CanadaTFatOCat5 years ago

G.O.A.T/Career mode has been overhauled.

You can now submit a time for one belt, two belts, or GOAT being earned in Career mode, meaning you no longer have to go for GOAT if you don't feel like it. I also updated the rules a bit.

CanadaTFatOCat5 years ago

I verified the current WR holder today and have adjusted all previous runs submitted to the board to have their Champ times end at the beginning of the cutscene announcing they are the champion.

I'm going to overhaul the career mode leaderboard sometime to properly account for Champ, Double Champ, and Goat sometime in the next few days. Right now Champ and Double Champ are squished together and G.O.A.T does not even appear as an option on the list, so I'm going to fix that.

That's all.

AJGravy und
gefällt das.
CanadaTFatOCat5 years ago

Yup, we would prefer runs with an overlay timer on-screen now (needs to have milliseconds) as people are all starting to get around the same amount of time and it will be difficult to determine who has the WR just based off seconds alone. Thanks for asking

CanadaTFatOCat5 years ago

Yup, we would prefer runs with an overlay timer on-screen now (needs to have milliseconds) as people are all starting to get around the same amount of time and it will be difficult to determine who has the WR just based off seconds alone. Thanks for asking

CanadaTFatOCat5 years ago

There has been an update released for the game a little while ago called 1.1.6.

The Castle Skip is no longer seemingly possible in this version and various other things were changed so I removed the no castle skip category and instead replaced it with 1.1.6

Edit: Update list is here if you want to see changes:


CanadaTFatOCat5 years ago

If for whatever reason I go inactive for a long time again, you can contact me via this thread (I'll have notifications enabled)

Or through my YouTube channel (I may not get the notification as it can be inconsistent, but since I'm more active on there again, you can try)

Thread: The Site
CanadaTFatOCat5 years ago

@Liv Ok, will do. Thanks!

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
CanadaTFatOCat5 years ago

Hi, we are considering the idea of no CAF versions of the current categories, thanks for the suggestion!

Thread: The Site
CanadaTFatOCat5 years ago

Hi, we have a third, inactive mod who is a part of our leaderboard for UFC 3.

He had created an account 3 months ago and has only been active for one month before seemingly disappearing completely. I took a look at all the account he has linked to in his speedrun.com account and none of them have been active since January, including his own speedrun.com account. We think that they likely got excited to become a moderator of the UFC3 community before they quickly lost motivation about a month later, and they abandoned their accounts.

His/her name is @SimonShelbyMMAOnline

Me and the other moderator agreed that it would be best if they were removed from the UFC3 leaderboard as if any person in the community tried to contact them, they would receive no answer from them due to their inactivity. However, our issue comes from the fact that they are a supermod, just like me and other moderator, and as such we cannot remove them ourselves.

Thank you!

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
CanadaTFatOCat6 years ago

Sorry I haven't been active the past while. Been busy with life. I'll add those two as sub categories.

CanadaTFatOCat6 years ago

My apologies, it has just been verified.

When I verified your G.O.A.T run I thought that I also had verified your KO run. Clearly i was wrong. Sorry again.

Matumbro und VaultDude21 gefällt das.
CanadaTFatOCat6 years ago


You may be wondering why both the "Single Player KO" and "Leg Kick KO" have been wiped.

Both these leaderboards were bugged and incorrectly showed which place people were in. For example, @Matumbro has beaten my Leg Kick KO by 10 seconds, however, he is still put in second place. It is unfair for him to be put below me in second place when he clearly beat my score. We are unsure why this has happened. Our solution is to wipe these two leaderboards.

Unfortunately this means you will have to resubmit your times again. We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

VaultDude21 gefällt das.
CanadaTFatOCat7 years ago

Hi, I think it would be a good idea to add milliseconds as in option from now on. It does not seem like there may be any new skips any time soon unless a major one is found and I imagine any new WR or time earned will be very close to each other so I think it may be best to have milliseconds added just in case. What do you think of my idea?

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