BelgiumExploud5 years ago

Ask any question about the marathon, submissions or becoming a staff member

Thread: The Site
BelgiumExploud5 years ago

Marathon Request :

Speedrun Rumble is the successor of Exploudathon 1,2 and 3. I'm rebranding because it's not about me anymore, it's about everyone who wants to get to a live marathon which is the main reason why Speedrun Rumble exist. Speedrun Rumble Production will also be helping in other marathon and tournaments but that'll be for later. For now i'm focusing on Speedrun Rumble 2019 and i'll be recruiting a bit of staff this time around. The reason why i want to help people get to live events is because it's way too fun and i think everyone should be able to get to one if they are determined to go ^^.

BelgiumExploud7 years ago

https://horaro.org/exploudathon3/schedule Please check your time slot and either answer here or send me a DM on discord to tell me if you need Reschedule or can't make it. For the marathon don't forget to join my discord server as well ^^ https://discord.gg/0125LnY75qkEEv9rk

BelgiumExploud7 years ago

To be honest i still think the cheat code should be kept for multiple reasons :

  • If you use NG+ no cheat code as the "main ng+ category" it might end up empty forever
  • The NG+ "Cheat Code" removes the pumpkin mark when you start NG+ (aka Cheater Mark) which means it's approve by the devs
  • Why would you put annoying useless RNG that force quit out to be fast ? (It's not dark souls here)
  • The RNG will make the category less attractive (it's already dead with that said)
  • The extension leaderboard became Meme Leaderboard and the Current NG+ is far from being a Meme
BelgiumExploud7 years ago

What it would bring though is that it would give the possibility to create dedicated races and also be able to refer correctly our runs through LiveSplit.

BelgiumExploud7 years ago

From Yacht Club Point of view ; Shovel, Plague and Specter are 3 different games. So it would make all the sense to have 3 different pages (4 when king gets his release). But i don't know if sr.com would accept it and the biggest issue would be to transfer all the different times to each pages which would be a lot of work i could imagine.

BelgiumExploud7 years ago

When ?

=>Starting February 24th

The time ?

=> It depends on the earliest submission or at least the earliest submission that can fit the schedule.

When submissions end ?

=> February 19th 11:59pm CEST

How to submit ?


Where ?

=> online and on https://twitch.tv/exploudyourear

A discord to join ?

=> https://discord.gg/0125LnY75qkEEv9rk

BelgiumExploud7 years ago

"Would be interesting to know when the marathon actually is" ? => Starting February 24th depending on the earliest run submitted for the starting time. "Submissions form" ? => it's written "Submit Run" on the left side (or at least should be)

BelgiumExploud7 years ago

A Small edit : Long runs are also acceptable btw

BelgiumExploud7 years ago


Nah just kidding but yeah i'm very flexible when it comes to accepting a run.

Obviously you need to know what you are doing and it has to be a decent speedrun but it doesn't have to be the best run or something close to wr. If you feel like your run is good enough and can be a good show go ahead please submit.

A segment of a run can also be submitted (Boegey Tent% in EarthBound as the first example that comes to my mind).

When it comes to superplay (yeah i accept those too), if it's an arcade game, a one credit is always nice to show or at least a run that shows you are capable of doing one. Don't forget that one credit is different from deathless. Some games give you 3 lifes per credit.

Exhibitions are cool too BUT they need to be very different from just "being a speedrun". Some examples :

  • Glitch Exhibition
  • Tas Segments Exhibition with commentary
  • Full Tas With commentary
  • ... (up to your imagination).

The thing i'm asking is that you try to figure your estimate out so you don't go too much over it if you do a bad run.

Hope those guidelines are good enough.

If you have any more questions please ask them here or on twitter or in my discord server.

Thread: The Site
BelgiumExploud7 years ago

I want to run my third marathon called Exploudathon (yeah it's original isn't it :D).


This marathon will happen on Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th of February,

This marathon has no charity goal yet let me explain.

I did exploudathon#2 in late December to collect 300€ so i can finally get rid of a debt. It was very short notice and i "only" (i'm still very happy) collected 148€ . With that i still need to pay 160€ (technically more since there'll be interest and fees). The problem is that i only have until the 8th of March to continue paying or fully pay the money i owe them.

The goal this time would be 200€ but there is a but.

If by any chance i find a stable job before the marathon i will completely give the donations to either RPG Limit Break or SGDQ 2018.

This marathon has also as a goal to become an "Every 3-4 months marathon" to either help someone get to a marathon or for charity. Because the end goal is not for me to only make my self a better life. It is obviously but it is also so i can give back to the community who helped me get out of a bad situation.

Hope you'll understand my situation.

Here are extra informations :

  • Channel => twitch.tv/exploudyourear
  • Twitter => @exploudyourear
  • Discord channel for the marathon => https://discord.gg/0125LnY75qkEEv9rk
  • Starting time will be at the earliest runs that get submitted on that day or depending on other submissions
BelgiumExploud7 years ago

So the wr is apparently (not sure but i tried to verify that) is on Japaense but there is A HUGE problem.

The juuuump Mode from what i''ve read and seen has 50 Points Rank A Normally in japanese cartridge and 60 in Other Versions. But in his latest run he has to get 60 points for Rank A.

Just wondering if anyone has knowledge of a real Japanese version with 60 Points or not ?

BelgiumExploud7 years ago

I personnaly thinking of going back into the game soon and i might create a guide of my route (i'm working arounrd the WR and some personal thoughts/testing). I don't say I WILL HAVE A GUIDE but it might happen.

BelgiumExploud7 years ago

I would vote for any order, split on last hit, no quit (spam to pass), don't count time after last hit.

My point is that even though the game is light and probably don't have some kind of load bullshit like the Dark Soul Series or more recently hollow knight. I think that it would be more interesting to not count the time of those post game cutscenes. As someone said earlier consoles can have different loadtimes and differences between pc's can be a thing (should not be but better be carefull)

It can either be done manually by just adding up the 4 times (has still to be done in a single segment settings, like just put an extra split that'll count the time between last hit and next character for you and remove that time) or with a future Auto Splitter that would stop time on last hit (probably very doable but i won't say it'll be a thing since i have no idea how to make one ^^)..

That way people could run in any order they want (for exemple in specter the cutscene with Reize and Enchantress is fairly long but people might want to start with specter or at least not finish with him). The only problem is that people would probably take advantage of that and take breaks between runs (up to everyone to decide if breaks would be acceptable or not).

It could be a lot of work but i'm pretty sure that we won't see more than 10 maybe 15 people doing 4 char runs.

Since i spoke about Single Segment maybe adding a Multi Segment (aka 1 segment per chararacter) category would be interesting so that way we can see the potential of the a 4 char run ^^.

BelgiumExploud9 years ago

as up now every platform has the same version. Custom Knight might not be that much runnable since the order you get your new items is random every time. I would probably suggest Wiiu (since you can coop in it now which can be fun to do) or PC .

BelgiumExploud9 years ago

You should be able to skip scenes most wr before were done on WIIU

BelgiumExploud10 years ago

Some npc's on the map (Black knight, a duck knight and 2 wanderer knights) won't appear until you defeated the boomerang guy or passed 1 hour of gameplay (or something like that).

BelgiumExploud10 years ago
  • 2 fast room for treasure knight stage

  • How to one cycle fish in low%

  • Strat for the mini boss in plague knight stage

  • 2 projectile in one motion (have to remake it's not completely right)

  • Strat to kill Propeler Knight in Low%

  • Fastest way to kill Specter with last patch in both anY%/low%

  • Quick Kill On Black Knight 3

  • Quick Samurai Rooms in Tower 1

BelgiumExploud10 years ago

PC is actually faster because of a patch that's not on wiiu yet.

The big differences are : quick swap, better map rng and a more constant specter knight fight.

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