I don't know why I deleted it, I guess I just didn't want people to get the wrong impression. My goal with the video was to reach new speedrunners in a click baity way and then talk about a few speedruns that I like. However, I agree with what Matse007 said at the top of the forum, there's no best speedgame period. The last portion of the video is me talking about this fact, mentioning that everything I said before was just for fun, and that truly the best speedgame for you to play is a game that you love. At the end I say "There's no optimal way to get into speedrunning, it's all about having fun". I hoped to get this message across by getting people to click through my title and thumbnail, then showing them the opposite during the video, but it seems like most people didn't get that far in the video to hear my true message. Lesson learned, I'll do better next time, I hope any of you who care can still find some entertainment out of the video.
Unfortunately, speedrun.com has denied HuniePop 2 as a game request for inappropriate content.
HOWEVER, We have our own leaderboard, which is arguably better, you can view and use. Just look Up and click the globe that links to "Huniepop 2 Leaderboards".
P.S. Please check the discord out. It also hosts a link to the 2nd game's leaderboard in addition to various other resources. Click the discord button above to join.
If you want to submit a run join our discord server we have a makeshift leaderboard that Buurazu put together until we get accepted. They may not accept the game due to nudity since staffing and policy might have changed since HuniePop 1 was accepted. We don't think it will happen, but it could. (Click on discord on the left hand column for a link to the server)
The request has been submitted, waiting for a response. Pray they accept us.
If you want to stream the game like on youtube, since it's banned on twitch, you should use the censored version and mark the stream as 18+, that'll almost certainly avoid you getting flagged or anything for the game. As far as pure gameplay and doing runs goes there is 0 difference between the censored or uncensored version.
I speedrun another game that suffers from loading screens affecting runs and was interested in the technology that this board uses to auto get rid of the load times during the run. Thanks in advance
When going to add the Any% it might be better to keep all the other episodes as separate categories on the main page next to any% and not in the level section. Personally before cheeking and running this game while looking at the other walking dead games I assumed that only any% was there and that dissuaded me from wanting to run the game because any% is obviously super long. Maybe it wont make much of a difference but I don't see why not keep each episode as there own categories. Just my thoughts.
Okay, I personally have 0 idea how to use joytokey. To remap keys I use AutoHotKey and it's very easy. Download AutoHotKey and then right click on your desktop and click new AutoHotKey script. Open it with notepad. What ever key you want to remap to Mouse 1 just write insert key here::LButton. If you want to remap Z to mouse one the script would look like this z::LButton If you want z,x,n, and m all the script would look like this. z::LButton x::LButton n::LButton m::LButton Make sure you also add a way to cancel the script so something like this Esc::ExitApp This will remap the escape button to cancel the script. z::LButton x::LButton n::LButton m::LButton Esc::ExitApp To run the script save the notpad file and then just double click the script and baddabing baddaboom ya done.
Yes you can remap mouse buttons to keys very easily. before you try and learn joytokey do you have a razer keyboard as it's Bery easy to do it on that.
When mashing I Use WASD as mouse click and during the text conversations where you don't need to move your mouse much, like the opening dialogue sequence, I find it faster using 2 hands on WASD instead of 1 hand on my keyboard and the other clicking with my mouse.