Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr2 years ago

Si tu veux il existe deux discord qui pourrait t'être utile:

FF9 speedrun pour francophone: https://discord.gg/kFVy23Q9 FF9 speedrun international: https://discord.gg/EgPyRVyg

Razorbam und ceaselessly gefällt das.
Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr3 years ago

You need to have a save file with the game finished.

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr3 years ago

There is no autosplitter for FF1 PSP. Feels free to make one if you whish

Apock212, Shanezell, und JonesTheMantis gefällt das.
Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr3 years ago

Here is my though (sorry for grammars/synthaxes) I'm intel user

I ran the game before the fix came up. I always complainned during my stream like " wtf this lag " " man, i'm sure i lose time here because of lag " I was getting used to it in the end. But dodges were hard when random drop fps. Bridge 2, bart's fight are massive fps drop.

Running with fix make the game perform better, smoother. But not faster. I still got drops randomly everytime on same place and in every chapter. Since i know where i'll get it it doesn't affect me that much nor the gameplay.

It's not because i was getting used to run with massive drop, i want it back. Definitvely not.

The problem came up with AMD which made the game running faster. Not only smoother I wouldn't mind much if it was small difference like less than 1min. But i understand for fair competition and wr it's difficult to accept it.

Like Daspharao i think if the final decision is to ban it ( which is understable ). I'll keep running with it and no submit my run.

AMD speedup might need more data, research to have really precise how much it saves.

Here is an option i propose. ( probably not the best but maybe simpliest):

1_ Do not change time nor adjust/modify

Add Filter: amd/intel ( incluing that everyone is using fix ) Add in rule : For reference ad like 1% time to amd user. (which would be around 2.30min in 4h50 time.)

This allow to have everyone running, getting into ldb.

The down side is for wr time i've no clue how to handle since we don't know how much time save amd over intel.

I've not better idea to handle this problems. Unless beeing strict like pokemon ldb and force no fix.

2_ Separate AMD/INTEL like we would separate PAL/NTSC-U/JP

Best regards Soma

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr4 years ago

i'd say, nowaday vba isn't accurate (it's faster than console). mGBA core is the preferred or regular mGba emulator.

You can use save state for practice, but not for runs.

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr4 years ago

Just run the one you want :) Me and Dahlia used citra as emulator. You can find rom with some search.

GL and HF

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr4 years ago

I never push my run in FF8 because you save lot of time with win7 (i had it on bad pc when i ran it). But then my new pc couldn't get win7. So i drop the idea of speedrunning FF8, that i told a lot to Kaivel.

So i'd be for option 3 or 4.

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr4 years ago

We had a co-op category year ago. it was same rule as any% on runner did child part then 2nd one did adult part. We decide to remove it because only one run were submit and it's kind of a fun category.

So just do run and then maybe we will discuss about redo the category.

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr4 years ago

Thanks for the report, i didn't play it yet i only had few back from Neoslash.

Oh nice to know Bejeweled easier i saw Neoslash saving like 2min30 over me in that split. And i was like PogChamp. If it's easier that nice for 100% run.

I want to say, maybe we can discuss it but Legendary will go as current patch. it's anyway faster than previous version dispite few loading time longer.

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr4 years ago

To me easy never been a "meme", just nobody ran/route it. I personnaly will not learn it and keep running any% normal.

Now about "rules", I agree about not changing difficulties in run. And be like KH series or Re4 for example. Re4 as multiple supports, difficulties it shouldn't be a problem to make leaderboard clean for FF13.

You can check it here: https://www.speedrun.com/re4console

Aside that i think, if someone route it and if 3+ runners go for it, we shouldn't be mindclose to not open an Any% free difficulties.

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr5 years ago

I suggest watch runs and write your own note/route. You can take romi's one as starter. That way you'll learn faster the game.

I don't know Romi's route/note, i did my own route very similar to Souki_ao but optimized. (iirc i could still improve some part)

I could like share mine but tbh it's in half french and english, It miss chests/back-up and some stuff i didn't need to write.

catnip gefällt das.
Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr5 years ago

Hey great idea, hope this will help :)

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr5 years ago

Enemies have reduced HP Staggered enemies take more damage Doom counter gives more time Common drop chance increased Rare drop chance decreased

then i don't know much about easy :p

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr5 years ago

Feel free to run the game :)

But for knowledge I just did quick comparison with this emulator, transition are almost two times faster.

Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr5 years ago

Imo it should be nice you get that information. Because game were patches, some majors glitches are not anymore avaible and some are doable it's kinda different. Also i assume Neoslash don't want a proper new category but more likely a version/patch information. This doesn't make obsolete wr, nor make new one. But clarrify between runners who want play it steam version.

Best regards.

Thread: Speedrunning
Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr7 years ago

re4 GC

Pat_Speedruns gefällt das.
Lorraine, FranceSoma_sr7 years ago

You save in front of ultimecia castle, press [esc] to exit game relaunch it, load. and for the party, either 2sc or walk 9 steps. ircc

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