in the rules it seems like timer breaks are not a thing, timer runs all the way through; you wanna take a break during the run go ahead, but timer will be running during it
well that sure is the ruleset of all times lol, it makes for a pretty strange category asking for x achievements without cookies from buildings BUT allowing to buy buildings as long as you have the skill to sell them in time, I would have considered just not allowing to buy buildings at all but oh well
cookies obtained only from cursors, peak
yea the thing is, not allowing that player to have another run would invalidate his companior from having that position on LB even if it is in his case his only run
multiplayer categories value by the the total of the duo, is hard to change how that works
if you mean abusing the exit and reenter of the game to not take damage for a bit of time after reconnecting, is only allowed in glitched categories (not glitchless)
@Steviewonder scroll down in general rules, there is a section for "Mod Rules", and also the link that Olock5 sent
but basicaly, game optimization stuff and such, nothing that changes the base of the game that you seem to be interested in like the jenny mod
right makes sense, but yea then keep 1.0.0 to be able to do map glitch and stuff
wdym "have a potion of updating it" anyways lol im curious now
as stated in the game rules, you can't submit speedruns with any mods other than the ones specified there in general, which includes the jenny mod
i'll get the command prompt for you
"To rebind keys, you can download AutoHotkey (, make sure to get version 1.1) and create a file with your desired key bindings. For instance, if you want to swap the keys "F3" and "r", you can create a file and name it something.ahk with the following content:
#IfWinActive Minecraft
Launch the file, and the input of keys "F3" and "r" will be swapped (which means pressing "r" will open the debug menu). You can customize the key bindings as desired, see this for help:
Rebind Rules
• You may remap keys using external programs, but: • Each game input may have only one key, and each key may cause only one game input
• F3 shortcuts (such as F3+C, Shift+F3, etc.) can't be bound to a single button
• Inputs must be buttons - no scrolling the scroll-wheel or similar
• Rebinding "Attack/Destroy" or "Use Item/Place Block" to a keyboard button in order to abuse as an autoclicker is not allowed"
@jackzu4k so nothing in the livesplit is opening whatsoever? idk, you can try re-downloading yea, or if the problem is with the direct access maybe right click and "open orighinal ubication" (or smth along those lines) until you are in the original one and try opening from there, but don't realy have a definitive idea of why
@jackzu4k if livesplit app broke for some reason, you can opneing the task manager and looking for livesplit to see if it is actualy active and just not functioning; if so, you can try finishing any livesplit task from there and then re-opening
it seems to be about 3 seconds faster than the current IL WR for the reference
try yourself the speedrun and see if you like it! if so, you can share it in it's place in the discord server and consult this post
fun fact, you can actualy win the game after going out of bounds in rugby!
sorry for kind of killing the idea
good emulators can run at the original ~60.1 fps of an original NES
also if you are making multiple threads, you can simply keep it in 1 for that matter
oh don't think any of those ideas is bad c:
yea the math is like 1 second lose every 10 minutes more or less