Thread: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
If you are going to play with high fps, just join GTA Speedrunning discord and download this dxwnd: https://discord.com/channels/139535251235012609/613783001343721472/952329584974647346
But If you are going to play with frame limiter on, watch Ben's Guide
cchwz gefällt das.
Thread: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Q: How do you do it? A: It requires a submission vehicle and frame perfect timing. Hold submission and release it frame perfectly when Tommy has fully left the vehicle. You will then have an ONMISSION=0 phone call which can be answered after starting Jury Fury. When the call ends Jury Fury will start again. ( http://writening.net/page?zPvi7s )
There is no video tutorial about it. I guess.
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