Seattle, WA, USAKieferSkunk3 years ago

Okay, thanks. I'm either really misremembering this, then, or I had an inaccurate emulator. Appreciate your time!

Seattle, WA, USAKieferSkunk3 years ago

I think I might have a clue on this now. I noticed a couple of visible differences between my Switch playthroughs and those in the emulator from a while back. Both are in the Mother Brain fight, and they make me think I might have a different (older?) ROM version on Snes9x/ZSNES. (This was definitely a long time ago - I haven't been doing the emulator thing for a while - but I remember these details vividly.)

At the start of the Mother Brain fight, when the machinery falls away and the brain falls to the floor, the explosions and background are different. In the emulator, the background flashes bright yellow and goes solid black before the fight starts. On the Switch, the background lightens and darkens but stays visible, and there's no flashing yellow.

Also, in both versions, I did the fight with about 25 or so energy tanks, which means the Super Metroid refill scene takes much longer than it's supposed to. In the emulator, Mother Brain would continually attack the Metroid during that sequence, and it would start turning some strange colors. On the Switch, the Metroid stops taking damage at about the point where it would have stopped recharging Samus with a normal number of tanks. You can see the attack motions, but the "onion rings" disappear immediately and there's no impact animation or sound effect.

I wonder if these differences mean a different ROM version, and that perhaps the old ROM I was using didn't reset Samus's missiles to 0 during the intro like the current ROM does. That would explain how I got so many extra missiles before.

Seattle, WA, USAKieferSkunk3 years ago

Huh. I wonder how it is that I was able to accumulate 400+ missiles in prior playthroughs, then. I'm quite certain I didn't just keep playing with the garbage at the top of the screen.

Ah well, thanks. And thanks to this community for all the fun glitches and shortcuts. I've been replaying this game recently and trying to master a lot of those tricks. Finally sorta gotten the hang of mockball and fast wall jumping, and finally did my first couple of sequence breaks. Gotta start somewhere, right? :)

Seattle, WA, USAKieferSkunk3 years ago

Hey all. I'm new here. Just got a quick question about the reset glitch when done on the Switch Online version.

I'm able to do the glitch successfully, but when I save and restart the game, then collect a missile pack, my missile count is actually reset to 0 - the first pack brings my capacity to 5, rather than adding to the total I had when I saved. All the powerups, super missiles and power bombs are the way they were, but missiles have actually reset.

I did this glitch a long time ago on an emulator, and I seem to remember (it's been a while, might be wrong) that I could keep accumulating missiles beyond the max you can get by playing normally, just as you can with energy tanks, super missiles, etc. Am I just misremembering this?

Here's what I did in both the old emulator and the Switch:

  • After defeating Ridley, I had all the powerups.
  • Return to original escape tunnel in Crateria, and enter the room to the right just above the bottom blue door.
  • Go in to the inner large room, then face left and open the door.
  • Go into the Samus menu, unequip Wave Beam, equip Spazer, then perform the Hi-Jump glitch to turn both Spazer and Plasma on ("VAR" appears).
  • Return to game and fire once. Top of screen fills with "one" tiles and game slows to a crawl.
  • Exit the room, then equip Wave Beam and Plasma (Spazer off).
  • Get to the nearest save point, save, and reset.
  • Load the save and go through intro and Ceres, then start again on Zebes.

I know that due to the Mother Brain sequence in the intro, Samus has the missiles "turned off". My understanding was that that's just a flag to hide them, and they reappear as soon as you pick up a missile pack. In my case, though, picking up a pack starts the count over - I now have a max capacity of 5, not 145 like I was expecting (in this save).

Sorry for the long-winded post. Thanks if you can provide some insight or refresh my memory. :)

KieferSkunk Informationen
3 years ago
3 years ago