Any possibility of giving each vehicle a category for the cups?
I wouldn't say unnecessary, but I do understand that there would be too many categories. Are there any chance of an extension category?
Why does only Adventure Distance have a vehicle subcategory and none of the other? It could be added to both the adventure and as well as all of the levels from the cups category. I feel like it would be nice to see how each vehicle gets pushed to it's limit, everywhere
Could there be a category for all the maps in one run? There could be sub-categories for each of the difficulties, doing all runs in that difficulty, as well as one for all of the runs. I'd imagine it has to be done in one sitting, but I'm not too sure how the time for the runs would work with loading times and possible ads.
I saw in the news that there won't be a category for the hard levels, because the levels are basically the same, but the lines are completely different, making the times for the run different as well. I can understand not adding an Any% run for them, as the times would be the same, but adding a 100% category for the Hard runs would be different (and much appreciated)
Could every level get it's own speedrun category? Maybe in the future there could be one for each vehicle too, but just one for each level would be cool