HungaryNABN00B2 years ago

You can run the emulator on Android. You can play with upscaled resolution and/or textures. I doubt shaders affect the emulation in any way, and while they are technically not banned, it's pointless to use them. If the image of your game is distorted too much, mods might not accept your run.

As EBen stated, romhacks are not allowed.

P_Cuda gefällt das.
HungaryNABN00B2 years ago

Congrats! burLove

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

'Paramedic' instapass [found by Powdinet] Confirmed to work on Int PSP.

  1. Start "Purple Haze".
  2. Drive into the water and start "Paramedic" in a way that it starts after it changes the camera to "drowning".
  • If you start Paramedic without being fully in water, you crash.
  • If you are fully in water before triggering it, you're softlocked.
  1. Save and quit to get rid of stuck "Purple Haze" instance.
fialhito, Fryterp23, und qoznyyy gefällt das.
HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

As long as you have any accepted run on the leaderboard, you should be able to submit Resources.

Usakli gefällt das.
HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

Very nice! This is easily the best HD icon pack I've seen for any GTA game. You should upload it to the Resources section.

The race flag though seems to be simply upscaled instead of HDfication. Was that accidental?

Do you have plans to make the icons for the III and SA as well?

Usakli gefällt das.
HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

Today I had a look at the MAIN.SCM script file in each of the ISO I have. I compared the files with 2 different hashing tools, HashMyFile and GUI File Signature Widget (gfsw.exe).

Previously it was assumed that all PS2 releases used the same script, but it turns out there are at least 3 different script versions on the PS2.

I will upload the files under Resources.

1	MAIN_PS2_DE.SCM	1 876 548	2006. 12. 21. 11:55:12	B05F19CC	7B1C7B6D4B35C6431E87412CDF5B2056	C183617B999FCF4C8C011ADA753E28D2136DA002	2006. 12. 21. 11:55:12	2021. 02. 28. 20:41:24
1	MAIN_PS2_EU.SCM	1 876 548	2006. 12. 21. 11:55:12	B05F19CC	7B1C7B6D4B35C6431E87412CDF5B2056	C183617B999FCF4C8C011ADA753E28D2136DA002	2006. 12. 21. 11:55:12	2021. 02. 28. 20:41:18
MAIN_PS2_JP.SCM	1 876 653	2007. 10. 11. 12:11:40	EB3079F4	19E2F5C8E6182F98CAD7D76B3AE67E28	29B08F5623321AE9D0C8CCE3D4BE9A572008A905	2007. 10. 11. 12:11:40	2021. 02. 28. 20:41:11
MAIN_PS2_US.SCM	1 876 562	2006. 12. 22. 10:43:30	18200544	B9FC0DE8A0DFB1FE9F79B728F7362AA7	8EB02108FAAC5AE67B8EB97AA36FA039A81EEA10	2006. 12. 22. 10:43:30	2021. 02. 28. 20:40:56
2	MAIN_PSP_DE.SCM	1 839 093	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	C19D55B2	2D74D96AE98B1C9671D0538EE73AC6D1	A1CFD126390CB0585F715590BABF50D65711910C	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	2021. 02. 28. 20:45:44
2	MAIN_PSP_EU.SCM	1 839 093	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	C19D55B2	2D74D96AE98B1C9671D0538EE73AC6D1	A1CFD126390CB0585F715590BABF50D65711910C	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	2021. 02. 28. 20:45:23
3	MAIN_PSP_JP_CAPCOM.SCM	1 846 729	2007. 10. 11. 12:09:22	B1CF74FC	0F4B975345DB56911606803230B9BFB1	032E3417075DE941A3386B5FF05CEF530A55A4D3	2007. 10. 11. 12:09:22	2021. 02. 28. 20:44:54
3	MAIN_PSP_JP_RC.SCM	1 846 729	2007. 10. 11. 12:09:22	B1CF74FC	0F4B975345DB56911606803230B9BFB1	032E3417075DE941A3386B5FF05CEF530A55A4D3	2007. 10. 11. 12:09:22	2021. 02. 28. 20:44:46
2	MAIN_PSP_US.SCM	1 839 093	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	C19D55B2	2D74D96AE98B1C9671D0538EE73AC6D1	A1CFD126390CB0585F715590BABF50D65711910C	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	2021. 02. 28. 20:41:06

https://i.imgur.com/68KWoua.png https://i.imgur.com/RCY0LuN.png

Momo_Ouali2001 und fialhito gefällt das.
HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

TASVideos recommends BizHawk for runs. I have used BizHawk with the mGBA core for my runs on the Category Extensions. A quick Google search shows that one as the most accurate.

In the end, it is up to Ethan to decide. Unfortunately emulator runs are currently not regulated at all in the GTA community.

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

You have a version of LCS that is not supported by the autosplitter.

PlayerGameSK gefällt das.
HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

2× 'Steal the Deal' (showcase with Cheat Engine) Skips 'The Exchange'. This is a cutscene dupe so you can softlock or crash the game if you mess up the timing. You need to take the correct Lance and the correct Jet Ski with you in order to progress the mission. Use the mission instructions on the bottom of the screen as indicator. This demonstration video uses Cheat Engine to teleport the boat to the final objective marker. Unfortunately, as of this post, we don't know of a way to complete the mission normally because the boat is invisible and has no physics.

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

2× 'Turismo' Starting race A, then starting and finishing race B passes both races A and B (and gives % for both). Can be combined with any of the races.

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

2× 'Money for Nothing' Skips 'Leap and Bound'. This allows for early completion of 'The Bum Deal', although it is still faster to do 'Caught as an Act' first. Tested on confirmed on International and Japanese PSP versions. This is a cutscene dupe so you can softlock or crash the game if you mess up the timing. Unfortunately the timing here is so extremely precise, that as of this post we consider this dupe humanly impossible to pull off in a run.

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

2× 'Marked Men' Skips a Phil mission. Useless since there aren't any more after 'Marked Men'. This is a cutscene dupe so you can softlock or crash the game if you mess up the timing.

2× 'To Victor, the Spoils' Skips a mission from the highest unlocked strand. Doesn't fit into the current route. This is an "entrance dupe", similar to the first dupe when doing 3× 'O, Brothel, Where Art Thou?', although 'Vigilante' timer is not necessarily required.

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

2× 'Over the Top' Skips Last Stand. Tested and confirmed on International and Japanese PSP. See also: https://www.speedrun.com/gtavcs/thread/deoe1

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

'The Bum Deal' - 2× 'Snitch Hitch' - Hospital Asset chain (01:11:45 - 01:18:23) Skips 'From Zero to Hero'. Only works in Japanese PSP and all PS2 versions. Note that if you had done the 'Hose the Hoes' chain without save and quitting afterwards, the molotovs will be effective in a much smaller radius. This is a cutscene dupe so you can softlock or crash the game if you mess up the timing. Skip the first cinematic cutscene when the rampage fails. The first ingame cutscene will play, wait it out and the second cinematic cutscene will start. Skip the second cinematic cutscene after ~1.5 seconds (when Lance says "No, blue."). The second ingame cutscene will play which can be skipped anytime. Sometimes the two instances won't pass at the same time and 'From Zero to Hero' won't be skipped. There is no way to manipulate this with our current knowledge. Wether the Hospital Asset gets bought immediately after the mission depends on when act change happens (storyline pager is a good indicator). If it's for sale buy it now and do the New Rocket Asset setup for 2× 'Turn on, Tune in, Bug out', otherwise do the original Rocket Asset (with this asset) setup for the dupe. This description and video doesn't cover the recently discovered Partial Act Change Skip glitch.

Rocket Asset and 2× 'Turn on, Tune in, Bug out' w/ 30k Rockets You can start and cancel 'Vigilante' during the om0 Rampage to disable gang spawns (optional but recommended for New Rocket Asset). Cutscene dupe the mission to keep the Rocket Launcher with 30k ammo from the Rampage. If the player has more than 8 rockets, the Ammu-Nation objective is skipped. You can softlock or crash the game if you mess up the timing. Original Rocket Asset setup (01:44:55 - 01:47:28) Uses the Hospital Asset New Rocket Asset setup Uses the Asset behind the hotels on Ocean Drive (same one that Minigun Asset used)

You can also cutscene dupe a bunch of other Chapter 3 missions to obtain 30k ammo from Rampages.

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

2× 'Truck Stop' (00:33:18 - 00:39:22) Skips 'Marked Men' in the current route. Tested and confirmed on every version. Requires a save and quit after the dupe in International PSP versions, otherwise the 'Hose the Hoes' chain can crash. This is a cutscene dupe so you can softlock or crash the game if you mess up the timing. You need to spam X to skip the first cinematic cutscene before it even appears. The first ingame cutscene will play, wait it out and the second cinematic cutscene will start. Skip the second cinematic cutscene after ~1 second. The second ingame cutscene will play which can be skipped anytime. Regarding the truck, there are multiple outcomes: A) Driving on its wheels: proceed as usual. B) Stuck upside down: go out of bounds and unflip the Perennial then proceed as usual OR throw a grenade to them and get back in the Perennial before the truck blows up. The out-of-bounds strat only works in PSP versions. C) Stuck on its side: drive the Perennial next to it so your gunners can shoot the enemies (fastest scenario). D) Stuck on top of the fake truck: try to drive the fake truck out from underneath the real one. The real truck might flip to its side in this process. E) The truck will blow up before you reach it. (uncommon) F) The game will crash before you reach the truck. (rare) In scenarios B, C and D Phil's truck can get stuck inside the fake truck on the way back, so the fake truck can be moved out of the way in advance for safety, which is heavily recommended for PPSSPP runs. Comparison: Grenade strat if truck is upside down: This description and videos don't cover the recently discovered Partial Act Change Skip glitch.

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

'Taxi Driver' instapass (International PSP only) [found by Powdinet] You need to save and quit within ~5 seconds or the game crashes.

'Vigilante' triple and fail (PSP)

  1. Start tripled 'Vigilante' --> counter: 3
  2. Complete level --> counter: 6
  3. Cancel once --> counter gone
  4. Start after 2nd set of criminals spawn --> counter: 9
  5. Complete level --> counter: 12
  6. Cancel once --> counter gone
  7. Start after 2nd set of crimanls spawn --> counter: 15
  8. Cancel once --> Mission passed The setup can be combined with "destroy vehicle" Rampages.

'Air Rescue' with Hunter [found by RationalPsycho] Description by Momo_Ouali2001: Fly to Sunshine Autos, then start Vigilante and cancel it while picking up one of the padlocks. You have now gained control of Vic while also having the option to buy a vehicle. Hold X Throughout the whole thing (If you want to get out of a vehicle in this state, Hold Triangle, then release X, then hold X and release Triangle). Now start om0 rampage 1, then fly to the Beach Patrol BF Injection, get out of the Hunter, get in the BF Injection and start Beach Patrol (You must start the Coastguard version) before the rampage ends. Now go to the Ocean Beach hospital, take the Air Ambulance and fly back to the beach. Now get on the Coastguard, then get back in the Air Ambulance. You now have a 30sec timer to get back in the Coastguard, once it reaches 1sec, start Air Rescue. Now, you're near the BF and Air Rescue is active, but the mission won't progress till you enter a vehicle. NOW release X to buy the vehicle you've been holding this entire time, and the game will warp you to Sunshine Autos, where the padlock you picked up was. Now RUN to the airport (DON't take any vehicles on the way, else you'll be doing Air Rescue with that vehicle) (use your Binoculars to megajump repeatedly instead of running normally, you'll save a few seconds that way.) and take the Hunter. As a result of all this, you're doing Air Rescue with a Hunter instead of the intended Air Ambulance!

2× 'Fire Fighter'

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

'Fear the Repo' - 'Waking Up the Neighbors' chain and 3× 'O, Brothel, Where Art Thou?' (00:17:43 - 00:29:00) om0 'Waking Up the Neighbors' skips a mission from the highest unlocked strand. In the current route this is Louise: 'When Funday Comes'. The out-of-bounds strat only works in PSP versions. 3× 'O, Brothel, Where Art Thou?' skips 2 missions from the highest unlocked strand. In the current route this is Louise: 'Takin' Out the White-Trash' and 'D.I.V.O.R.C.E.'. This allows for early completion of 'To Victor, the Spoils'.

2× 'Got Protection?' (00:31:48 - 00:35:33) Skips a mission from the highest unlocked strand. In the current route this is Phil: 'Boomshine Blowout'. Tested and confirmed on every version.

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

2× 'Vigilante' (PS2)

'Playground On The Park' instapass (PS2 only) [found by Powdinet] It will always pass 'Playground On The Park' even if you start 'Playground On The Point'. (These 2 missions share the same mission script.)

'Hyman Memorial O.D.T.' instapass (PS2 only) [found by Powdinet]

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

If you're used to the analog/d-pad layout of PS controllers then don't get an Xbox one. A PS4 controller works perfectly for PPSSPP and the emulator will recognise it without third party software.

HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

I wonder how you connected a PS2 controller to your PC/smartphone/Switch to begin with. Either way, the PSP has no R2/L2 buttons or a right analog stick so the PSP versions of the game don't support them.

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