NorwaySkyreon1 year ago

If you'd like to connect with other runners this is the place to be!

Windward6 gefällt das.
NorwaySkyreon4 years ago

If you'd like to connect with other runners this is the place to be!

andyrockin123 gefällt das.
NorwaySkyreon6 years ago

[big]Ivy and I created a new category called '100%'. The definition and route can be viewed here: [/big]


I personally think this category is interesting enough to be featured on the leaderboards. Of course, there's no point in adding it to the leaderboards if only a couple of people run it. Therefore I encourage people to check it out and give it a shot. You'll find yourself going to new places where you do plenty of unique movement and boosts to get quest-related items while still ploughing through levels.


Why don't you collect all tinderboxes and oil? -You're not rewarded with anything besides an achievement (tinderboxes)


Yeah, being rewarded with an achievement sounds great, so get all achievements, besides, wouldn't that be a better name for this category? -Unfortunately it's not that simple. You need to play Justine and AFK for ~10 minutes to get a few of the achievements. This category focuses on TDD and waiting like that doesn't seem right anyway.


Why not collect all items at least? -You lose all items except the lantern by the end, so there is no indicator on the pause screen tracking your item progress, other than progressing through the game, where we go out of bounds to access places early, skipping a ton of items, anyway. 100% glitchless would be better suited for that kind of definition.


Why save Agrippa? -Feels more wholesome, uses a bunch of additional "100%-esque" items and provides a different/better ending.

NorwaySkyreon6 years ago

[This thread is a mirror from the Amnesia series forum by Nosferatu. I thought it would be quite useful to have this posted here as well as most people don't know there's a forum for all the Amnesia games.]

This is a compilation of resources and guides that should help you get setup before you start running the game.

This is NOT a guide for individual tricks or how to do the run itself. There are resources for that type of stuff linked here though.

SDA Thread for Amnesia: The Dark Descent -

SDA Thread for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs -

These two threads have been the main hub for posting new glitches/strats/routes found in both games that are useful to their speedruns. There’s 4 years’ worth of research in these threads so if you want to familiarize yourself with the history of Amnesia speedruns or if you want a single source that lists all the tricks used in runs over the years, this is a good place to look.

Leaderboards for Amnesia: The Dark Descent -

Leaderboards for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs -

If you prefer learning the run from videos of other people’s runs then this website offers you a good pool to choose from.

Enabling Quick Saves/Loads and the Debug Toolbar –

While these may not be allowed during runs, they are extremely helpful tools for when you want to practice. Quick Saves/Loads will save you a lot of trouble during practice by removing the need to back out to the main menu each time you want to manually save or load. The Debug Toolbar will give you a plethora of information, such as a detailed view of the physics in each level and the ability to teleport to checkpoints on each map.

Here’s a list of steps showing you how to enable each:

  1. Ensure Amnesia is not currently running on your computer

  2. Find your “Amnesia” folder (usually located in My Documents)

  3. Navigate to whichever game you will be running (“Main” for Amnesia: The Dark Descent and “Pig” for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)

  4. Open main_settings.cfg in Notepad or really any text editor

  5. Alter the text LoadDebugMenu="false" to LoadDebugMenu="true" (this will enable the Debug Toolbar for you, simply press F1 while in-game and it will popup)

  6. Save and close main_settings.cfg

  7. Navigate to your profile’s folder (located in the same folder as main_settings.cfg)

  8. Open user_settings.cfg in Notepad or really any text editor

  9. Alter the text AllowQuickSave="false" to AllowQuickSave="true" (this will enable Quicksaving and Loading, simply press F4 to make a quicksave in-game and F5 to load your latest save)

  10. Save and close user_settings.cfg

Keybinds for Amnesia: The Dark Descent –

There are several glitches in the Amnesia games that require odd keybinds, such as have jump bound to your mouse’s scroll wheel or binding your crouch key to something farther away from Shift so it’s easier to crouch while running. Well the most recent patch for Amnesia: The Dark Descent messed up your ability to change your secondary keybinds in-game. You can still alter the secondary keybinds via the user_keys.cfg file which I will explain now.

  1. Ensure Amnesia is not currently running on your computer

  2. Find your “Amnesia” folder (usually located in My Documents)

  3. Navigate to the “Main” folder

  4. Navigate to your profile’s folder

  5. Open user_keys.cfg

  6. From here it depends on what keybinds you want for each action. For example, if you want the primary keybind for jump to be mouse wheel down and the secondary keybind to be mouse wheel up you would alter the jump line to read as follows: Jump Primary="MouseButton.WheelDown" Secondary="MouseButton.WheelUp"

If you want crouch’s secondary keybind to be something on the keyboard such as F you would alter the crouch line to read as follows: Crouch Primary=" Keyboard.LeftControl " Secondary="Keyboard.F"

Disable Death Hints –

Every time you die in Amnesia: The Dark Descent there’s a death message that pops up if you don’t have the option disabled. Disabling this option in the main menu will cut off 6 seconds per death in the run, and since you are required to die at least once to get to the Cells level, it is always worth it.

One last thing… if you’re going to be streaming either Amnesia and you use OBS to stream, you need to set the game capture’s gamma in OBS since OBS doesn’t automatically detect and stream the gamma set in-game. Here’s a quick way to set that up:

  1. Start Amnesia and OBS

  2. Find out what gamma you want the stream to see by going into Amnesia and checking out how each setting looks in-game (I recommend 1.6 gamma for the stream)

  3. Open OBS and find the game capture for Amnesia

  4. Right-click the game capture and open its Properties

  5. There you will find the game capture’s gamma setting and set it to whatever you found looked best in step 2

Edit: Clicking Away Loading Screens -

In-game time is calculated by removing the time spent in between levels. However, Amnesia loads a level before the load screen fully disappears. A level will be fully loaded as soon as the loading screen text begins to move up the screen. Letting this text scroll up is counted as game time by the Livesplit plugin and should be avoided. Luckily, all you need to do is left-mouse click (hold) while the text is scrolling up the screen (can be buffered by holding as soon as the text appears) and the load screen will instantly fade and load you into the level. As insignificant as this seems, clicking away loads ends up saving over a minute across the 34 load screens.

If anyone can think of anything else I should include in this let me know.

NorwaySkyreon6 years ago


Be sure to check out the 'Guides' section as it may contain the answers you're looking for.

waz00 gefällt das.
NorwaySkyreon7 years ago


Small feature which I think would be kinda cool. Liking a run, very similar to liking a forum post. Not on the leaderboards itself of course, but after clicking on a run. Example:

'Submitted by X' 'Verified by Y' 'Liked by n players'

Cheers :)

NihilistComedyHour gefällt das.
NorwaySkyreon7 years ago


The colours here are dull and doesn't represent SFA very well imo.

When browsing the forums or guides section the index and section names are almost exactly the same colour as the description, making them blend instead of separate.

Based off of the cover picture, yellow/orange and blue seem to fit better.

Click here to see an example. A bit harsh tint of blue but you get the picture.

WaverlyPants und Ikarios gefällt das.
NorwaySkyreon7 years ago

Is there one program in particular that most of you guys use?

NorwaySkyreon8 years ago

"Drag the included Amnesia.exe, Launcher.exe and "maps" folder into the install folder, and let it overwrite the files"

Maps folder? I only see Amnesia, Launcher and Readme.

NorwaySkyreon8 years ago

Hi could someone link me the super easy way of skipping up the broken stairs in Entrance Hall? I've forgotten the visual cue.

I'm talking about the one where you basically just hold W and jump with a good angle, but please post a video showcasing all the strats if there is one.

Any and all help appreciated.

NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

Tons of info in the early days of the community can be found on TGC's forums!

NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

Dedicated Journey players made their own website for discussing hacked save files, fancy flying etc.

NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

Hi there!

There exists many speedruns of White Robe Any%, White Robe All Symbols, Red Robe Any% and Red Robe All Symbols out on YouTube. It'd be nice to see the leaderboards here blossom with all of the times that there are (and more of course)!

Adding more times, finding a suitable background image for /Journey etc., would be nice :)

Edit: ^before I became a moderator. Still need to figure out start timing for all categories though! -31st, March, 2015

OodiGames gefällt das.
NorwaySkyreon10 years ago

There are several differences between the versions of this game. The most notable version difference is that the Wii version can skip cutscenes on New Game. However we recently discovered that the Japanese Wii version cannot skip cutscenes on New Game, whereas the NTSC-U and PAL versions can.

-The Playstation 2 version has good controls but slow menu and load times. -The Wii version has bad controls as well as slow menu and load times. -The HD remake on Playstation 3 has good controls as well as a fast menu and load times.

NorwaySkyreon10 years ago

First of all, I apologise if this has already been asked somewhere! Also sorry if this wasn't the correct section of the forums to post this.

For speedruns of Okami we use IGT, but when submitting a run you have to add real time to your submission. Is there a way these can be swapped? It would be great if either

  1. Your submission HAD to have IGT (and COULD have real time too if you wanted)
  2. Or it was possible to "hide" real time for Okami leaderboards by default

Now of course there's always the option of putting your IGT as "time" and leave "in-game time" blank. Question: if all submissions did this, would the "in-game time" row be automatically removed? If yes then that would work out :)

I'm sure runners of other games where IGT is used would appreciate a post like this

NorwaySkyreon10 years ago

It takes 0.86 seconds to pause and check if you got the KT jump. This means that for every KT jump you can save almost one whole second. You perform quite a bit of KTs throughout the entire run.

If a run was done with bufferless KTs only and great consistency, it would save several minutes over the WR.

NorwaySkyreon10 years ago

Use this thread to post information regarding new strats, optimal movement, theories and such! Preferably provide a video of your strat too.

NorwaySkyreon10 years ago


  • Cornchunks
  • CriticalCyd
  • Kinnin11
  • Kyzirado
  • Lyriati
  • tnkn_27kan [/big] Inactive
  • 520
  • Chrono23
  • Danek468
  • Demoon9
  • enraku_E
  • FourPieces
  • Ghoti1482
  • Groobo
  • HatterOz
  • IngsGamingSanctum
  • Kwanzai
  • lEternalDarkness
  • littlesquare
  • Molten_
  • PillsOfDeath
  • RingEnergy
  • Ryujin_SR
  • Skyreon
  • STierGameFreak
  • turke
  • wedc517
  • WolfFreak
Skyreon Informationen
10 years ago
3 days ago
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