Texas, USANebula_Composer10 months ago

Well saying that it's "just 1 minute of your life" doesn't really work if you're resetting over and over again, the time can add up really quickly. However yeah, it's extremely saddening that, realistically speaking, the mods won't give this option a chance at all which I think is just a poor decision on their part.

Doginator, GeometryDashFan, und AntBlueR gefällt das.
Texas, USANebula_Composer10 months ago

@2003041 Resetting an N64 console for SM64 doesn't take nearly as long as the length of the intro cutscene, they aren't rly comparable considering one is a few seconds long, and the other is nearly a full minute

Texas, USANebula_Composer10 months ago

@KilleDragon honestly yeah, I know a few runners who don't submit runs to the leaderboard because they skip don't want to deal with the cutscene

GeometryDashFan und AntBlueR gefällt das.
Texas, USANebula_Composer10 months ago

@ItsPietroFelix Yeah that's pretty valid, there are benefits to bot including and not including the cutscene at the beginning but like I said before, that's the best part about making it optional, you can still include it if you want to. My friend made a video with this very topic being a pretty big part of it, and I highly recommend giving it a watch since it's pretty well made and makes a lot of great points.

Texas, USANebula_Composer10 months ago

I've been speedrunning SM64 for almost 3 years now and one thing that I've slowly been noticing as time went on was how much time I've been wasting watching the intro cutscene over and over again. I didn't immediately notice it at first because I was playing 16 Star without LBLJ, but now that I'm playing categories that do require LBLJ like 1 Star, it's become so much more obvious how annoying it is to watch the same unskippable cutscene over and over again. And don't even get me started on if you're still learning Lakitu skip and aren't super consistent at it yet, You have to sit through 55 seconds of basically nothing, then play Mario for about 6 seconds, and then if you want to include Lakitu skip in your run and you fail it, welp that's just unfortunate for you I guess.

I believe including the option to make watching the intro cutscene optional would do nothing but good for the community, as it would allow runners to add more attempts into their session and jump straight into the action so that they can become more consistent at earlier tricks like Lakitu skip and LBLJ more quickly. All we would need to do is start the timer with 55~ seconds already on it so that it wouldn't affect the other runs on the leaderboard. We're doing nothing but harm by making it so that you HAVE to sit there, and do nothing but basically watch the screen for 55 seconds every single time you fail a run. Other runners can still view the cutscene if they want to, that's the beauty of making it OPTIONAL, you give the runners the freedom of choice!

AsherWolf, GeometryDashFan und 9 Andere gefällt das.
Nachrichten: Super Mario Bros.
Texas, USANebula_Composer11 months ago

based change

gnrts gefällt das.
Texas, USANebula_Composer1 year ago

@FD551 Most clone consoles aren't as accurate as real NES consoles or the emulators we allow, so we don't allow them

Texas, USANebula_Composer1 year ago

In order to play FDS games on Nestopia, you need to have an additional ROM file called DISKSYS.ROM in your Nestopia folder

Texas, USANebula_Composer1 year ago

Cointoss is a wonderful occurrence, but yeah the cointoss of enemies collisions throws off one of the demos, while having the other one be completely normal.

ItsPietroFelix, yelir64, und LiamTrader gefällt das.
Texas, USANebula_Composer1 year ago

The way you stomp on enemies can effect how later enemies spawn in, and how many of them do. As Wolf said stomping thee very first buzzy beetle doesn't affect how the other enemies spawn, it's just a visual confirmation on whether or not you have good judges. Though I am really happy to see that you're getting consistent at pipe jumps, hopefully you'll be able to start doing them in runs soon!

SwarV gefällt das.
Texas, USANebula_Composer1 year ago

@VGCadet Only about 50% of the money from a gift sub goes to the content creator, that's why it's not the best way to distribute the prize money. Yes while it is true that we have a few people who are either grinding for the WR right now or are very interested in going for it, the odds of a new WR happening within the next week are nearly 0, plus I feel adding a time limit to the prize in general just adds unnecessary stress to the runners. I understand that this is just a fun incentive, I feel that it's just too unrealistic for even top runners, it would be better if there was no time limit for the prize at all.

Texas, USANebula_Composer1 year ago

I'd be interested if there wasn't a time limit on the bounty, and it stayed at $454. It seems WAY too unrealistic to give runners only a week to have a chance at winning the top prize, and only a month to receive any prize at all. Plus Twitch gift subs aren't a very good way of distributing the money, because either you have to pay us 2x the amount for us to receive the proper amount, or we're only getting half of the money. I'm sorry but for now this is a no from me

Texas, USANebula_Composer2 years ago

Yeah we use the G815 specifically, the G915 is the wireless version and the G915 TKL is the Ten-Keyless version, I recommend the G815 since it's less expensive + it has he least delay

Texas, USANebula_Composer2 years ago

I suppose that's true, and nothing is stopping you from running your games on mobile emulators. However they just can't be accepted on these leaderboards and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.

SkilletToast, yelir64, und Chanceux gefällt das.
Texas, USANebula_Composer2 years ago

I don't want to necessarily speak for the moderation team, but Im almost completely certain a leaderboard speration for different consoles will ever happen (besides NTSC and PAL which already happened). If you run on slower hardware, you will get a slower time, that's the final argument. Real-life time is used when retiming these runs.

Texas, USANebula_Composer2 years ago

The leaderboards will not be separated just because y'all want to play on slower hardware. There are no differences in how the game is played besides framerate so there is no reason at all to give every console their own separate leaderboard.

RipJaws768 und ItsPietroFelix gefällt das.
Texas, USANebula_Composer2 years ago

The mods aren't accepting any new categories at the moment. Plus that would fall into the standard Any% route on the main leaderboard, as there are already lots of runs on that board that used Fire Mario.

tdiogo_gamer, 4N41M und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Texas, USANebula_Composer2 years ago

Because it isn't an accurate emulator compared to the ones that are allowed in the game rules.

Pear, Cookie1284 und 5 Andere gefällt das.
Texas, USANebula_Composer3 years ago

The community will dearly miss you Wolf, I hope you find even greater success in speedrunning other games! We won't forget you <3

Texas, USANebula_Composer3 years ago

Good stuff, thank you eddie

Echon gefällt das.
Nebula_Composer Informationen
Furry who speedruns
4 years ago
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Letzter Durchlauf 5 months ago
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Super Mario Bros.
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Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
Letzter Durchlauf 14 days ago
Geometry Dash
Geometry Dash
Letzter Durchlauf 11 months ago
Super Mr. Krabs
Super Mr. Krabs
Letzter Durchlauf 4 years ago
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
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The Lost Levels Category Extensions
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Letzter Durchlauf 4 months ago
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
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Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
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Among Us Bros.
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Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
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The Lost Levels Category Extensions
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Letzter Besuch 3 months ago
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