Maru3704 years ago

I decided to investigate ways of saving the 4-2 framerule, and I found this method, which happens to just barely be possible without any double fast accelerations.

The TAS saves the framerule with 0 frames to spare, so the execution must be extremely precise, but I think this might be feasible with a minimum of 3 segments (the two bumps, the pipe entry, and the warp zone). Four or five segments may be more realistic though.

It's slower than clipping into the top layer of bricks by a few frames, but it is much easier to perform bumps than to perform that clip. Perhaps someone will be able to perform that floor clip at some point, but we have to build up to that, it seems.

Losalex, abrahamw999 und 11 Andere gefällt das.
Maru3705 years ago

Because I want to improve the speedrunning community, I have decided to start my own server for SMB1-related speedrunning and TASing (although you are free to talk about other games as well).

The invite can be found here:

My goal is to improve upon the organization of the SMB1 speedrunning community and provide a better place for people to discuss strategies and help each other get started with the game. There are many server improvements compared to the existing server. To obtain Runner and/or TASer roles, you may use the Reaction Roles bot in the role-request channel.


hitzcritz, mruns und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Maru3705 years ago

Since this issue has been occurring time and time again and especially with this game, I thought I would raise attention to it here.

Various users, many of which are from the SMB1 RTA community, have submitted TASes of SMB1 that do not follow important guidelines on TASVideos. Some of those guidelines include:

  1. The movie you submitted did NOT beat an existing record. In the vast majority of cases, the movie is not beating the existing SMB1 warps record by HappyLee (4:57.31). Human theory TASes are also not suitable for TASVideos publication.
  2. The movie you submitted involves a category that offers very few differences from the existing categories. Examples of this include the SMB1 no left+right category, which does not offer many notable differences compared to the conventional warps category.
  3. The movie you submitted involves the use of cheat codes. The use of Game Genie codes is forbidden for submissions.
  4. Your movie features noticeably suboptimal play. A decent amount of effort is required to be put into submissions. For example, if you are bumping into walls or (for this game specifically, not performing a flagpole glitch) for no good reason, that is a sign of suboptimal play.
  5. You have submitted a TAS of an SMB1-based ROM hack that does not offer unique features compared to the original game or other existing SMB1 ROM hacks.

For reference, you can look at these links to see the long list of non-published SMB1/SMB2J submissions. Chances are that they were rejected for one of the reasons that I listed above.

I am not discouraging people from showing off their work, but if they would like to show off their work, they should use websites such as YouTube or the TASVideos userfiles section instead ( If you are planning on submitting an SMB1/SMB2J TAS for publication to TASVideos, make sure that it follows the guidelines. In addition, I recommend that you guys share your WIPs so others can review it.

Thank you everyone. If you take what I have put here into consideration, it will make our work easier.

Maru, TASVideos Judge

Kosmic, Novawolf, und raymondamantius gefällt das.
Maru3705 years ago

I decided to look into finding setups that could possibly be done in real time for clipping into the top floor of 4-2. Here was one that I found in a few minutes of testing:

It does not require any one frame right releases or switching between right and left in a single frame, but it does require a two frame right release in order to manipulate subspeed values. Note that I did not play through the entirety of 4-2, but it is fast enough to save the framerule if everything else is executed well. You can use the frame advance key to see the inputs that I used.

Obviously, this trick is still going to be very difficult. There are still a lot of moving parts involved in clipping through the bricks. I think that people should share setups that they find here so that it becomes a collaborative effort to find the best way of clipping into the floor in this way.

Marikh, SacredSpoon und 8 Andere gefällt das.
Maru3705 years ago

After an extended period of time, the RTA Rules TAS has finally been improved. The new time is 4:57.54 from power-on, which converts to 4:54.26 using RTA timing.

The improvement comes from the turnaround room in 8-4 and stopping on the floor one frame earlier while still being able to scroll the screen far enough for the wrong warp to work. The improvement is very precise and depends on subspeed values ($705) because if the subspeed is not optimized, then it is impossible to scroll the screen far enough.

Not all levels were completely optimized for speed. There is a small improvement to 1-2 and several frames can be saved in 4-2, but those improvements do not mean anything due to the framerule. I also did not bother to optimize subpixels upon performing the 8-4 walljump or accelerating towards the pipe in the turnaround room.

Here is a video: Here is the input file:

Ghyuty17, zdoroviy_antony und 16 Andere gefällt das.
Maru3705 years ago

Over the past few days, I've been looking at 1-2 in order to see how much I could squeeze out of it. I think I have reached or come close to the limit. I was able to finish 5 frames away from the next framerule. For reference, this is 3 frames faster compared to HappyLee's warps TAS, but that TAS also sacrificed a frame for entertainment purposes. Here is my perfect 1-2 TAS: . It may be possible to save another frame in 1-2, but unfortunately, reaching the next framerule does not look to be possible.

It is very interesting how the pipe clip and wall clip methods in 1-2 are almost equal in speed. However, the pipe clip seems to be slightly faster. It is also possible to be fast enough for the optimal framerule without using any clips. Not too many people know that.

This strategy is slightly different than strategies of turning around in the warp zone in previous TASes, and it is way more precise. Previous TASes used a jump turnaround that was similar to the turnaround strategy used in 8-4. This TAS instead relies on a complete fast acceleration to turn around quickly. Upon performing the pipe clip, Mario's movement has to be manipulated in order to not pass x-position ($3ad) 125. With this x-position, it is possible to make a subpixel-perfect stop on the second pipe (stopping on the last subpixel of the pipe) and begin turning around to the World 4 pipe.

Otterstone_Gamer, Thelxinoe und 4 Andere gefällt das.
Maru3705 years ago

I decided to experiment with 4-2 a little more today. Still, it seems very unlikely that the final frame in that level will be saved.

Here is a TAS that I put together of the level using the most optimal routes and movement:

Doing the wall clip requires subspeed manipulation and specific movement in order to push Mario's screen position more. If the movement is not optimal, frames will be lost performing the clip and getting to x-position 132 ($3ad).

The one frame improvement to the warp zone compared to HappyLee's 2011 warps TAS (and every other speed-oriented SMB1 warps TAS from late 2004 onward) is barely possible and was subpixels away from not being possible.

I hope that the next frame is found, but I have my doubts about it being possible.

It is worth noting that the framerule save in 4-2 is possible with fire flower by using a faster clip, but unless it is possible to somehow despawn one of the piranha plants, it probably holds no use for any%.

DaSmileKat, zdoroviy_antony und 4 Andere gefällt das.
Maru3705 years ago

Hello, I suppose I should introduce myself since this is my first thread on this forum. I'm Maru, an SMB1 and SMB3 TASer. I've done quite a bit of work with both games, but I decided to come here to address some of the issues with speedrunning this game.

A while back, I published an RTA Rules TAS showcasing some different strategies to save the framerules on 1-2 and 4-2. A number of people have requested that I post the input file, so here it goes:

This TAS aims for pure speed and highest score (without losing time of course). It's not incredibly entertaining, but a surprising amount of my movement was in sync with the music.

Using Sockfolder values, the strategy on 1-2 saves 5 frames (4-D) over human perfection (4-8). This TAS only gets 4-C, but I suppose it's good enough. This strategy is essentially humanly impossible, however, as it requires manipulating Mario so that he never passes x-position 124. This allows Mario to stop at the edge of the second pipe and turn around.

Several in-level frames can be saved in 4-2 through the method demonstrated in HappyLee's video. It has been known for years, but I forgot about it when making this TAS. Still, this TAS enters the pipe with 4-H and enters World 8 with 8-7. KingOfJonnyBoy's 4-2 videos were based on this route.


Gaster319, noobguy57 und 2 Andere gefällt das.
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