You can no longer start before the timer begins so Frebdiel run is now invalid
So I saw 2 new runs on facility and it's a co-op run in a PUBLIC server,which normally isn't allowed, runner name is Sten and Tijn Is this really allowed?
There's some empty runs on the board, the oldest of which is facility, and mainly because you can't do facility Co-op/gears, if somebody do indeed run a solo facility w/o gears, then it's good enough to make a subcategory for co-op/gears
I watch some of Frebdiel's run and the World Travel run is interesting because the sound effect for winning plays quicker than it should've
I was thinking about doing a subcategory on facility where you can play with 1 or 2 other players, maybe like 1 player, 2 players, and 3 players subcategory
In the world record video for the map "Thundernis" there's a ladder flick, which is a glitch as long as I know it, in future speedrun, would that glitch get outlawed or not?
I wonder if using gear (slingshot) is illegal or not, I've read the multiplayer regarded post already and have world record video in my channel, but I've seen that facility, although is already in the game for a long time, doesn't have a run yet.