Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy22 hours ago
  1. SICK monster juke

  2. RIP on the vent nose grab

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Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy5 days ago

nah man, don't worry about that. You should only need to worry about going fast and such when speedrunning

Jmerkzu gefällt das.
Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy6 days ago

I hate how the record is kind of on my hands, really just depends on what I or the moderator thinks is considered the end frame. But GG though

Jmerkzu gefällt das.
Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy12 days ago

Please no disrespectful comments Jmerkzu, there should be no judging

Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy12 days ago

Dang, that tuff

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Thread: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy18 days ago

I talked with other moderators bout it, and they said that since it’s not being requested much we probably won’t add it. If more people wanted it (and actually intend to speedrun it) then maybe we will

Megacharlielincoln und Jmerkzu gefällt das.
Thread: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy18 days ago

Yes, there is... soooo I forgot to add that. let me do some stuff, I'll try to get it soon

Megacharlielincoln und Jmerkzu gefällt das.
Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy19 days ago

Gosh darn, great death warp mate

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Thread: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy20 days ago

So I noticed that some records for glitched level speedruns were kind of... dumb. Levels like level 2 had the WR be where you just jump into the end area behind the end door and that was the whole speedrun, and I mean where is the "speedrun" part of that? So I came up with a solution:

Glitched level speedrun now must start in the level you are intending to speedrun, on level 2 for example: you can't jump from an area above level 2 to enter the exit room, and you must click the level 2 button or get killed to spawn out of bounds to begin the speedrun. You can also use inbound glitches if they happen to be faster (for more in-depth explanation on how to do glitched lvl speedruns, you can look at the Rules in the Leaderboards tab)

Jmerkzu gefällt das.
Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy21 days ago

Hey, I recently verified this speedrun and I got just a few things I would like to say: 1. The reason you got a time of 10:23.4, is because you technically didn't start the speedrun until 34 seconds in (since no progress was made before that) 2. During level 7 you mentioned the moderators not updating a 1-21 level category, that is because I don't plan to add a 1-21 level category for reasons. Anyways that's all, nice speedrun

Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy25 days ago

Quick reminder: 12.087 DOES NOT EQUAL 12.870. If you're timer shows "12.87" put that in as "12.870", make sure the zero goes at the end.

Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy26 days ago

At least you don’t have someone like Powpow who is just unfairly faster

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Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy27 days ago

Sorry mate, but I don't plan to add a 1-21 level catergory. I prefer we have we have catergories at certain intervals (but Silverman disagreed) so maybe Silverman or W1llipet will add it :)

Jmerkzu gefällt das.
Thread: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy27 days ago

Totally should've did this earlier, but yeah I added Level 21 and it's now available to speedrun!

You can read the rules in the "leaderboards" section :)

Jmerkzu gefällt das.
Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy1 month ago

hi Jmerkzu

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Thread: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy1 month ago

"VRHaven", sorry to confuse you. But PSA is allowed in and in only glitched runs, the rules now say that :)

Thread: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy1 month ago

ngl... I have no idea. Let me ask my friend W1llipet about that one.

My guess is that the tutorials are outdated and there are few more new hats that were added after those videos

Megacharlielincoln und Jmerkzu gefällt das.
Thread: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy1 month ago

yeah, you did it correctly. Congrats on temporarily WR

Megacharlielincoln gefällt das.
Lauf: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy1 month ago

and like that, you got the world record :)

Megacharlielincoln gefällt das.
Thread: Big Scary
United StatesFloppaTheGuy1 month ago

So for level 4 of big scary, speedruns usually began the moment you touched the ground after clicking the level 4 button. Well before clicking on that level 4 button: if you just walked forward in your play space (on accident or on purpose) and then proceeded to click the level 4 button, then you would begin farther forward than other players meaning you get an unfair advantage. (if you don't understand, then ask for me to record an example) There isn't an easy way to know if someone did this or not, so we decided to change the start location of level 4.

Level 4 now starts with your player body touching the back wall and your hands off the ground, time starts the moment your hand touches the ground (please try not to move IRL before touching ground) with the end being where it was before (the tunnel infront of that pool area). Sadly, current level 4 speedruns will now be invalid and be forced to be rejected.

Megacharlielincoln und Jmerkzu gefällt das.
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