United StatesFeH_FuRy_ReGoNe2 years ago

1st Cybran Mission, 3-1 Fact Finder The objectives for this mission leave no room for any improvements or competition. All you have to do is survive 20 mins and then it will trigger the scene where as long as your ACU is ready at the gate the mission is later completed. This leaves no room for any runs being different, better or worse. Everyone just needs to do the run once to tie everyone else and then move on. I want to add a special requirement for this one. The run would be based off how fast you kill the 13th Soulripper. This adds a special survival checkpoint and a speed element to how fast you can kill the last wave of soulrippers so that we have something to play for and a reason to play this mission. (You do still have to get your ACU to the gate to finish the mission, but the official time will be based off killing the 13th Soulripper as your camera should be there watching the Soulripper dying and not trying to snap back to your ACU where we can't properly see the Soulripper being killed for validation.)

SoaringFlying gefällt das.
United StatesFeH_FuRy_ReGoNe2 years ago

We need to change the run ranking system to go off of In-Game Time instead of Real Time due to how the game operates. Supcom2 is made to constantly adjust itself to maintain performance. As a result the speed the game plays can be constantly changing throughout runs due to varying factors. This happens out of our control and doesn't matter how good your pc is as the game itself will likely become the limiting factor before our pcs. It wasn't until I started speedrunning here that I found out that each of our games run at slightly different speeds as well. This shown by us all having varying degrees of time separation between our Real Times and In-Game Times. Now this is not just the in-game timer you see in the game. Every gameplay related function slows down and speeds up together. So example: if the game clock ticks 5% slow, all the units are also moving 5% slower, shooting 5% slower, and all the event triggers take that much longer to trigger. So as for us having different speeds. This is all fine if we use Game Time for ranking runs and no one gets to achieve more that eachother in any amount of game time. However, if we use real time the people with fast games can get so much more done to the extent that players with slower games cannot even compete. For real world example let's look at mission 2-1. The entire mission in scripted to send waves of units at certain times from the start of the mission (not real time, the game doesn't understand the existence of real time. It only knows its own time). No matter what you do during the mission you cannot speed this up. The last unit that makes it in bounds at 15:38 will always come in at the same game time as it should be. (Unless it's pathing is messed up) However, if your game is running at +2% speed for that 15:38 compared to someone else, you will end up with a free 18 seconds real time. Making it impossible for anyone with a game slower than you to play, because that ship isn't even there for them at that real time. This goes for every single other mission as well. 2-1 is just the perfect example. Please change this so we all have equal opportunity to compete. Thanks (Any questions please ask.)

HUECTRUM gefällt das.
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