Level 1 speedruns end once you are over or at the hole, so that's why you have a much higher time
should've mention earlier, but Quest 3 is now an available option to choose now
I believe you can skip that level, but I'm not like 100% sure. (we need to get official rules posted, sry)
wow, that is really nice. I like aspect of like navigating out of board levels to get to the end much rather than jumping into an end area
The king is back, this actually might be pretty tough to beat
I felt so bad be forced to reject that run, sorry you had to waste all that time
you weren't suppose to do Any%, it's not fun... don't do those.
Great question! Well I believe you can now do that glitch so good ahead and use that glitch on this level
Congrats, nice death wrap and over very fast. Time to grind level 10
I hate that Any% exists but I don't make the rules. basically: 100% is completing the level the way it is completed by completing the objective. Any% is where you have the level already completed and literally just run to the exit...
Yes, they most certainly are! The moderators have just not added them as an option to use, so just submit your speedruns under Oculus 2