Thread: Speedrunning
Shekill5 years ago

I think i will name it "multi-segment" as it seems to be the most common therm. Maybe I'll precise that a segment should only start at the begining of a level or save point. ( To avoid TAS like optimisation of segments)

I have another issue : The character creation of this game is pretty long, and not interesting. Also given stats to new characters are random. So, by recreating a character again and again (and with luck), you can have better characters. So I hesitate between two rules :

  • Start the timer at the first input, but only after the character creation. (so before the run, players will do the best possible rolls)
  • Take the character creation time in the timer, but this will be not interesting and luck based. (and less importantly force the players name to be random)

What do you think would be the best option?

Thread: Speedrunning
Shekill5 years ago

This is this game : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blaze_and_Blade:_Eternal_Quest What is an RTA run?

Yes I will add a youtube account once the video will be uploaded.

Edit : Maybe i'll consider creating a youtube channel, uploading the segments when its done (one per day for exemple), then request on this site when all videos are uploaded? (the final time would be the sum of all videos time)

Thread: Speedrunning
Shekill5 years ago


I intent to speeedrun a game that is not on the site yet. It is a long RPG on PS1. I would like to :

  • Use a emulator.
  • As the run should be long (several hours), stop the run and the record, then restart where I stopped the next day (after some sleep :) )

Then the final video would be all the sperated videos gathered.

Is this allowed on this site? Or is it considered as "Tool assisted" ?

Thanks in advance

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