United StatesOmnises4 months ago

OH. Oh that's really weird I didn't notice during the run, and I just opened the game now and it was on, so I have no clue how I ended up making a mistake like that, wow. I should have checked to make sure before I started. My bad, sorry.

United StatesOmnises4 months ago

It literally does have the igt speedrun timer...?

United StatesOmnises5 months ago

I'm not sure exactly what the whole situation is, but it seems like the Team Fortress 2 board has been compromised. Records, categories, forum posts, resources, and such things are being deleted or renamed, and has been defaced with some kind of internal community drama bubbling up to one of the moderators abusing their power.

Of course, we should make no judgement about whatever drama that community is experiencing, the content being posted there right now is abusive in nature, and is destructive, and therefore I think it's justifiable for an intervention and/or lock to be placed until things are in order. I'm unsure if others are responsible for this, but the main one defacing the leaderboard is "Trickstabber".

e; If you can't find the leaderboard, it seems to have been renamed to "Dead Game". e2; It was renamed back mb. Also sorry if there was a better place to report this.

VyPr gefällt das.
United StatesOmnises5 months ago
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United StatesOmnises2 years ago
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Lauf: Tess
United StatesOmnises2 years ago

the grind IS brutal short simple game means high rng dependence and perfect execution for time saves

United StatesOmnises4 years ago

It's hard to make observations and come to conclusions on phenomena that only naturally occur over a large period of time. Assuming your assessment is correct that active player number has dropped, right now it's impossible to say whether this is the beginning of a declination, or whether this is just a random fluctuation and player numbers rise again later on. This applies to Twitch viewship too, in which most people have experienced and observed the understandably unpredictable and random nature of viewship - sometimes you will have lower viewship for no real reason despite a generally growing audience. For example, through August and September is when school begins for many people around the world, which could account for the current loss of players as opposed to the game dying in general. Another possibility is that while the vanilla game speedrun could be losing players, interest in SM64 in general isn't dying because of the prospering ROM hacking scene diversifying the community's interests. This would make it seem like the community is dying based on the active players on this board alone, even though general interest in the game is on the rise.

The long story short is, don't worry about it. Play the games you like, watch the streams you like, and do what you gotta do. Worrying about whether SM64 is dying or not is just a waste of energy. The only exception is if you actively benefit from interest in the game, like if you're a popular runner of it or what have you.

tl;dr dunno, probably not, lul

Clayland, kcaj und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Deltarune
United StatesOmnises5 years ago


Also, this is already really sus lol. First of all, whether your controller is connected via Bluetooth or USB is irrelevant, and the only thing that changes (in undertale) is that you get the joystick menu.You can't even control your speed using the analog stick. Secondly, you outwardly think that a speed strat that could make the entire game faster won't be used, but if it did you could play the game with the controller. riveting. There's no shame in using a controller over keyboard if you prefer it. I'm sure there's a way you could make it work and still play fast.

I don't know why you posted this, especially without any sort of proof.

BGP gefällt das.
United StatesOmnises5 years ago

Sorry, it had existed, at least according to the wikipedia.

Thread: Tess
United StatesOmnises5 years ago

For the sake of accuracy and runs being very close in time, millisecond timing will be enforced from now on. Instead of when the timer was stopped by the runner, the run will be retimed based on the exact frame the objective is completed (which will always be when the boss disappears from frame, except for All Achievements which will be when the final achievement's pixels appear on frame). Record placement has not been affected.

This change has been retroactively applied to older runs. The only major differences are Voyages Hidden Ending and All Achievement runs which have gone down a second (due to human reaction stopping the timer late), and many runs which have "increased in time", though in reality it's simply more precise.

This new timing method will be mentioned in the rules as well. If a runner submits the run without millisecond timing, mods/verifiers will change the time to find the milliseconds.

PM me for question and queries. Thank you for playing : )

Fisel gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesOmnises6 years ago

Most games are tough for people who aren't familiar before. Start with a game you are very familiar with, doesn't matter what it is. Speedrun a game you have the most experience with and most familiarity with, with respect to the shift in experience in playing quickly. If you refuse to run a game that fits like that, then all I can say is that you won't find it if you ain't lookin'. Everyone is different and will have fun running different games, only you will know it's worth speedrunning when you find it.

Thread: The Site
United StatesOmnises6 years ago

I know this is an old thread, and I've posted my own thread on this before, but.. Genres are a COMPLETE mess.

You're allowed to put add multiple genres to one game. Yet, there's 6 "run-and-gun" genre"s", and 6 "shoot 'em up" genre"s"

An example being the list of "2D" games. It would be as simple as making "2D" the only genre related to the concept of "2D", instead of having more specifications along with "2D". Instead of having: "2-D 2D 2D action 2D Fighter 2D Platform 2D Platformer 2D side scrolling platform game 2D sidescrolling platformer 2D sidescrolling run-and-gun platformer 2D-Fighter"

You could tag a game as "2D", as well as "Platformer" and also "run-and-gun" - that would exterminate most of the clutter.

I think it's great that a person can discover new games that are similar to what they already like, and speedrun them and all that. Every game is unique so I also completely understand adding new genres and all.

But as a user looking for a genre or a user who just submitted a game and adding genres to their specific game, there's so many genres that are unnecessarily listed, or rather are spelled slightly different, it's rather a chore.

I don't have any authority or notoriety, so I politely request anyone to consider cleaning up the genres, and/or perhaps making it so while adding genres to a game, suggestions pop up in a window, like an auto-complete for convenience, or anything.

Imaproshaman, Oxknifer, und Alayan gefällt das.
Thread: Talk
United StatesOmnises6 years ago

Back when I was making a YouTube account in 2012, I really wanted to get across that I played any kind of game. "Omnis" is latin for all, hence the "omni" prefix in English. So I did OmnisGamer, and it was fine. Later, I found out that there was a (rather nice) YouTuber named "OmniGamer" WHOOPS!

So after thinking about it, I was thinking about what I could do with my username to make it better... Well, if I add an E between "Omnis" and "Gamer", then it'll spell out "sega" in the middle of the name. "Omnisegamer" - "Omni sega mer". I also changed it to "Omnisegaming" because that rolled off the tongue a bit easier and it was a bigger difference between "OmniGamer".

Going into 2016, I was growing up and was online a lot more and finally realized that having the "Gamer/Gaming" suffix is super canny and dumb (no offense if you've got that suffix), and just removed it, but kept the E so I'm not just a verbatim dictionary word, so then it was "Omnise".

Funny thing about making my name "Omnise", no one knew how to say it phonetically. When it was "OmnisGamer", no problems, it's just "Ah-m-niis". But with an E at the end, OOF, we've got a problem. Some people still said "Ah-m-niis", but I was getting a lot of "Ah-m-nees", sometimes a "Ah-m-naiss", and the occasional "Oh-m-niss" (which I still don't understand). So to fix this confusion, I figured that putting an extra S at the end would work, and further help distance my name from similar names. "Omnises" BONUS: When people pronounce my name in either fashion, "Ah-m-niis" or "Ah-m-nees", the plural of those names both sound pretty rad. "Ah-m-niis-es" or "Ah-m-nees-es". The former sounds like a scientific phenomena while the latter sounds like a medical problem.

Gaming_64, YUMmy_Bacon5 und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Talk
United StatesOmnises6 years ago

Self-consciousness is not inherently negative. While perhaps, yes, self-consciousness and many other things such as theory of mind develop through being taught by our parents at a very young age, that doesn't mean it's socially specific. Every single society teaches their kids these things unintentionally as it's a part of growing a child and a child growing. I fear the thought of being truly isolated, a human without other humans, as the repercussions of boredom are horrific. Humans are social creatures, and avoiding judgement, both receiving and giving, positive or negative, can be just as negative as being too self-conscious. Everybody, or nearly everybody, is self-conscious to a degree and experiences this judging, yet most everybody isn't so effected as it would be negative mentally or otherwise. Things like self-doubt can be healthy, as well as and along with self-confidence. Think about it this way: critiquing something is the only way it improves. Critiquing a video game helps the game dev make better games.

As the sayings go, too much of one thing is bad, and it's all about finding a balance.

I overall have more to say, however I'm choosing to be careful with what I say and how I say it, as I understand this can be quite touchy. My overall opinion is that you can't blame society for everything. For teaching you to be negative, or teaching you to be self-conscious. There are plenty of positive, healthy people in the world, or in America if that's what you are talking about specifically. You have to build up your own "beacon of positivity" if that's what you strive to do - letting others help you do so, as well as helping others who also wish to do so. If someone chooses to be a negative Nancy, you can look at them with pity and try to change them, but it's ultimately something they have to decide to change.


MelonSlice gefällt das.
Thread: Trip World
United StatesOmnises6 years ago

Excellent work, I hope they get implemented!

United StatesOmnises6 years ago

As long as you don't use the ROM of SM64 that lets you mute the music (god bless Kaze), then you're fine. The video you submit requires the audio, though.

Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesOmnises6 years ago

uuuh ff tactics?

Maybe 6 but the GBA ports don't get very much attention.

Not GBA but GBC, all of the FF Adventure games aren't that hard to learn.

United StatesOmnises6 years ago

I'm pretty sure that's why it's webcam + time. After a person starts getting real times and is becoming more committed to getting better, there's no reason not to order a 10 dollar capture card for good recording quality.

United StatesOmnises6 years ago

I agree with the above. If you actually plan to get a computer, get a good one, if not at least decent. Computer power is usually logarithmic, exponential growth in power. Was making a point that the OP aught to do one of the many things that would count as a normal run as opposed to get an unofficial mobile emu category added.

Maybe you can get Super Mario 63 / Category Extensions to add it, but I heavily doubt it.

United StatesOmnises6 years ago

If you have an N64 and an obscure capture card that can record through your phone, that could happen. Otherwise you can get a cheapo laptop for less than $100 if you don't have a functioning Win/Mac/Linux computer of any kind in the year 2017.

You can practice on Android until you get better tech, though. Practice makes perfect.

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