Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou315 years ago

Hi there. So both Metako and myself finished a run and have video proof for it. Would that be ok in order to submit?

Aneonplays gefällt das.
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou316 years ago

Got a sub 14h on all bosses:

Aneonplays gefällt das.
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou316 years ago

Here's my last run. (The previous one was probably against the rules because I purposely suicided Zidane after Zaghnol because I got trance on him so I killed him fast then went on another fight to suicide and make him lose, and didn't knew it was forbidden. This one is faster anyway.)

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou316 years ago

But I'm curious about a new route. A huge change would be to do ozma disc 4. That would allow to get excalibur 2, but that would probably mean skipping some frogs on disc 3.

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou316 years ago

I got unlucky on frogs but this route has the potential to sub 14 hours. I'll do more tries soon ;)

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou316 years ago

There it is:

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou316 years ago

Well at first I didn't agree with fighting red dragons so I can understand, but I also don't agree with putting Beatrix 1 to 0hp because you don't defeat her anyway, she defeats you. Waiting or getting her to 0 hp doesn't change that outcome. But my opinion doesn't really matter, what matters is that we can all agree on rules. If we succed to do that by voting for each boss or by proposing our own detailed rules, both solutions are fine with me. For now here's the temporary solution I'll use:

-getting masked man, steiner 2 and beatrix 1 to 0hp -beat zaghnol -fight armodullahan -do the 3 red dragons fights

That way, even if the rules change the run will still be valid. (unless we decide something like fighting treno monsters, but nobody seems to want that) Like you would not invalidate an any % run because the runner decide to fight Hades, it's just that it's a timeloss so it would be stupid to do it.

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou316 years ago

Hi Odin and Cereth. We have a discussion group on discord. I'll ask Mizzow if he can send you an invitation if you don't mind joining? I'll just answer this here: we had discussions (especially about red dragons and zaghnol) and yes we agreed on the list of ennemies.

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou317 years ago

I've added you on discord ;) Also I'll have time this week I'll write the notes for sure. About Armodullahan the thing is that you can't defeat it. If you fight an ko it you have to flee to continue. The thing about early fights is that suiciding or do the fight changes nothing to the outcome so I'd say suicide is just a way to beat the opponnent. It's the same for Beatrix 1, you can fight or wait 8/10 turns the outcome is the same. What's the heavy status?

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou317 years ago

Hi Mizzow. Don't worry as I said earlier I'll post my notes here soon. The requirements on the run I did were: -Beat Quale -Beat Tantarian -Beat Ozma -Beat Hades -And of course beat Necron.

I chose those ones because they're clearly intended to be some of the hardest fights in the game but of course depending on how you define a boss you could add a lot of fights. Like Zagnhol during festival of the hunt or Yana monsters could be considered "unique" fights because you can't choose your party here, some have unique hp etc...If you decide that a boss can't give you xp then all the ones in the list would not be bosses but Zaghnol could be. I'm also aware that the fact that the fight is hard is not enough to define a boss. A boss can be easy. Also the fact that Quale is a hard fight is arguable. So what do you guys think?

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou317 years ago

Hi Metako. First sorry for my late answer didn't check the forum for a while. I actually only have short written notes but I suppose I could write a short guide on a google doc. I can't make a full guide because my menus are not optimised at all (plus I use no tantarian menus, and Tantarian would probably be a lot better for all bosses) but I can a least describe the route, the bosses strats, some knowledge about frogs and important menus. Like the main thing about the route is to not go for excalibur 2. This allows to not rush disc 3 and get a lot of frogs there. When I'll be done with the guide I'll post it here ;)

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou317 years ago

Hi Zwanzig. I'm pretty sure Metako and Krob also did a run but i don't want to force anything if they don't want to submit. But it would be cool to have a leaderboard for this category. (Like it's more legit than fleeless Kappa) In any case thanks for your answer.

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSergeBenamou317 years ago

Hi everyone. I just finished an all bosses speedrun and wanted to know if there's a way to submit it on speedrun.com. Here's a link if you're interested:

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