Thread: Jazzpunk
United StatesTeletack7 years ago

I like All Achievements but the problem I have with it is that resetting Steam Achievements is a pain that requires downloading some third party software, which I would never recommend anyone do on my behalf. There have been several runners that did all achievement runs and I think the easiest way to keep track is using splits like so: . The tallies in the credits was another option for a category that could add a few more activities in the game, but I don't fully remember what that entails. I wouldn't consider either category 100%, especially since Jazzpunk doesn't have a percentage monitor to show how much you completed.

TL;DR, run the game however you want and just have fun with it.

Thread: Jazzpunk
United StatesTeletack7 years ago

Here's what I found with a few minutes of testing:

If there is a way for the ukulele to be grabbed OOB you could be able to warp back inbounds with a save/load. This could be made possible because there is a wedding cake about two or three rooms down on the left of the 4th floor from where you begin Night Resort (you'll need the master key from the bellhop again as I don't think you carry the one from the previous Kai Tak level). So what you would do is activate the cake in the room, find a way to grab the ukulele, then save/load and you can warp just outside the room. I didn't fully test this sequence but save/loads did warp me outside the room from inside it.

I've also considered maybe you could use another item that creates a hitbox as an alternative to the ukulele, however I did not have any success with that yet. Below the other pool behind the hotel (one with the bar) there is a can of spray cheese OOB that I tried on the pig, but it did not work. I tried searching for other items, but nothing I found had a swinging animation (hotel key, metal detector). There was a ukulele hanging on the wall in your original hotel room but I couldn't pick that up :(

In summary, it's going to take quite a bit of digging to skip the long Night Resort cutscene if there even is a way, and getting the OOB ukulele seems like the only possibility right now. Reminder I did not do an exhaustive search of the level, although I did some coverage including hotel rooms on various floors. This was what I found for a few minutes of investigating and I could do more after I'm done with work in a few hours.

Thread: Jazzpunk
United StatesTeletack7 years ago

I doubt cake warping back after grabbing the ukulele will work. Remember Kai Tak Resort and Night Resort are considered 2 different levels by the game, and the game will softlock when trying to enter Kai Tak after completing the level the first time.

What you could do is create a new save file in Night Resort before heading to the pool. Optimally, I would create it probably by the elevator on the 4th floor so you load warp back there then jump off the other side to the exit. This is of course permitting grabbing the ukulele early is feasible.

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Thread: Jazzpunk
United StatesTeletack7 years ago

I did some testing with this with no success so far unfortunately. The stool does transport you back after you do the save/load, but I couldn't replicate this when I did the stool save/load and then tried to warp back to the beginning at a different part of the level. This included inside the lucky cat restaurant, in front of the restaurant, and when you picked up the kidney. I tried other activities to see if they would warp you back like using the payphone, picking up the ramen bowl at the stand by the restaurant, and entering the vase shop. Unfortunately all of those loaded you into the same place.

Also, I don't think the stool warp would save time when heading back to the metro with the kidney (i.e., warping behind the last set of trench coats). The reason is it warps you to the level begin marker by the metro turnstile, so you have to turn around and walk up the stairs to trigger the level to end. So taking that into account it's probably just easier to go through the trench coats the normal way.

There could be other things that I missed but so far it's just a little wonky to be added in the route.

Thread: Jazzpunk
United StatesTeletack7 years ago

Hey, cool find!

It definitely looks like it saves time, but I don't know if it would be practical in a run if it uses console commands. I'm open to input on the subject about using it since there technically isn't a rule stating you can't.

Thanks for sharing!

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Thread: Jazzpunk
United StatesTeletack8 years ago

I would be interested in trying out the patchless version, also if there's a guide for running that version as well that would be helpful.

You can check my Steam library for proof that I own a copy of Jazzpunk. My Steam tag is the same name as registered here.

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