Thread: Smash Cops Heat
Thread: Smash Cops Heat
Thread: Smash Cops Heat
Be patient with me and the levels since I have to add all the levels and bonus levels plus every level with power ups so it may take a while
Thread: Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
So umm I did some expirements and I found one piglin gave me 5 eyes in 2 stacks and 8 eyes in one stack so I’m on mobile so chances are if you most likely want a run you need a stack once I get the time I will do the same on Xbox to find a kind of average although I feel like this post won’t matter. Sorry if it doesn’t.
Thread: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Thread: Mario Kart 7
Thread: Doom (Unity Ports)
Hey I haven’t done any runs in a while mostly because of the new update to mobile which killed the controls.Probably won’t speedrun till I am able to get Doom on the Xbox One.Just wanted to let y’all know
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