Thread: Goime 500
AntarcticaIan078 months ago

Known bug, unfortunately you'd have to restart the run if I remember correctly.

EDIT: Just restarting the game (which should put you right where you left off) should work.

AntarcticaIan071 year ago

Just posting this for if anyone decides to tackle the Extra Checkpoints at some point. I can confirm that it's possible to button-mash your way through "Ten-Second Challenge" without making any edits.

AntarcticaIan072 years ago

run time needs to be corrected to 8m55s, not 8h55m

Floro und DrPopeNZ gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
AntarcticaIan075 years ago

Okay, I'm gonna be brutally honest here: I really do not like this new design. The default white and green looks absolutely awful, and black and green isn't much of an improvement. Having the navbar and regular text be a different color seems to be the only viable choice if you want to have white text (which is the only reasonable color to contrast with dark mode) but a different color navbar. Even then, it doesn't look great. Then I find that all the custom game backgrounds are removed, which is pretty much the biggest thing that gave each game page its own personality, and now all of them just look bland and cookie-cutter.

In short, I really just don't understand what the point of this redesign was.

Imaproshaman gefällt das.
Thread: 2048
AntarcticaIan076 years ago

big oof

DracaarysTrophy gefällt das.
Thread: 2048
AntarcticaIan076 years ago

Did the leaderboard just get wiped?

DracaarysTrophy gefällt das.
Thread: Goime 500
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

It did.

Gave2haze gefällt das.
Thread: Goime 500
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

It's a platformer-esque game where you have to get 500 achievements to win. You can play it here: http://htwins.net/goime500/

Thread: The Site
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

Please change the game types for the Minecraft maps and minigames.

The following should be set to minigames: -Dragon Escape -HiveMC DeathRun -Hypixel Server Parkour -McOrigins Parkour

Everything else should be set to maps I think.


Thread: Pirate101
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

Should be Oct 15 2012, not 2015.

Diemos gefällt das.
AntarcticaIan077 years ago


scoagogo und Ross12344 gefällt das.
Thread: Wizard101
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

One more thing, (sorry to bother you guys again lul) but can you please change Unicorn Way% and Golem Court% so that they're not considered individual level categories? Because otherwise people viewing the site might not notice that they're there. Also it makes it easier for LiveSplit to get data from speedrun.com, because it can't do that with IL runs.

EDIT: I just realized that you can't change an IL run so that it becomes a full game run. So maybe you can resubmit the runs, but that would also delete the obsolete runs which might be a problem if you want to see your old runs and how you improved them over time. If you want to, I can contact the speedrun.com staff about this and see if they can fix it.

Thread: Wizard101
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

Also, shouldn't it be called Unicorn Way%, to stay consistent with the other categories?

videogameplayer100 gefällt das.
Thread: Wizard101
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

In the rules for each category, this appears:

"No items allowed from other accounts or from the crown store. Only mount allowed is the Broomstick gained from completing the "Stop The Maker" Quest.

You may NOT work with another person. Any other people in battle must be completely random."

Except for Unicorn Way. So, technically, if I were to use my other character's mount during a Unicorn Way run and recruited someone to help me, it would still be a valid run.

Thread: Wizard101
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

I tried to edit the description of my 11:10 run of Unicorn Way, but that meant it would have to be verified again. Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause, but it's the same run.

Thread: Goime 500
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

A few people have suggested that before, but the community didn't really think there would be much of a point to it. Who knows, though, maybe it'll become a thing one day.

Also, at one point there was discussion about a Goime 500 speedrunning livestream this summer. I haven't heard much about it lately, but if it does happen, it will have a section dedicated to minor categories (such as beating the entire game in slow mode), so the Forward Glitch might be one of them.

Thread: Goime 500
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

I don't know how to TAS the game either, but I contacted Futurama39 (the WR holder for the TAS category) so hopefully he'll be able to help you.

Don't forget to join the Goime 500 discord here: https://discord.gg/7K2TW7V !

Thread: Tidepool
AntarcticaIan077 years ago

By setting the creature set as a variable instead of an entirely separate category, you can see all of the runs at one time. I don't see much of a reason to split them, since they don't really have much of an advantage over each other. Even if, for whatever reason, you wanted to only see runs that used a certain set, you could do that with the "Filter" option.

Thread: Goime 500
AntarcticaIan078 years ago

Fixed now. I don't know what was wrong but Cary updated the game to fix it.

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