Thread: Just Cause 2
EnglandGrandTheftWalrus8 years ago

Sorry about that, been inactive recently due to IRL stuff, might not be too active for a couple more weeks but after that I can get some runs submitted of JC2, nice to see someone has taken over moderation though!

Thread: PAYDAY 2
EnglandGrandTheftWalrus8 years ago

So I understand in most speedruns you can use glitches to speed-up said run, however I'm not too sure on where you guys stand on the using glitches during runs of heists for this game since I've found a few different ones throughout heists which really speed them up.

EnglandGrandTheftWalrus9 years ago

I understand many active people running this game (possibly myself and 2-3 others) but I was wondering if anyone has found any strats that save little/a lot of time? I haven't found anything useful myself, anything posted would be very much appreciated, thanks! 4Head

EnglandGrandTheftWalrus9 years ago

So, today I did my first Any% run of this game (it was recorded and not streamed because my internet upload speed is bad right now) I finished it in 1 hour and 47 minutes, I'm planning to do some more runs and improve that time greatly before I submit a video. I also watched some full runs but I was just wondering if anyone has any tips they can give me? Thanks in advance PogChamp

Thread: Just Cause 2
EnglandGrandTheftWalrus9 years ago

Sounds great, I've been busy over the past few months so haven't had time to properly get a run in, I've been putting in some practice when I've had the chance.

Thread: Just Cause 2
EnglandGrandTheftWalrus10 years ago

I am currently looking for different routs for this game that will help you finish quicker, if you have any tips and or need any feel free to post here!

GrandTheftWalrus Informationen
10 years ago
8 years ago