Thread: Gods
Ohio, USASandbagX8 months ago

This is my way. Make sure the foot is as close as possible to the crack without 'touching' it. You can make it by using buffered jumps (Hold Jump + Left)

Thread: Gods
Ohio, USASandbagX8 months ago

One thing I did discover on my own was another glitch after beating the final boss.

If you die on the same frame as the game counts down your bonus, an underflow glitch results on your health score. The result being you get over 16 minutes of countdown time and over 6 million points!!

Thread: Gods
Ohio, USASandbagX8 months ago

Can anyone explain how the 4-3 clip works and if it can be replicated in the Genesis, or any other version?

Ohio, USASandbagX2 years ago

I think the 4 year reign is about to come to an end.

Thread: Chuck Rock
Ohio, USASandbagX3 years ago

The run by koffingrockz is no longer being displayed here or on twitch.

Ohio, USASandbagX3 years ago

It is an advanced trick, which starts before the beginning of the boss fight. Basically it results in one of the superzombies being stuck off-screen taking damage and eventually defeated, leaving you with just the 1 superzombie to deal with. You'll need to look up the video to see how its done.

Ohio, USASandbagX3 years ago

If someone eventually finds a consistent strat to beat Mr. Big quickly, then REV00 would likely be faster.

Ohio, USASandbagX4 years ago

For reference, the in-game time is calculated to be 16:52, which is 7 seconds faster than the 16:59 in-game time of my run. Since both runs were done on emulator, there is no real difference compared to real time.

Ohio, USASandbagX4 years ago

My 2 year reign ended today. Comments?

Spoiler: I will get the WR back.

Ohio, USASandbagX4 years ago

The example can be seen here

(1 The RNG is not set up before the Astos encounter (2 The manipulation of Astos is set up under the conditions that -A- Astos is silenced and -B- All 4 party members are alive and are not poisoned, paralyzed, silenced, darkened, stoned, slain or asleep. (If there are less than 3 party members, the manipulation will be more difficult as the game might reroll to select a valid target, which also affects RNG) (3 First, a random critical hit is needed. When that occurs, we perform a pattern so that the exact same outcome from the previous turn happens in the next turn, and future turns until Astos is terminated.

Although the next encounter could be predicted when Astos is terminated, it is not guaranteed, and we will not manipulate the encounter after that.

Ohio, USASandbagX4 years ago

I have already made a video that demonstrates how to manipulate Astos in an encounter without first manipulating the RNG beforehand. I can send that to you.

Ohio, USASandbagX4 years ago

If, for example, you can manipulate Astos while the fight is in progress rather than before it begins (say, you find a random crit, then manipulate it to get the same crit every turn), My question is, will this be treated as RNG manipulation% or could it be considered a new independent category?

Justin_Z gefällt das.
Ohio, USASandbagX5 years ago

I just submitted a time of 19 minutes 39 seconds for this run, which doesn't fit in the category of REV00 or REV01.

Please review it and let me know of any issues. Thanks.

Ohio, USASandbagX6 years ago

Can you edit it to the correct time of 18m 59s (18 minutes 59 seconds) ?

If not, I can resubmit the run if necessary.

Thread: Speedrunning
Ohio, USASandbagX7 years ago

I dont want to name names publicly, but I dont know yet how to send a private message. Anyways, I have some questions about a certain record run.

Is there a mod or verifier that I can contact privately about this matter?

Thread: The Site
Ohio, USASandbagX9 years ago

I would like to become a moderator of the Genesis game Fatal Rewind, which is a port of the Amiga game The Killing Game Show.

I did a serious speedrun of it in 2015, and there may be future speedruns of this game by other users.

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
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