Lauf: Moto X3M Winter
yea actually I hate this level I wont improve unless someone beats it I guess maybe
Lauf: Moto X3M Winter
possibly but it takes forever for me to get a good run then the wood ruins it
Lauf: Moto X3M
not possible, you wont get enough rotation to even land, and the way just the normal flip works when u land on your front wheel on that downhill it gives you a lot of speed anyways
Lauf: Moto X3M
Lauf: Moto X3M
I be workin a bit and maybe just maybe I will grind this shit... kinda want this wr foreva bout to be a summoning salt video againts me and cokonut
grnts und GuideAlmeidaAlves gefällt das.
Lauf: Moto x3m Pool Party
😭😭I didnt fucking record it I hate myself for it, it was such a clean run but I am working to beat it so I WILL record that
CrimsonCurve700 gefällt das.
Lauf: Moto X3M
disgusting performance, making it look easy
Lauf: Moto X3M
Thread: Moto X3M
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