SwedenOurHeroMagus1 year ago

Hi and welcome to the park!

If you'd like you are also welcome to join the JP2 Discord server https://discord.com/invite/tZPmxFtXzQ

We have continued to discuss strats and tech there. I have done a weapon comparison like yours and found the same values (but I put standard bullets as 1 point so everything is half your numbers). Bazooka (gained after Drop ship supplies) with your values would be 50 damage (25 as I put it). I have also made a 2 player TAS up until Incubators and have been trying to get through the incubators door using suicide strats, so far without success.

It would be fun to see what you have found on your own too!

There is a bad tutorial of FH/Blockade shortcut up on my YT. Fallen is working on a more comprehensive tutorial for the game.

Since then we have discovered a way to pause buffer the "bump" after the floor clip and a way to reduce fall damage, although both at a small time cost.

Join the Discord for more updates and let us know anything you find out about the game!

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

Lol vine-less T-Rex escape does damage (at least sometimes) and I never even noticed until it killed me now

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

Do you know why we can get hit by grenades while climbing vines sometimes? There are some grenades I have to stop for while playing live but I don't think the TAS ever has to stop to avoid them. Maybe I just need to drop earlier, or play it safe and wait. Are there any you wait for (on Scientist specifically)

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

Omfg there is a funky part at the end of the jungle theme that I have never heard before! I have raptor attack running in the background while looking into cause for stutters and it played

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

Got notifications on here then? :D I'll go live in a moment

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

So in two or three hours approximately!

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

I don't know exactly on a pixel level but it's more than one. Two frames is the most I've managed to save with it. Not all edges are the same and some can't be skipped on (like mountain cliffs). I get them fairly often when I try to, but eventually I miss and lose time overall.

Is it not possible to get notifications for YT like you get when someone goes online on twitch? I will probably do some runs later tonight about the same time as yesterday, which is in the middle of the night here. I am actually an owl! Might be sometime in the evening for you though

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

I discovered a new graphical glitch :D Got stuck in the white flash animation after taking damage. Then I tried to turn on TAS to see what caused it and if there was any use for it but that reset the game. Good to know Not really sure how it happened. I was damaged by flames and then fell into the abyss

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

I did test streams on youtube yesterday. Maybe YT caused the stutters, but I think it's fixed anyway. Got encoder and scene settings up and running so setting up for Twitch should be simple. Set up splits and did a few test runs, the best of which ended in a game over on dropship I think :D I will run more for sure

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

I'm going to attempt some real runs and goal is just to finish a run. Trying to stream but get some stutters in game so I have to fix that.

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

I've started TASing hard mode and through Blockade it's only a few frames slower and most changes are just the timing of shots and jumps. On AuxPS the first Dilophosaurus is actually easier on hard! (though not faster)

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

I think main difference would be strats vs flamers on Drop ship, scout and HQ. Current scout route gets very low on hp on normal so that would probably have to change a bit. Do flamers deal more damage on hard?

How many hits does each target need on the final fight? I suspect max fire rate will still be one shot per two frames even if the direction changes. You'll just have to learn to mash 30 times per second :D

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

Update: The shot hitting or missing does not matter. Removing it completely first meant T-Rex did not die. After minor tweaks to running inputs it then caused a shot from auto-tranquilizer to go in a weird direction and miss, and that resulted in T-Rex dying 2 shots earlier at the end. So missing 1 RPG and 1 Auto-Tranq made the T-Rex need to take 2 CCD damage LESS at the end than hitting all prior shots 10 CCD total (but this was still 8 frames slower). That first RPG hit might cause i-frames and deny damage from a shotgun blast just after as I was doing double-shots, and that could be an explanation but earlier versions of the TAS did not use double-shots and had a slower fight overall but hit very nearly the same amount of shots. So much weirdness going on.

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

Will do more testing about that specific shot! "Huh, that's odd" is the first step to new discoveries!

Latest TAS:

It's getting harder to shave off time now unless we learn new tricks or skips but there are still some optimizations possible.

I might switch to hard mode TAS or real normal runs after reaching the milestone!

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

I still don't understand the T-rex fight but I managed to beat it 3 seconds faster making the TAS time 32:58 (32:57.933). Will upload.

There was an RPG shot that I missed early in the fight and didn't notice until I had hit the final shot and I then went back to aim it correctly. It did not change how many hits were needed at the end to finish the fight, which probably means it dealt no damage! You have had RPG deal the last blow so we know it should do damage vs T-Rex right?

I really cannot tell when T-Rex is vulnerable and not S:

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

The damage table vs cage and hits required (on normal at least)

Converted Cage Damage (hits req vs cage) 1 Auto-Tranq (60) 1 Taser Tap (60) 1 Rifle (60) 1 SMG (60) 7 RPG (9 hits or 8 hits + 4 CCD) 7.5 Shotgun (8 hits with all projectiles or 7 hits + 8 CCD) 8 Taser Charge (8 hits or 7 + 4 CCD) 25 Bazooka (3 hits (2.4) or 2 hits + 10 CCD)

(RPG = Tranquilizer Bazooka. Bazooka = Super Tranquilizer Bazooka)

CCD is normalized to the four lowest damaging weapons, so 1 burst of shotgun = 7.5 shots with the rifle or equal weapons.

I expected Shotgun, RPG and Charged Taser to be equal but it seems not.

For the fights I have analyzed on normal and hard, T-rex has died on values of 808-835 CCD, the lowest being on normal but I'm not sure if there is a difference since they are all so close.

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

I got T-rex down to the last hit, and it turns out it is vulnerable during all animations and all parts of the body. Final hit cancels at least some animations and triggers the death roar.

Probably I'm doing things too fast again and there are i-frames after it getting hit. Doing double blasts of different weapons at the same time lead to way more hits required so it's something like that.

SwedenOurHeroMagus2 years ago

The TAS is essentially a long spreadsheet of inputs frame per frame that can be replayed. I can go back to any specific frame and make changes, but then it has to recalculate how the game will play from that point. The inputs for every specific frame needs to correspond to the game state I made them for to keep the game running as intended. Mostly I just need to add or remove a few frames just after a change to sync back up, but there are some parts of the game that are affected in unexpected ways. So yes the game can be in sync between a change and a later point that still desyncs requires tweaking. RNG levels for obvious reasons and Scout for weird reasons are the main culprits.

Gallimimus heli(Gallicopter?) still saved several seconds making it a one cycle fight! (or 1.5 since cage has to start the return but at least the helicopter never leaves the screen) I could not hit the chopper at the mid level fly-by, and while you can hit it at the end without destroying the cage it doesn't seem to really take any damage. Cage has to be destroyed, which is still faster anyway.

At the final helicopter (hard mode end), is sticking closer to the targets working for higher fire rate like predicted?

I'm currently working on faster T-rex fight. Unfortunately it seems to have invulnerability during some parts because the amount of hits required for a kill varies a lot. It's very unclear when it's vulnerable and not. All I know is it always blows up during the roaring animation, but I think your sub-40 run landed the last hit during the 'backing up'-animation. I've been doing weapon damage calculation on the cage (since all weapons hit it) with some unexpected finds. Not sure if damage is different for different targets though but I used the scientifically sounding Converted Cage Damage (CCD :D) to find out how many hits are minimum to blow up the T-rex, and then figure out which hits are ignored. Still unclear so far.

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