Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

So cloooose. We need to find a way to make Ed choke the 3rd shot for sub 2

Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

Don't know which category you are going to run, but Any% has a few more banned emulators because they don't emulate the wrong warp accurately. These are Virtual Console, NESClassic, BizHawk (QuickNES core), RetroArch (QuickNES core). Other than that you're basically free to use any emulator.

X3NOD gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

1 warp actually stinks. All you do is you take noWW and then add the worst world to it lmao. Who doesn't love clipping 7-1, playing 7-4, clipping 7-6, playing 7-9, 7-F2 AND 8-F and get screwed by hands after a combo of not 2, but 3 autoscrollers! One of the worst CE if you ask me.

thenesmaster, yatokami9 und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

As it stands right now, we'd be dividing an already small category if we did that. There's also the issue of which one would deserve it more to be on the main board (WW or noWW). It can also be confusing for others if two versions of the same category are on different boards. I'd rather use subcategories or add a column for Wrong Warp (yes/no) and have both versions together on either main or extensions.

I do agree that the wrong warp can be intimidating for new runners, but there is a routing guide for the old route which should alleviate that. I think it's a bigger problem that people can't be competitive in that category without going for a trick that can just straight up crash your console if you make a tiny mistake.

thenesmaster, Rh4kor, und brocis420 gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

Oh I totally agree with that. I'm not sure how active All Fortresses was before it moved, but moving it to CE definitely didn't do it any favors.

thenesmaster gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

For now we don't have any plans of moving All Fortresses back to the main leaderboards. The community also seems quite divided on where it belongs and without a clear majority we won't make any changes.

Rh4kor und thenesmaster gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

This is the last thing I'm going to add to this topic since we're not getting anywhere.

The main point of a leaderboard is to compete against other players. A good competitive category will become popular. The opposite isn't always true. A category can also be popular because it's easy and a lot of people can submit without any real effort.

ILs fall into the 'popular because easy' category. So far the only people that I've seen are interested in ILs are people who haven't invested a lot of time in any of the main categories. I do want to listen to everyone's ideas, but the opinions of people who are active in the community are more important than the opinions of people who aren't very active.

Category Extensions are meant to be the place for meme categories and categories that weren't deemed fit for the main boards. So I don't appreciate you taking a dig at the categories we currently have.

Rh4kor, polsvoice und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

I don't see any value in ILs since they always end up being a leaderboard with 30 people sharing the WR and 1 person being a second slower.

Pear, brocis420 und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago
Dieser Kommentar wurde gelöscht
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

So far we've already have two categories that got 5+ runners and made it out of the misc. tab. Congratulations to Poop Block% and Small Mario Only 97%!

Great to see people are showing interest in running the new categories, proving the success of the new changes. Now let's see if more categories can follow!

GungeonLover und Rh4kor gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico3 years ago

100% coinless sounds more fun as a challenge run than a speedrun, but I haven't tried it myself yet.

Rh4kor gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico3 years ago

It's all about 100% pain LUL

Rh4kor gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico3 years ago

We have been thinking about the way we decided to add new categories to the CE leaderboard. We used to only add new categories if the community showed enough interest in it. This made it difficult for people with new ideas to get people to play their categories, because the majority of runners only play existing categories.

So now we've come up with the following: If you have a new category idea, reply to this forum post and we'll add it to the miscellaneous tab. Make sure you have a finished run to showcase your category.

When a category gets big enough (5+ runners) we'll move it from the misc. tab and make it a proper CE category. If the category doesn't achieve this within 3 months, we will delete it since the community has shown no interest in running it.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to let us know.

Edit: changed the deletion criteria to keep the misc. tab as a 'trial' tab like we intended.

beardylocks, yatokami9 und 8 Andere gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico3 years ago

S+Q has been tested and unfortunately it's not faster.

Cookie1284, Pear, und Rh4kor gefällt das.
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico3 years ago

Right now RetroArch is allowed. However, if we do find out that it gives an advantage over original hardware like it does for SMB1/2, it will get banned. We haven't seen (many) high level runs on the RetroArch, so the topic never came up before.

Rh4kor gefällt das.
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