Thread: Road Rash 64
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio7 months ago

It seems like most of us have come to the same agreement by now. What do you guys think of the name "No Major Shortcuts"? We can define the rules to ban extensive shortcuts that finish a race off-road, and shortcuts that use Checkpoint Manipulation (triggering a later-checkpoint without triggering the subsequent cheating textbox, allowing you to crash your bike to respawn you at said-checkpoint). I don't feel like we can make it any more strict without adding random, arbitrary rules (like trying to ban shortcuts completely and saying 'no going off-road, period').

I think we could easily add this for Scooters too. Insanity would be awesome to add, but I have no idea how to properly define a major shortcut other than 'don't be off-road for X amount of time/distance', which feels too arbitrary. Let me know here if you guys are ok with everything and I can add the categories. I think we've all talked separately but I feel more comfortable with a central place to get the ok to change.

esper_ramuh und Zonda1996 gefällt das.
Thread: Road Rash 64
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio2 years ago

The insanity tracks don't kick you out of the race for any reason so I don't think any discoveries made here are useful for other categories. There was one thing you figured out that I realized would save a little bit of time but I totally forget what it was lol (will edit this post if I ever remember). And yea I always use the clouds as reference points when possible, it's too hard for me to memorize where to go without it.

Zonda1996, Denim_ak, und GhillieGuide gefällt das.
Thread: Road Rash 64
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio2 years ago

You were not messin around when you titled this thread Open Season for Time Saves :O With your current PB I was able to practice a lot of the tracks and figure out stuff. You really figured almost everything out already. I have videos of Levels 3 and 5 so far, hopefully I'll get to Level 4 today, but I was able to find a few different routes that were (sometimes a lot) faster. I think Levels 3 and 5 combine for well over 10 minutes of timesave alone, I'll list all of the videos here (and edit-in Level 4 when I get to recording them).

3-1 Twistyland - Align the camera with the cloud to the right and stay on that path. Drive next to the huge green hill.

3-2 Smack and Run - Hold sharp-left at the beginning, align camera at the center of the clouds and follow that path. Squeeze inbetween the right-side of the long horizontal building, start holding A at the end of the grey patch to respawn correctly.

3-4 The Edge - Hop over the railing and keep the camera adjusted to the abnormal part of the cloud. The finish line is where the building is at.

3-5 Lethal Ascent - Turn off-road at the sign, constantly wiggle left on the control stick afterward. Stay right of the satellite, sharp-turn left after the tree to finish. *Note that this barely saves time compared to any other skip - only around 4 seconds.

3-8 Smooth Ride - Turn around to the end of the hill then accelerate. Ride the flatground then keep the camera aligned between the clouds. The finish line is a little bit after the tree.

4-1 Ricochet Run - Sharp-turn right at the beginning, center the camera with the abnormal part of the cloud and stay on that path. U-turn around the tree to finish.

4-2 Widow Maker - Turn sharp-left after the wooden pole, then wiggle left until you see the tree. Start holding A slightly before the downslope on the ground.

4-3 Beatdown - Turn slight-right at the beginning, tap A when going up the first green hill. Drive along the trees and buildings, then keep the camera aligned between (or slightly right of) the clouds, crash at/close to the 4th building.

4-4 Weekend Getaway - Sharp-left at the beginning, turn upleft at the hill. This isn't faster than the normal route, but the normal route can make you wait an extremely long time for the other racers to finish, so this route might be better.

4-5 Roadkill - Go off-road at the silver railing, align the camera in the center/right-side of the clouds, stay right at the big brown hill. 4-6 - Currently slower than normal route, should be able to figure out something to make it faster though.

4-7 Whine Country - Sharp-turn down-right at the beginning, hop over the railing inbetween the trees and keep the camera aligned with the right-center side of the cloud, then drive to the left-most tree and go downhill to finish.

4-8 Long Walk Home - Go straight instead of left, go off-road when the sign changes to pointing left. Go off-road again at the tree after the sign and jump-off in-between the satellite and the tree. Before jumping off, hold R+B when you pass the tree.

5-1 Cliffs of Insanity

5-2 Wrecking Machine

5-3 Carnage

5-4 Free Fall

5-5 Bike Mangler (To-Do)

5-7 Crash and Burn

5-8 Marathon (To-Do)

Zonda1996, GhillieGuide, und Denim_ak gefällt das.
Thread: Road Rash 64
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio2 years ago

Wow this is awesome. I just got 1:13 on Marathon after reading through and understanding your posts. I can't believe it's as about simple as the 'Win Zone' being a larger 'hitbox' than the 'Danger Zone'. Great discovery you've made. I'd love to look into this deeper too like you have, not sure what time I'd have for runs but it'd be great to try to fully figure things out either way.

Zonda1996, esper_ramuh und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio4 years ago

Better put Mammal back at the front of the pack :O

It seems very complicated to figure out the fastest real-time evolution through my time playing and researching the game. If you crafted very solid theory TAS runs and don't account for absurd flashing meat luck, I believe the Dino and Mammal routes are very similar, with Mammal probably being faster. The current Bird route seems the slowest by a huge margin, but with all of the route possibilities it gives me a headache thinking about testing everything. With at least one flashing oyster meat, I think Bird can get much closer, but still be the slowest. So without making any sort of theory TASes (yet), I'd put it in this order (with final TAS time guesses in brackets):

No Flashing Meat - Mammal [42:00] -> Dino [42:10] -> Bird [43:10] Flashing Meat(s) - Dino [41:50] -> Mammal [42:00] -> Bird [42:30]

Thread: Mr. Bones
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio4 years ago

This game rolls deeper than the dimensions of the galaxy. Mr. Bones always has those guitar and drum solos on-lock

DEG1377 gefällt das.
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio4 years ago

Added a permanent link now

Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio5 years ago

I wanted to add the SNESClassic as a console since I've seen that it's an option based on other games leaderboards, but I've never seen the checkbox for SNESClassic next to all of the other console choices when I go into 'Edit Game'.

Edit: Just found it after looking again now lol. I didn't see that you have to click the small box that says 'Show Obscure'. It's there now.

serpico727 gefällt das.
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio6 years ago

I only verify runs here if the run in question hasn't been looked at by you or the other mods. I haven't touched the rules or anything else nor do I think I should, as I've barely ran the game. If I had any ideas I'd run it by you/other mods/top players first. Just wanted to clarify that.

2snek gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio7 years ago

Hi, I was requested to create a leaderboard on Lament of Innocence and did so after not seeing the game on the series page. Outside of that simple research and being told by the user that him and his friends would submit runs to it soon, I blindly made that choice; along with modding Crisco and de-modding myself because I don't like moderating a board which game's I have no knowledge of. I was surprised to not find any runs initially but I obviously did not look well, as there's two runs on the old cv.com board with people very trustworthy, regardless of what's going on here. I don't care to read the massive wall-of-text above, but there's obviously an issue that involves me since I'm the one that took the request, so I feel the need to clear some air. I took it mostly blind and I feel I made the mistake of taking the request due to lack of research anyone could've done, and I apologize for it.

YUMmy_Bacon5 und Aureus_Lunae gefällt das.
Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio8 years ago

As long as the other mods are ok with it, I don't see any issue of making a GBA leaderboard too.

Pennsylvania, USAJoeDamillio9 years ago

Stay fresh, stay chillin stay high up in the clouds. Roll deep

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