How would I time a speedrun in the backdoor? Would it be after the time starts, or when I spawn in?
Thread: Big Scary
When the reset comes, could you have Gamer Mode as its own seperate category?
ItzMonstroVR und NoobGtag gefällt das.
Thread: Godzilla: Monster of Monsters
I wanted the ability to have the Godzilla or Mothra only option when doing single planets
could someone help me out?
Thread: Zardy's Maze
maybe No Corn% where you arent allowed to walk thru the corn, or Death%, which i dont need to explain
we should have a category for each of the fun settings or all at once
newken gefällt das.
I made that same mistake too. That is a common mistake.
Sorry I accidentally duplicated the timer
I would believe so.
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