frame for reference, the very first frame after pressing the start on the title screen (usually that screen looks like garbage and has not loaded the "FORMATION-Z" screen yet, one frame before that.
As last frame I'm taking the first frame where "CONGRATULATON" appears. I'm timing each of the runs like that to the milisecond with avidemux. I still have to time a couple runs, including mine.
Also congratulations @Destroerwow, no idea the game could be taken that far!
So, it turns out that the rules state that the timing is from gain of control, to last hit on the boss, a couple things about this:
Murphagator has used SDA rules to time his run, that gave him a 14:13.
If we use the timing method that's on the rules, his time would be a 14:12.786, according to what I could retime with avidemux on his youtube video.
I've also noticed that if you fall on the pit, that makes the game "end" faster, or lose control of the character faster. Was the "last hit on final boss" made to "shortcut" this?
Simple question:
Why does the privacy policy link in the "about" page links to Twitch's privacy policy?
I've read the Twitch privacy policy and I understand that if a page links there, it should be because it's operated by Twitch, or a Twitch Service. Is that the case of this page?
Is there any plans that this page has its own privacy policy?