ArgentinaMarcosPvz1 year ago

Congrats GOF! Interesting idea you had.

ArgentinaMarcosPvz1 year ago

I never said there were speedrunners complaining about this, I just proposed a category that would include even more people; who know how to play the game with a joystick, but not with a mouse and keyboard and only have a PC. Thank you for finally giving me a respectful answer about why it couldn’t be included; I recommend that you treat people with less offense.

ArgentinaMarcosPvz1 year ago
  1. You don’t know who I know.
  2. I made a peaceful proposal as a way to include and attract such players to the Speedrun community.
  3. The way you address me really discourages anyone who reads this from contributing to this community.
  4. I understand that it can’t be carried out because only I proposed it, but it’s an act of ignorance to think that there aren’t people who would appreciate a joystick-only category for pc.
ArgentinaMarcosPvz1 year ago

Thats what i did, but some strats or tricks to gain time; need to be performed by mouse and keyboard. For example, the protocol 10 segment is faster with mouse because you can turn around the camera while grappling to scan a choppers. Also, the glide is so much accurate in mouse and keyboard.

ArgentinaMarcosPvz1 year ago

The fact that I don’t have a reputation in this community doesn’t mean you can call me dishonest. In addition, as you are a moderator, you should at least set an example of respect and harmony.

I don’t care if it’s easy or not to reach the top spots, I just say that PC players are conditioned to adapt to using both keyboard and joystick to compete. While they may have played their entire life on a console, and now only have access to a PC. I recently did a speedrun from my PC with a joystick; since I have always played the game that way; and the only way to compete with people who play like me is to buy an Xbox 360; something unfair.

ArgentinaMarcosPvz1 year ago

This is because I, and many others, find it difficult to play with a mouse and keyboard at the same time as a joystick to compete with the top positions on the pc glitchless category.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you keep this idea in mind.

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