So I've been using the autosplitter for a few days with little to no issue, but in today's grind, it just didn't work. It was able to start the run for me, but it wouldn't change split at the end of the areas or finish the run at the end of AREA 04. When I tried to manually split (without turning off the autosplitter first), I noticed that if I hit the split button after touching the door, but before the time when the autosplitter would usually trigger, it would instead automatically complete the split after the one I manually triggered (so if I pressed split at the end of AREA 02, the autosplitter would complete the AREA 03 split).
A bit of a question on a borderline case, but if we screw up in Area 01, are we allowed to throw away all of our lives before picking up the double jump and restart the area? We're not going to be going in with an item that would allow us to beat the area faster, so theoretically, it should be just as good as starting a completely new game.