United KingdomOrangutanGaming4 years ago

Today I'm stepping down as super mod for the Rainbow Six: Siege speedrun.com page. This wasn't an easy choice to make, but it's been on my mind for a while and I think it's for the best. First of all, this by no means implies the page is dead. I haven't had chance to verify for a while now (which is part of the reason I'm leaving) and most of my contributions have been admin related. Before I leave, I wanted to give some kind of timeline for my time as a super mod. All times are UTC.

2018-03-06 - The outbreak event started in Siege. This was what got me intrigued by speedrunning Siege

2018-03-06 - I joined the Rainbow Six: Siege speedrunning Discord

2018-03-10 ~17:08 - Not sure why I can't find the DM but I messaged one of the previous super mods. I offered to help verify and setup the speedrun page. I can't remember what the layout was like before but changing the layout was one of the first changes we made

2018-03-10 17:19:28 - I was added as a mod to the game and promoted to super mod. Wolexi then removed themselves as a moderator

2018-03-10 21:35:15 - leftfornova was added as a moderator. When I became a mod I DMed them asking if they were interested in helping migrate the runs to the new page and they was a huge help to the migration from moderators and the layout

2018-03-15 - The 2 other super mods on the page were removed due to inactivity. Super mods can't remove other super mods so I applied to a site mod to have them removed. This left one other mod who was completely inactive and showed no interest in coming back. They were then removed a few months later after speaking in DMs. This left only 2 mods, me and nova

After that, we had some mod applications, the first being Chunky. There was a lot of mods added over time who quickly became inactive, one even randomly leaving and rejoining the Discord server to lose their roles and not speaking to anyone

2018-03-31 - I was falsely banned from R6 for "cheating". (More info https://gist.github.com/294edda6b9d7c83e629e7d6ea38735e7 .) I haven’t actually played the game since (which probably sounds very strange)

2020-03-11 - Nova was promoted to super mod

There have also been some page related changes over that time. We transitioned to using a GitHub Wiki for writing our rules, rewrote them (they were very much due for an update), completely revamped the categories on the page, rewrote the rules again, added different variations for map updates and changed how we handle retimes. The final one was probably the biggest change we had to face and meant verifying became much more slower and difficult compared to before where we required a correct timer on the run.

The community has grown massively, from 2 people nearly 3 years ago to 6 new verifiers (and 2 mods), top 10 most active game on speedrun.com and a lot more interest in speedrunning the game, no longer seeing it as only a multiplayer competitive shooter.

I want to especially thank leftfornova, Sciku and RENE for being incredible verifiers and moderators.

I'm stepping down as I have not had much time to verify runs recently and it doesn't seem to really make sense for me to be a super mod anymore. I have mostly been doing admin work but the page seems to have stabilised to the point where large changes shouldn't really be required anymore. It's has also been quite stressful as I always tried to verify new runs but knew I wasn't able to keep up and relied on others to verify more. I didn't know this was going to happen now when nova was promoted, but it feels like it was even better of a decision than I thought at the time and he has been incredible and supportive during this transition. There shouldn't be any major changes or things breaking over the next week, business as usual.

Reminder: We - it feels weird not saying that - are always looking for new verifiers and moderators. You can see more information on the Discord.

It has been a privilege and a pleasure.

Thank you, Nihaal Sangha (Orangutan)

frlnc, Zoska und 5 Andere gefällt das.
United KingdomOrangutanGaming4 years ago

Hey, If you would like to become a verifier, we are currently recruiting!

Join our Discord (invite is on the speedrun.com page) if you are interested, information is in #speedrun-page-faq

Thread: The Site
United KingdomOrangutanGaming4 years ago

Another advantage I didn't think of the time is stability. There was recently an issue where verifiers were unable to sign in for days due to not receiving email codes. With TOTP, there's much less that can go wrong and the system wouldn't really require changes after it's implemented, while with emails you generally have rate limits, cost, stability of the email provider/sender, user spam filters. I think having TOTP as at least an option, even if it's not used by default, would go a long way towards the goal with the big changes to speedrun.com of becoming more stable and usable

WhoIsWORM und hahhah42 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United KingdomOrangutanGaming4 years ago

Email authentication is pretty good and much better than not having anything. It is open to some alternate exploits, but this will usually take a lot of work and require targetting a specific user, so it's usually secure. After searching to see if this was a duplicate I saw some of the posts which caused email 2FA to be implemented and I'm sure it solved those problems, however, sometimes email can be inconvenient, especially when there are so many tools that help with TOTP (apps on basically every device, Authy if you want to sync across devices, and my favourite, password managers that automatically copy or fill the code when logging in). With exponential backoff, it's probably also the most secure option (other than maybe Google's Sign-In Prompts, but websites can't use this without using Sign in with Google, and I'd argue it can be more inconvenient at times).

Personally, I find the convenience benefits a big deal, especially without any kind of "Remember this device" system resulting in having to get a code fairly often when using multiple devices.

WhoIsWORM und hahhah42 gefällt das.
United KingdomOrangutanGaming4 years ago

You may have noticed that leftfornova is now a super mod! He has shown true dedication for such a long time and has helped this community so much, so it seemed only natural for him to be promoted, as I’m sure many of you would agree. We also have new verifiers so please thank them on the Discord when you have a chance for their help. Verification times should be drastically down, hopefully no longer than a week. There will also be some exciting updates in the next week so keep an eye out!

OziiC, LtNakuu und 2 Andere gefällt das.
United KingdomOrangutanGaming5 years ago

This was kept the same since I migrated from the old system when I took ownership and was just not changed.

This is open for a vote, but across speedrun.com, most games have denied requests for separating by PC and console due to:

  1. A very small minority being console players
  2. Would make leaderboards more complex
  3. Filters can be applied if you do want to compare console runs as speedrun.com has built-in support for different platforms.
Dracaarys gefällt das.
United KingdomOrangutanGaming5 years ago

There seems to be a lack of competitive speedrunning clans around so I thought I would begin to form one. It's called "Blazars" "[BLZ]". It will be quite a competitive, minmaxing clan that focuses on raids and other speedruns. We also have a discord that is required to join and it can be a place to share builds, new ideas or new routes/strategies. Please DM me on Discord for more info (on my speedrun.com profile). I'm on the Division discord so you should be able to DM me.

United KingdomOrangutanGaming6 years ago

There have been more tabs added! Runs have been moved from the previous tabs to the new ones and there are more difficulties shown. The previous co-op tabs have been removed and replaced by a subcategory for each player count so duos don't have to compete with 5 people. If you have any changes you think should be made, join the discord and voice your concern!

Kinito und DracaarysTrophy gefällt das.
United KingdomOrangutanGaming6 years ago

Since the timer rule was added there have been many issues with people using timers that are using frames instead of milliseconds. This isn't an issue for the video, however, this is NOT the value that should be put into your time when you post your run. Before you post your run, you must now run this script before hand: https://repl.it/@OrangutanGaming/SpeedrunTimer This will convert your units into milliseconds no matter what FPS your recording is and will even work if your timer is correct. Any run that has an incorrect time added will be declined so please make sure you check first. To check if your timer is accurate, the fastest moving units, which should be faster than seconds, must include 00 and go up to 99. If your timer does not follow this, you must use that script every time. I saw that some users were worried that they couldn't find a timer that used milliseconds, but that is fine for the video as long as you use this tool before posting your run. Thanks and good luck!

Kinito, leftfornova, und DracaarysTrophy gefällt das.
United KingdomOrangutanGaming6 years ago

When adding a timer, most people are using Vegas, but are using the default preset, where the last part is the frame. Could you please change your presets to "Time" to make sure that it gives it in milliseconds. Thanks

Thread: The Site
United KingdomOrangutanGaming6 years ago

Ok, thanks.

Thread: The Site
United KingdomOrangutanGaming6 years ago

Hi, I recently became the lead mod by the previous one (the only active super), and a lot of the community isn't happy with the 2 existing supers that are extremely inactive on the siege page. Is there a way to have other supers removed? They haven't contributed is a long time, and since they haven't been part of the community they could make changes if they come back.

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United KingdomOrangutanGaming6 years ago

If I want the same variables for 2 full game categories, is there a way to either select it so the variables are applied to 2 or a way to clone/copy the previous one?

United KingdomOrangutanGaming6 years ago

The previous lead mod appointed me as the new lead mod, so I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware. A lot of reorganisation will be taking place over the next week, with most runs being moved to the full-game leaderboard and some new mods and verifiers being appointed, starting with leftfornova. My main aims are to get the speedrunning community for siege as active as we can, as it isn't really a known aspect part of the game. Some resources will also be posted in the future with splits to help practice specific runs. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or in the Discord where I'm a bit more active

YetiHype und leftfornova gefällt das.
Thread: Warframe
United KingdomOrangutanGaming7 years ago

The monkey has posted a run \o/

zopney gefällt das.
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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
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