lol perhaps we should make separate catagories or perhaps see if the in game time correlates to what is posted by the game? i mean if this is a personal problem of mine of course don't worry about it, but i don't see how we can claim it to be a even playing field lol.
@just_hax ya i feel the same way lol, but alas any time it has been brought up to a mod about going by IGT instead of real time, they play the its a fair playing field lol, i had one guy offer to time my speed run with the loads cut out of it, maybe i should take him up on it.
Lol, if it was a even playing field why would there be such a time discrepancy in in game time vs in real time compared to the other runs?
It seems now that i have checked into the info of the moderators that this game is dead. Loooordvx hasn't been on in 5 years and Kuro_Hanzo hasn't been on in a year. any ideas on how to rectify this situation?
I was wondering, i watched a bit of your speedrun and my question was... was this run done on New Game+? I noticed Amahagane crystals being dropped. If so do you think we could get a NG+ tab and a regular tab?
I'd love a 0 stats added category. can you make it through the game without burning skill points?
I am not trying to throw shade, but I have noticed when running this game the past few times, my game will stutter at the beginning of some matches and my load times are way longer than some other submissions to the leaderboard, anyone know what could be causing this?