Texas, USAMaximus5 years ago

I was informed by a little birdie which slipped into my window about someone admitting to cheating, and that I should clean my room.

Here's what the little birdie linked me (scroll down in the comments to Dino's comment):

And here's the dino with his run submitted to Me:

and in case Dino deletes his comments

This ban will last from August 13th 2019, to August 13th 2021.

Texas, USAMaximus5 years ago

There's about 50 runs submitted (I guess 7-9 of the runs are from everyone else but Kingwiec). I've only gotten to time around 6 runs.

Why have I been so inactive? Because my health is starting to take a really bad turn for the worst (delirium, fatigue, constant fever, etc). Because of this, I'll be inactive for a little while. I'll try to time some runs here and there, but I might just look for someone to fill in for me.

Also there's a new map that came out (great timing for me I know).

If anyone is interested in filling in for me please reply, (I might make a discord channel in the DE discord and just send you guys the links of the runs).

Texas, USAMaximus5 years ago

I tried to ignore the Mineplex updates to the maps, I hoped I could, but I couldn't, because Mineplex wants me to pay attention to it so it could have me take time to reject the old runs. It might be sadistic.

Anyways there's (yet another) discord server that'll act as a thing to archive the old runs. So if you ever have your run rejected, please just unlist the video, you'll be doing everyone a favor in the future.

And here's the link:

Texas, USAMaximus6 years ago

Just to give a heads up, there may be things in this update that will later be discovered, and might have to make do something about.

Anyways it seems that when it comes to timing, the change to it is leaderboard timing will overlay movement timing.

What that means is if the game ends before you hit the beacon, you'll end the timer as you did in leaderboard timing (when the first frame of the scoreboard in the chat appeared). But if that doesn't happen, end the timer in the beacon as it has always been since the igt was added.

EDIT: If the player doesn't get inside the beacon because of ping, they end the timer the first frame the victory screen appears (when it's blank).

LittleScorpion10 gefällt das.
Texas, USAMaximus6 years ago

I see no problem with spawnwalking as long as where the person goes is actually possible for someone to be spawned there by the game and they have coords on. When I get back home I'll (hopefully not forgot and actually do) make a list of coords of the front spawns that people can spawnwalk to. If anyone seems to be off they'll be penalized by what the mod sees fit.


Texas, USAMaximus6 years ago

Sorry for this one sucking, I wasn't prepared at all xd

tac23tac23 gefällt das.
Texas, USAMaximus6 years ago


tac23tac23 gefällt das.
Texas, USAMaximus6 years ago


-THECOOLDUDE14 (until January 2nd 2022 reason for ban listed in reply to this thread)

-Liqhten (Until February 16th, 2022)


-jovanmunja -ThermalGodlike -crafterlegend1 -Flare/Ryzal -WarloxGames -JesseMCSM -Pyxelated -CaptainPhoenix/GappledUHC -RazorBlade8888 -GingDoesDE ( -Dinosaurjack -ThunderPlayz -Cerdax -cneb/Benush -Liqhten

Everyone in the old banlist is now only watchlisted.

Tac and Craftain are releasing some guidelines for players and future mods to (hopefully) follow.

Why we made this: The bans, so far, have been indefinite and basically infinitely long. This is mostly because of issues like repeated cheating, or just plainly forgetting about the ban.

The system will go as follows.

There will be different penalties for each offense. There will also be a watchlist system, which will prioritized people who are marked down as potential or former cheaters.

Being watchlisted will give you different penalties than if you weren't.

These are the normal penalties

Slowed Timer = 2 months. 6 months max. Sped Up Run (or Frame Cutting) = 9 months. 2 years max. Speed Hacks = 12 months. 2 years max.

Each VIDEO that cheats in a certain method will be counted as a separate offense, which is why maximum lengths were imposed.

Due to the new system implemented, the old banlist will be cleared and taken out of the equation.

Watchlist offenses: Certain people will be put on a public watchlist. If the moderation team finds evidence of person cheating before they admit in clear written/video form that they were cheating, the moderation team will ban them for the maximum length of the offense penalized for. If they admit before the moderation team finds clear proof, however, they will only be banned for 4 months, regardless of offense.

and yes, this means everyone in the old banlist, including Razorblade8888, is now unbanned.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: Watchlisting is PERMANENT. The only way to get off the watchlist is to become part of the banlist instead, which is not really preferred. And by the time you DO get out of the banlist, all people who have ever been banned will be watchlisted, which means that you will still be part of the watchlist when unbanned.

Texas, USAMaximus6 years ago

This is taken from CraftainJulius in the Dragon Escape Discord ( )

"Hello, @everyone , most of the people who are still alive and playing Mineplex from time to time probably know this, but for the sake of spread of information, here are a few key points about the removal of Dragon Escape and going forward.

  • Dragon Escape is still in Mixed Arcade, which by all technicalities makes it available publicly albeit less accessible.
  • Dragon Escape is still completely playable in MPS servers, which means this update will essentially make no difference to speedrunners.
  • Stats will be kept for Dragon Escape, according to several sources.
  • Map submissions will still be accepted, and according to one source, maps will still be made by Mineplex, although this hasn't been confirmed.

I hope this clears the air out at least a tiny bit and clears up some unconfirmed conclusions some people are having."

Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

Any% is where you try and finish something as fast as possible without cheating. The only reason I can think of not adding it is that there won't be much to Any%. But then I thought that we could leave it as a filler category until someone finds a glitch that could only work with Any%.

Also, no poll because those can easily be rigged, I just want some discussion about this before adding it.

Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago


Apparently Mineplex doesn't like nice shortcuts

So any runs that used any shortcut around that area's getting rejected xd

tac23tac23 gefällt das.
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

proof: Source:

you guys know the drill, I'll reject all kb runs and you get free wr's, however for warper (and other things that pass the new area), if anyone went around the updated area, their runs will stay.

EDIT: Everything around the tree of death will be rejected, so if you have a warper run that warps around it then you're in luck.

tac23tac23 gefällt das.
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

I will be inviting as many people as I can in the community to help build a Dragon Escape map, one made by its own community. It's evident that a lot of people have been complaining about the new maps getting worse, so why not try ourselves to fix this problem? Join the discord server below if you are at all interested in helping, either in building, organizing, or even just pitching ideas, all help is welcome. -Craftain

tac23tac23 und Paris_Labrador gefällt das.
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

6 new maps came out. Believe it or not, but there's a good map in there (2 actually if the barrier wasn't horrible), it's called Utopia. It's a lot like Skylands (but it's too soon to say if it's better than it or not), and it plays out really well going leaper (at least for me). The other map, Kamakoa Blossom, isn't as good, but if they fixed the barrier I'll probably be 2nd to Utopia(. Also new rule: Whoever gets a speedrun on this map, must have weaboo/Japanese music playing xd). The rest are pretty eh, Blue Orchid is like lc but for hl. Darkened Heights is almost bad all around, with a mediocre start and bad end (which could be made up with an exploit?). The other two (mythsical mines and Zodiac) are horrible. Zodiac should be a meme for how bad it is (seriously just play it). Mythsical mines is bad, but this map look like a great map compared to it.

(I just noticed this is turning into a review)

In short:

  1. Utopia (Play this)
  2. Kamakoa Blossom (Play this when fixed)
  3. Darkened Heights (Meh, a filler wr)
  4. Blue Orchid (Meh, sorta made for hl)
  5. Mythsical Mines (Bad, don't play)
  6. Zodiac (HORRIBLE, don't play)
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

The reason why I’m resigning is because being in the community just feels like a burden.

At first I thought I just hate being here because I’m busy with school. But when I realized how Minecraft is dying, how everyone’s leaving left and right (although they may return during summer), and how I hate being in the discord (was going to have a whole paragraph just about the discord but I thought it was best not to), it changed my mind.

I’m going to resign as Mod, leave the discord to Tiggz (EDIT: I gave it to fatty), and disconnect myself from the community (I might come back during the summer).

I think the three things that played a major role in killing Dragon Escape were:

  1. The wrs getting maxed out, to the point where small things determine world records.
        This took fun out of the game and even brought a negative attitude 
  2.  Really young community. 
       Which made it even worse
  3.  And Drama
       Which is probably a result from the other two

I’m sorry for my mediocre moderation (school took up all my time). Here’s a few ideas on how to fix the Dragon Escape (or at least improve it):

  1. Make it really easy for players to figure out how to play Dragon Escape
  2. Let community-made-leaderboards be a thing Could be an alternative when wr’s on the official board get maxed out.
  3. Have a website for every shortcut to be saved.

Anyways I’m going to cry tonight from the memories, I’ve been around in Dragon Escape for a year and almost 9 months (since August 13th 2015), and a mod for 8 months (since August 20th 2016). I can’t describe my experience in the DE community, but when it wasn’t shit it was awesome (like the time when #BopIsGayForRazor was a meme.)

Also unsticky this when it’s no longer relevant (a week from now?).

tac23tac23 gefällt das.
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

Tell me what I should of done better xd.

Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

As you can tell from the title, the aussie, the myth, the legend, RAZORBLADE WILL BE UNBANNED!

When our beloved Razor was first banned by that jealous tyrant DaFatMan922, I wept, and when I was blackmailed by Thunder and DaFatMan922 to have Razor banned again, I wept even harder. Today will I have no more and I will finally show my love for Razor by unbanning him and giving him the wrs HE DESERVED!

tac23tac23, Maax und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Texas, USAMaximus7 years ago

Community Guidelines Is NOT in effect, in fact it never was. The idea was proposed because of toxicity (which was an issue). Now I personally think that some action should be taken for death/ddos threats, but it's pretty easy to fake one.

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