ChileRoHiSakk5 years ago

Hey! Im probably the only survivor that still pays attention to the leaderboard. First of all, thanks for putting effort on looking new strats!

You're right, there a lot of optimizing and to be discovered but I stopped mainly because I was alone in this. I optimized a couple of things and put them on the guide setion (General stuff and strats), but aside of that, i didn't report everything that I look for on IL.

This strats should be huge if it get consistent. MSF relies on saving even miliseconds so everything like this is great to know. Even know is hard for me to realize any strat that involves manip off-screen, but is totally possible.

woobyy gefällt das.
ChileRoHiSakk7 years ago

Disclaimer: On discord we agreed that all submitions withouth video proof will be deleted by August 17th

Thread: The Site
ChileRoHiSakk7 years ago

Hi! I'm here to ask to be a super mod (I think that's called) for Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Drive Edition


There has been low activity on the leaderboard and all the mods haven't check anything on a while (I haven't been able to contact any of them), only me and another runner are participating submitting runs, but I have been asked by others potential new runners that they want to join the community but they need that the moderation activity stop being so low.

Also, there has been changes on the rules overall and the mods have not change that because of their inactivity.

I want to take the lead of the moderation to fix this and recover the activity of this leaderboard.

Thanks in advance!

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
ChileRoHiSakk7 years ago

I don't know how much alive is this today, but I wanted to know your opinions on the video proof matter, because there is a lot of ILs that doesn't have any, and clearly in-game leaderboards are not a very good source of information because of cheaters.

This has bothered me since I started to run this game, but I didn't feel with the authority to say something. I would like to have every IL (and full game) attempts with a video proof. Is not that hard in modern days. And I think is the minimum effort that a speedrunner can do to be serious about his submissions.

Nothing personal with anyone, hope someone say their thoughs

ChileRoHiSakk8 years ago

The thing is you can't just talk about banning or not DE without taking account of how this will affects partiality between differents setup of consoles. Just talking about "we have to do this because everyone does" or appeal to "I think this is not a good think to do for """ethical""" reasons" will only create solutions based on not-technical reasons, and that's bad.

Personally, I think that because every other communities doesn't allow something like this, OUR community doesn't has to follow if there are no technical reasons to do it. We have to keep or line of thoughts thinking about this community and not others. Every game had his tricks and strats, even some weird ones, but nobody should define what the community had to do based of what other communities does or thinks.

So, basically, I encourage everyone to give TECHNICAL reasons to ban/not ban DE.

ChileRoHiSakk8 years ago

First I want to say some things about the technical things of this matter. Then I will elaborate my opinion itself.

One thing is clear: either way some people is going to be at disadvantage over other, one way or another. If DE is NOT banned, the true is that PSN and PSTV players could have issues about doing any DE strat found later on. But, if DE IS banned, then PSTV will have a clear advantage just because of load times. So, we can't decide this talking about platforms or hardware only, we have to do it talking about achievable time. For that we have to ask ourselves the next question:

Is a run with DE on a PS2 slower, equal, or faster than a run w/o DE on a PSTV? (assuming good clips manips) This considering load times, of course.

If the answer is equal, then keeping DE will make no arm at all now nor the future, because even in a terrain in when a PS2 runners had access to a different strat than a PSTV runner, the last one compensates with load times, and in that case, adding a "Disc eject?" question when submitting runs could be neat.

If the answer is slower or faster, then we have a problem. Because if the run on PS2 is slower than in PSTV, with or without DE, those runners will have a incredible advantage over other console/emu users (I doubt PS2 DE is faster). Here we have a few solutions:

  • Making a comparation and standaritation of total load times would be the best option. Actually, I mentioned it long time ago, when I was checking load times from emu vs console. Basically, sum up load times from a ps2 run, a PSTV run and a legal emu run, then add time (PSTV) or substract it (Emu) accordingly when someone submit a run. This is a great option, but a tedious one to elaborate. Also, doing this you CAN ban DE and leave everyone in equal terrain.

  • Ban PSTV as a valid console for runs. This is thinking about that no one use PSTV right now on the leaderboards. The bad thing is that restricts a little future runners who wants to run the game, as it works like banning emu from the leaderboards, a things that a lot of us doesn't approve.

  • Ban DE as a valid strat for runs whose times are under some time limit. Not a big fan of this option, but the reality is that DE helps a lot to new runners, that have to eventually learn better and harder clips.

This is considering every console best scenario in which PSTV is using well executed clips, and PS2 is using DE or well executed clips.

Now, what is my opinion about this matter? The true is Im a little "eh :/" because, as a long time emulator runner, I never had a problem with the fact that emu load times are slower than ps2 ones. But suddenly, when PSTV is a real and faster option, then is a matter to discuss. Im not gonna lie, but I could be nice to talk about emu load times first than this.

Letting this aside, I think very objectively and said that DE is not a problem at all. Even if it is a hardware manipulation or not, is not the first game to make use of a hardware to abuse something (Thinking specifically second controls, for example DKC Tropical freeze, in which you use a second control to get the characther you want, or Sonic 3 & Knuckles, to control Tails) and if you said that those are intended mechanics created by the programmers, well... half of the glitches founds on every game are not intended exploids, found by runners, and used even when "is not the way the game is intended to play". If we have to start banning things because of a moral thing, I think that's bad, because for me at least, DE is a strat that abuse a game mistake, and is on the same line that every other trick used in any game, that wasn't intended to do in the first place by the programmers.

The only way I think is good to ban DE is when talking about time consistency, and I already left my technical thoughts up here. Also, the natural progression of a speedrun community is to practice new strats and made them better than past strats, so, maybe is normal that eventually this new clip strats would be better options, and there will be no need to ban DE.

Either way, I'll support any decision made. Sorry for the long comment

SyluxRuns, RingoTongo, und SkylarFerret gefällt das.
ChileRoHiSakk8 years ago

Hi everyone!

At the time, I'm doing all my runs using an emulator on my PC, but in the future, I'm gonna install POPStarter emu in my PS2 and try to play CTR from my console.

The thing is that this method involves a problem with the aku aku mask animation (it doesn't show), so that makes me wonder how much legal is to use an emu in my PS2 to run this game.

I want to know this to just keep my runs on my PC emu or to change to console using an original disc (sadly a more expensive option in my country)

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