Tennessee, USARespectAPA3 years ago

Having a separate space for ISO times could be huuuge for the growth of PAL. It's pretty based, we should do it. :)

Helix gefällt das.
Tennessee, USARespectAPA4 years ago

I can +1 the suggestion of permitting real-time only B-Spec as a restricted form of it, as it's the only way I can ever see someone attempting this solo. [using the five 8+ hour events to sleep while the B-Spec log laps]

Tennessee, USARespectAPA7 years ago

If we've defined the ending of the run to be hitting the goal tape on the last stage you need to beat, then that's the ending, full stop. Nothing you do after that could invalidate the run by our definition IMO.

Tennessee, USARespectAPA7 years ago

Do any of his recent runs use cheats or in any other way give him an unfair competitive advantage?

Tennessee, USARespectAPA7 years ago

Being the mods of a game should not mean that one should have the ability to be morality police on an issue that has long ago passed. If Veman gets a run without cheating in any way, then his time should be included, or the leaderboard is completely invalidating itself by not counting legitimate runs.

This just makes the community look incredibly petty from an outsider's perspective.

Duckstroyer gefällt das.
Tennessee, USARespectAPA8 years ago

Yes, I agree that Demo's solution works now that I've been informed of how I'm wrong. [I didn't realize this application, and it will certainly be useful to me in the future]

I also agree that I wasn't making any strong points with the "you care too much thing", because I wasn't talking to you, Shadow. I was talking about the people whose only horse in this race is how freaking salty they are about category splits because they it bothers them that someone is going to feel like they're getting a "free WR". If this doesn't apply to you, then I wasn't talking to you. It only really applies to you if your hate for people getting "free WRs" becomes so strong that you become closed-minded in the conversation, and I certainly hope that you're not like that.

As for the last point, it does need to be said that people like to compete, and if you have a situation where people have to choose between (1) running the fastest category and (2) running the most popular category, then they'll often choose the latter. Fact is, category splits can obviously be BENEFICIAL to the faster categories because people can freely run both categories without one run messing with their other run. [see the several people who'd say they'd run both--did you not look at that and wonder why it made a difference to them?]

Also, again, the point I'm making is that the decision of whether or not we decide to split a category should be part due to time difference in comparison and part due to community popularity in which category to run. I believe the reason to do so is obvious: it's conducive to people speedrunning the game more, and that should be the number one objective of a leaderboard; it should be trying to serve the community rather than doing the equivalent of holding power over the community and dictating how they SHOULD be playing the game. That's my opinion, anyway. Do whatever you wish, I just would like to say that I hope that you are actually doing what you believe to be healthiest for the community, even if I disagree with you on that.

Laxxius und ShadowLugia gefällt das.
Tennessee, USARespectAPA8 years ago

Unless Demolition's solution also allows someone to submit a 1P run and 2P run time without removing the other, then this remains a problem. It would be nice if this was an ultimate solution, but I don't believe that it is.

Anyhow, I think that too many people have gotten themselves stuck into the paradigm that the only legitimate reason to split categories is due to different victory conditions. Now, while I admit that this is the majority of the cases in which you would want to split categories, we shouldn't confuse something being the majority reason for a split and effectively make it the ONLY reason for a split.

While 1P and 2P may have the same victory conditions, the fact that one has already been noted to be significantly faster than the other makes it useful for the purpose of comparison to permit having two separate boards for them, so that people can run both without an issue, and so that the 1P WR will always be listed and, hopefully, accurately listed.

If you have a problem with people enjoying a "free WR", then I think you need to step back for a second and realize that you care ¤way¤ too much about the fact that other people care way too much about WR. This strong complaining about people "just wanting free WR" from splitting categories is more annoying than the actual people that just play for free WR.

Laxxius und Vallu gefällt das.
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