Thread: Everblue 2
United StatesSpagetiMetbul1 year ago

Now that our little community seems to be growing, we should open up and talk about the problems with 100%. Mostly the issue with getting to the sacred area.

The sacred area contains a unique fish to complete the marine guide, a stone marker, as well as just being it's own thing to complete the message board. So it's hard to eliminate so much from the category.

The problem is, I think it is impossible to get there without using the dolphin suit. The depths are too much, and your health just gets destroyed with anything else, and the 3 Minute Suit + Accelerator only gets you about half-way.

The dolphin suit is acquired from raising the hotel rating, which is RNG but not really an issue. The biggest problem is getting the Hotel plans. You get them from Iron Natalie for picking up the 4-Ton truck in the Ferry and showing it to her. In order to do this you need 8500 HP, and I'm pretty certain that HP is raised by total dive time.

You can easily do everything else required for 100% way before the total dive time is long enough to reach 8500 HP. So the category would devolve into doing everything, waiting around underwater for awhile, then RNG hotel to finish. This is far less competitive and not fun.

Looking for suggestions on how to shape the category. Obviously finding a way to do the well without the dolphin suit would be the best option - as we can just eliminate building the hotel from the category requirements. Or do we say everything except the sacred area?

What does everyone else think?

Thread: Everblue 2
United StatesSpagetiMetbul1 year ago

We won't make it a mandatory rule for now. But we can say that the run will be verified quicker with some kind of controller overlay

Thread: Everblue 2
United StatesSpagetiMetbul1 year ago

I don't see any reason to ban either platform. If it is known that emulator has faster load times, then that is the preferred platform to make serious attempts.

Just moving the right stick in a circle will skip text very fast (with X needed to select the text choices). I think we still ban turbo, since it isn't a native feature with the system, but it shouldn't be that much of a problem (and will be easier to detect) considering the right stick discovery.

If the other runners agree, we could mandate some kind of controller button overlay to be visible on future runs to show proof of no turbo. What does everyone else think?

ftsh gefällt das.
Thread: Everblue 2
United StatesSpagetiMetbul1 year ago

From what I know there isn't any info on the subject. Any information on it is welcome if you are able to study the difference in load times. I personally don't have a PS2 compare times.

From experience years ago with the PS2, I haven't noticed anything different other than the environment rendering that you mentioned.

For now, unless this game gets significantly more popular, there isn't much of a reason to split the platforms into different categories. So feel free to run on whatever you wish if you do give it a go.

Good luck

Thread: Everblue 2
United StatesSpagetiMetbul2 years ago

I would recommend trying it out with turbo first, to see if it is better.

I feel like it could cause some problems in some places. Such as when you need to select an answer different from the default (salvage race) or it could select a repeat dialogue a lot more often.

Thread: Everblue 2
United StatesSpagetiMetbul2 years ago

I agree that mashing can get annoying. But I think that if we want that, at least for now, it should be a separate category.

If more people run the game, we can talk about combining them in the future.

Let me know if you want me to add the category.

Thread: Everblue 2
United StatesSpagetiMetbul2 years ago

Are you referring to an emulator only feature? I don't believe the game has a native turbo mode

Thread: Empire Earth
United StatesSpagetiMetbul3 years ago

Ok. So I got WR in all the Greek Scenarios without changing the speed, then did a full run of the Greek Campaign using Real Time (since it is already set to RT).

My conclusion is that the IGT does help a bunch with keeping pace, but RT adds a lot more precision with things like selecting civ points that pause the IGT. It is also a lot harder to do these on 2.5x. I still think everything should move to RT, but I'll probably go through them all the same way. This won't change unless other people run this game anyway.

Here is the full Greek Campaign if you're interested:

Thread: Empire Earth
United StatesSpagetiMetbul3 years ago

Tried this 5-6 times. It's much more fun going this fast and should be more fun to watch.

Did it in 2:51 RT. 6:45 IGT

beardtake gefällt das.
Thread: Empire Earth
United StatesSpagetiMetbul3 years ago

Lol. You are right! It seems my + button was broken on my keyboard. Been clicking it every time to speed up and it wasn't doing anything. I thought it was already set at highest, and still felt a bit slow. Lol. I changed to my other keyboard and it went a lot faster. I'll have to redo them for real time, since I already WR the 2nd one too. I probably never would have noticed if you didn't say anything, Thanks!

Second point, I know that already. Twitch just deletes the raw broadcasts after a few weeks. If you clip out sections of the broadcasts (these videos) then they stay forever.

Thread: Empire Earth
United StatesSpagetiMetbul3 years ago

Well after a few more attempts I cleaned it up to 6:18 IGT and 4:21 RT.

WR either way

Thread: Empire Earth
United StatesSpagetiMetbul3 years ago

I tried out the first Greek campaign one tonight.

Surprisingly I wasn't too far off the top IGT at 6:33. It's 4:32 real time Video here:

Thread: Empire Earth
United StatesSpagetiMetbul3 years ago

Most games have abandoned in game time because of some of these same issues.

Standard speed is still slow. Real time will force players to increase to very fast speed, which also forces players to actually be good at the game (think and perform faster) to have better times. The top time is 6 mins for the first Greek scenario and has a 12 min real time video. Something has to change here.

This is literally preventing me from wanting to run the game. Years of online play make it impossible to sit there and wait for standard speed to finish anything. Wouldn't be fun to try.

Thread: Empire Earth
United StatesSpagetiMetbul3 years ago

Why do these level runs all use in game time?

This is supposed to be a Speedrun. Using in game time encourages the runs to take longer real time since you can adjust the speed during campaigns. This makes no sense.

beardtake und HexTree gefällt das.
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