GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

hey, the problem was that I added new criteria and made them mandatory. so the site does not show runs with the criteria missing.

let me explain the categories and the reasoning behind them. lets start easy:

  • any% -> finish the game as fast as possible using any means
  • 100% -> finish the game while conquering every single zone. so you have to finish with a stronghold as the game ends with the last AI killed

now the more difficult one: all strongholds. the idea behind this was to keep the runs done so far still on the site and keep the fun and variety of doing all the different stronghold missions. so the first draft was "you have to defeat every AI by yourself". this has the problem that if one AI kills another the run is invalid and you have to start over again. after this has happened to me 3 times in a row in my space marine attempts it was clear to me that this rule has to be changed. it is no fun if you do 11 of 13 missions and then the necrons kill the ig (or vice versa) and you have to start all over again. so I changed the rule to "you have to conquer all strongholds by yourself even if it was previously conquered by another AI" or shorter "you need to have control of all the strongholds at the end". maybe this would be more clear.

if you have another idea how to get around this problem please let me know.

GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

Scedule changed again! Now my run is at 5:09.

GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

Scedule has been changed. Now the run is at 3:39 on July 22nd. Hope you still tune in and watch.

GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

well, to put it in few words: long game are long ^^. there are speedruns of final fantasy games that take 7-9 hours but are still speedruns because they complete the game. just because a game is hard and takes a long time to finish the any% or "complete the game" category should not be altered to be easier or shorter. that's what level categories are for.

I know that not many people want to do long games to speedrun. the more impressive it is when someone has the dedication to do such a run. so my vote would be to full campaigns in the full-game categories :-).

Novaster gefällt das.
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

hey there, I thought the full game categories mean to complete/win the full campaign not just the starting quests. I mean the campaign is the full game, right? ^^

Novaster gefällt das.
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

I guess so... but it's not gonna be as much fun to do such runs. we will see. I don't have time to start some runs in the next months. but at some point you need to approve runs from me ;-).

Novaster gefällt das.
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

yeah it's difficult with the timing. I don't like the idea of having to play on maximum speed and can't micro at all. how about generally make a rule to play on x1 speed for quest battles? for campaigns I would allow every battle speed. as for the campaign categories: I like your arragement and yes I would add these campaigns as "miscellaneos".

Novaster gefällt das.
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

looks pretty good! all i would change is the name of "any%" to "all quests" which would fit better IMO.

an idea for the timing: I had the idea to use the ingame timer and make a rule that you have to use normal speed. pros:

  • beginner freindly as you don't need another timing programm
  • more micro possible with the normal speed


  • overall longer videos/realtimes
  • preparation phase does not count towards the timer
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

hey there,

I actually was planning in adding this game here but you came first ^^. just an idea for arrangement of the cathegories. I had in mind to put every quest battle in a seperate category and arrange it so that you had 3 variables:

  • faction
  • leader
  • quest battle

For vlad for example it would be:

  • Vampire Counts
  • Vlad von Carstein
  • Blood Drinker

(For example on how it would look like: https://www.speedrun.com/ssbb#Subspace_Emissary)

You then could make the difficulty as an additional variable and could add there every difficulty.

what do you think?

GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

hey there,

Dawn of War - Dark Crusade will be represented at ESA this year! I will be running the category "All Strongholds (Necron)" live at 7:10 on July 22nd. Tune in if you are interested :-).

MrefF, Budski, und ROMaster2 gefällt das.
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

I would suggest to keep the post to show anyone with the same ideas that this is the wrong place for it

GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

hey there,

I rearrenged the page into 3 main categories with the different factions as subcategories. As I wasn't careful enough I lost some runs in the process. I got all the world records back on the page but if you want to claim your second or third place again please resubmit the run and it will be confirmed shortly afterwars.

Sorry for the hassle!

Novaster gefällt das.
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

pss: I resubmited 2 of my runs to be in the right category

GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

okay, I was thinking about a layout more like this in diablo 3: https://www.speedrun.com/d3_ros . this would work nice here as well with "Any%", "All fortresses" and maybe "100%" (where you need to conquer the whole map maybe?) as the main cathegories and in the cathegories it is divided in the different factions. sorry if I'm a little picky but I like thing to be perfect ^^.

ps: if it is okay for you, you could make me a moderator and I would setup the layout myself :-)

TTInquisitor gefällt das.
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

I think you misunderstand me. All runs so far except my latest 2 runs killed all enemy fortresses (aka headquarters) by themselves. all of them should be cathegorizes to "all fortresses". I'm thinking of "Any%" and "All fortresses" as the main cathegories (where now all the factions are) and as "subcathegory" the factions. I hope I explained good enough. English is not my first language :-)

GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

hi there,

well, any% turned into a rng-fest where you hope that only the closest enemy survives and then attack (see my latest necron run). therefore I would like to see a new cathegory: "all fortresses" where you need to take out all fortresses by yourself. basicly all runs so far (apart from my sm-run) should move there. this cathegory would have well less luck involved and would be more divers in tactics and skill.

let me know what you think

TTInquisitor gefällt das.
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

my opinions on the rules:

  • timer starts as usual with the first movement/teleport
  • bounty chests should be allowed
  • time stops when the last boss drops its items
  • boss order should not be specifoed by the rules
  • please give me a console cathegory for this :-)

the question about vidian is difficult. he is a new boss and there could be possibly even more in the future if blizzards wants to. then teh cathegory would need to be updated and all rusn so far would be invalid. therefore I wote aginst including vidian and keeping just the original bosses in

GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

this sound way better than NG+! Routing could be interesting as which boss one does first or if one would need grind a level or 2 before fighting the next boss. looking forward to it.

GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

Level cathegories would only be possible for NG+ as you can't start a new game from act 2 etc. NG+ runs are very fast being sub 1 h. Therefore I don't see the need in having cathegories for the individual acts. That's my opinion at least.

naxy gefällt das.
Thread: Dota 2
GermanyTheLaughingMax6 years ago

Thanks, but the problem I have is to predict ai behaviour as good as I would need to get a good time for rosh runs. Probably gonna give up this cathegory.

For lvl 25 I was rather thinking about meepo farming all lanes and jungeling...

TheLaughingMax Informationen
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