Hi folks. This is a bittersweet post for me to make, but I'm also bringing you some big and exciting news that's going to benefit the entire speedrunning community.
Back in 2013 when I first started making this site, I ran it as a hobby, and I never expected it to take off as much as it has. As it grew and grew, so did the requirement for new features and development, which eventually became more than I alone could keep up with, even with the part-time help from SgtKabukiman, Lighnat0r, Volvagia, and Kirkq. After seven years the responsibility and stress started to burn me out, and even though I loved being a part of helping this community grow, I knew that it had become something larger than one person could run.
Now I've had various offers for the site over the years, but most didn't give the impression the site would be in good hands. However late last year I was approached by a company called Elo, who run other gaming record-keeping websites like Dotabuff, Overbuff, and Valorbuff. They not only seemed competent in the industry, but they also seemed to care about the community aspect. After hearing their ideas and plans, and about all of the resources they would be able to pump into the site, I was convinced that this was the way to go, and that these were the right people for the site.
Elo and I talked for months and eventually we reached an agreement for acquisition in August. Since then we worked together to make this a smooth transition over to them, and today we're finally ready to make the announcement public. They have already begun making some developments, such as upgrading the server (you may have noticed you've seen the error page far less lately). They have also taken on dedicated developers for the site, and a product manager who will make sure you're heard.
Your leaderboards will remain unchanged, and Elo’s first priority is to facilitate community growth and preserve the community aspect as much as possible. I’m excited for them to be better able to meet the community's needs for upgrades and new features, and I feel comfortable knowing you're in capable hands. If you want to learn more specifics about the transition and their road map, they will be introducing themselves below and letting you know about their exciting plans for the site.
As for me, I'm going to take some time away from online life and social media, and move on to other personal goals in life. I might still catch a livestream here and there though. I want to thank everybody who made this site grow over the years, all of the moderators who helped out, and all of the friends I made through speedrunning, be it in streams or at events. I'll always wish the best for you.
Hi folks!
Our licensing period with GWR has expired and we don't have any plans on renewing it. The page in the navbar menu is no longer active, and the two GWR categories in Minecraft and God of War are now regular Misc categories (as long as the moderators want to keep them).
Hope everyone's well and staying safe.
Should be fixed now, can you try again and let us know if it works?
Hi folks, sorry this is a temporary issue due to the geolocation system, we're working on a fix now.
Yeah there's currently no way to select one of the special priority regions, so for now it'll have to be the top-level country.
EDIT: Now you can. See below:
[gb/eng] = [flag:gb/eng] England, UK [gb/wls] = [flag:gb/wls] Wales, UK [gb/sct] = [flag:gb/sct] Scotland, UK [gb/nir] = [flag:gb/nir] Northern Ireland, UK [es/ct] = [flag:es/ct] Catalonia, Spain [es/pv] = [flag:es/pv] Basque Country, Spain [es/cn] = [flag:es/cn] Canary Islands, Spain [ca/qc] = [flag:ca/qc] Quebec, Canada
These are for runner name entry only, and it will not accept a region that doesn't have special priority, meaning if you try to enter [us/ny] it will default to [flag:us].
Also, you can also now make a flag appear in forum posts (and private messages, guides etc) like this: [flag:fr] = [flag:fr] Unlike for runner name entry, it will accept any region. So you can also do this: [flag:us/az] = [flag:us/az]
The site uses ISO 3166-1 for country codes. One we added not on that list is Kosovo (xk).
Quick update: setting the runner to "Anonymous" will no longer try to tie it to the user @Anonymous.
And yes as the above comment pointed out, you can set the runner to "[us]Anonymous" to give it a flag. The SM64 leaderboard does this for runners without accounts, eg "[jp]Akira".
A select few regions also allow you to show that region's flag on the leaderboard, or the parent country's flag. They are regions with high senses of nationalism, active independence movements, or their own flag emoji. They are:
[flag:gb/eng] England ([flag:gb] UK) [flag:gb/wls] Wales ([flag:gb] UK) [flag:gb/sct] Scotland ([flag:gb] UK) [flag:gb/nir] Northern Ireland ([flag:gb] UK or [flag:ie] Ireland) [flag:es/ct] Catalonia ([flag:es] Spain) [flag:es/pv] Basque Country ([flag:es] Spain) [flag:es/cn] Canary Islands ([flag:es] Spain) [flag:ca/qc] Quebec ([flag:ca] Canada)
PS please don't request more to get this treatment or you'll open a can of worms.
The rule is they have to have not been online in over 6 months (✓) and have 0 submitted runs (×). No can do, sorry.
There's a new field in Edit Game and Edit Series where you can enter a name for the community website, which will appear on the link on the game/series sidebar.
Hope this is of some use to moderators.
@apple1417 Fixed! Thanks for the heads up.
Small update: the timestamp timezone is fixed, so dates will now appear in your local timezone.
Finally caught up with this! Added most of them (if you didn't suggest too many).
Also a while ago the Twitchemotes API was deprecated so a lot of the emote and badge data was missing. I've just updated it to the latest version so we now have all the current global emotes (including LUL ) and the badges will now start updating again (just partner badges for now, affiliate badges were taking up a lot of space and processing power so we need to come up with a better solution for that).
Are you sure it's a PNG file? Eventhough it has a .png extension it might be another type. Open it in an image editor and save it as a new PNG file to be sure.
In co-operation with Guinness World Records, we are launching some GWR-made categories. The WR holder in these categories can apply for an official GWR title, and will receive a GWR trophy in their speedrun.com profile.
Currently they are running three categories on the site:
• Fastest time to beat all six boss rematches in Super Mario Odyssey • Fastest time to complete all Muspelheim Impossible Trials in God of War 2018 with Common level equipment • Fastest time to collect all six enchanted apples on the 10 years of Minecraft map
And there may be more in the future. A game with GWR categories will have a GWR dropdown on its leaderboard (like the Misc dropdown), and you can find a list of games with GWR categories along with more info on the GWR page (accessible from More > GWR).
The moderators of these games are co-operating with this campaign, and all runs will be verified by them. Be sure to check the category rules, and the main GWR rules.
Good luck to all competitors!
Hmm, yeah I could do that. There are some other things I need to prioritise first though, so shoot me a message in a few weeks (when I'll be less busy) to remind me.
Logos uploaded are resized to a maximum of 720×128. We don't store any original files higher resolution than that.
Before 2017-11-05 however, they were resized to a maximum of 180×32, so any logos uploaded before that are still low quality.
@Ignas They should be all marked as read as soon as you open the menu. Not sure what you're experiencing?