Thread: Overpainted
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

OK this glitch is weirdier than I was expecting. I was just practicing for chapter 1 Any% and I made a mistake, so I went back to the level select screen normally. I started level 1 without any difference but when I entered the portal, I was warped to level 37. When I ended the level, level 38 started. So as you may notice what happened this time is very different to the normal WWG -I did not trigger the glitch by clicking the level the first possible frame -The level I loaded normally; it was when I entered the portal that the glitch happened -The distance warped changed from 20 to 36 -The warp was not only for a level, it was a full teleport with no way back

The normal WWG and this glitch are so different that make me think they are actually different glitches. I will call it Wrong Teleport Glitch or WTG to distinguish it. Differently to WWG, I have absolutely no idea of what caused the glitch, and it have no practical use in speedrun (as it teleports you to another level instead of changing the room design, it doesn't make you clear the level which you theoreticaly had to go). Anyway, that's all I can say at the moment. I won't spent as much time on this glitchas in the other because 1- I have no idea of how to cause this glitch 2- It can't be used in a speedrun. If you have any idea about it, don't doubt to answer this thread

Thread: Redungeon
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

In my phone never appears the watch an add featore when i'm online

Thread: Overpainted
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I recorded the glitch as if I were speedrunning it and at first try it took me less than 15 seconds to end the level 29, which is 10 seconds faster than Goudurix's time in his Chapter 2 WR. This glitch has a lot of potential and probably will be very useful in further chapters.

Thread: Overpainted
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I've been working on adding the glitch in a run. Nowadays, I can do the glitch about the 20% of the times. Each try takes arround 3-4 seconds. In chapter 1 it has no practical use, as all levels are faster than their counterparts. However, in chapter 2 it can be used to save a lot of time in level 29. This level is really slow and takes about 30 seconds to reach the goal. Level 49 has an eazy skip and can be cleared in barely 3 seconds, which seems a really big time save. For the rest of the chaper I think the glitch can't be used in any other way.

Btw, more things i've discovered about the glitch: -It can be used in boss levels the same way than in normal levels -Rarely you can get the opposite glitch: the level loads normally but in the pause menu it says that it is 20 levels more (unfortunately I have no video showing it)

Thread: Overpainted
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Ok guys, I've been trying this glitch in many more situations and I have more information to share with you:

-Doing the glitch in heart chapter shows an error message and close the app, forcing you to restart again

-Doing the glitch in Chapter 2 send you to Chapter 3. Nerly sure that doing it at chapter 3 sends you to chapter 4 and doing it at chapter 4 sends you to chapter 5 (although I haven't tried it yet). Not sure of how in will behabe at chapter 5 (probably sends you to chapter 1 or shows an error message)

-Grabbing a paintbrush in the wrong level counts as if it was grabbed at the correct level. For example, I haven't grabbed the level 21 paintbrush yet, but with the WWG I can access level 41 as if it was level 21, grab a paintbrush there and end the level. Then, it will count as if it was caught at level 21. Probably it works with the time too, but haven't checked it yet.

-You can't do the WWG if you haven't unlocked the level which is 20+ that the one you're accessing. For example, if I haven't unlocked level 50, I can't do the WWG at level 30. I'm not 100% sure of this, but have been working on it for a long time without results.

This is all the new information I got, probably I'll come with more soon

Thread: Overpainted
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I agree with the desition of allowing this glitch, as it only allows you to go to a further chapter and usually it means longer levels, so there are not many levels where this can be used. Also I haven't found any consistent way to do the glitch, so it takes me arround 5 minutes to get it (clearly not fast enough to be useful in a run).

The explanation @Goudurix gives would seem reasonable, but the first time I got the glitch I only pressed the level once (I pressed several times pause, but i don't think it affects the glitch as later I am able to do the glitch without pause). Anyway I don't have any explanation for it.

Ps. Thanks for adding me as a mod

Thread: Overpainted
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago


I've been exploring the glitch and I don't see any consistent way of reproduce it. I got it a few times (in the playlist above I upload all the times I get it) and this is the conclutions I've reached: -To get the glitch, you have to press the level button the first working frame (there are a few frames in which you can see the menu but you can't press anything) -The warp brings you to the same level in the next chapter, but in the pause menu the name doesn't change -When you end the (wrong) level, the (correct) next level is loaded

Thread: Overpainted
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I was practicing for the Chapter 1 - 100% category when I accidentally found this glitch. As you can see, I go back to the menu and when I press the level 1, I found myself in level 21 (1st of 2nd chapter). Despite being in level 31, the pause menu still shows that I am at level 1. When I reach the goal, level 2 of chapter 1 loads normally. I've got a lot of questions without answer still (What caused that glitch? How can it be used in the Any% category? Can it be done consistently?) so I'm gonna experiment with it some time.

Also I would like to ask you mods if you think a run that replaces a level with another with the same name should be accepted (theoretically you still clear all levels of the chapter)

Thread: Overpainted
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Hope you'll be a great mod! Congrats

Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Certainly I will work on those categories soon

Sleepwalker_92 gefällt das.
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I agree with @drgrumble, world categories (or acts as it is the way they are called in SoX) would be attractive and can lead to more people joining the comunity. About the way they should be classified I would suggest as full game lb or alternatively miscellaneous, but I don't think they fit as IL

Sleepwalker_92 gefällt das.
Thread: Heart Star
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Just a quick doubt about the Individual Level category: Game set the red character as the first one to be controlled as default, but if you hit the replay button or end the previous level while controlling the blue character, the level starts with you controlling it. As some levels are faster when you start with the blue character, I am wondering if starting with it is allowed (apparently it doesn't breack any rule). Thank you

Thread: The Site
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Same problem that @Timmiluvs, it's impossible to mention me because it ignores my name after the period.

Thread: Redungeon
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Done! I've just been added as a mod of this game and if you have thought any way of improving this game community (new categories or something) tell me about it

Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I think the individual levels rules for the category of All Villagers & Chests should be changed. They require to save all villagers and open the chest but, as once done it can't be done again, every time you have to start the game again. This is a great problem, especially when trying to speedrun levels of chapter 2/3, which take a while to reach if you restart the game. I suggest changing the rules to touch the villagers or something similar, or at least give it a thought

Sleepwalker_92 gefällt das.
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

If posible, the All Villagers & Chests category should be removed from challenge levels

Sleepwalker_92 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

@Milength I've got a pending run which hasn't been verified for a month https://www.speedrun.com/Redungeon/run/y45k4wnm

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Thank you, much appreciated

Thread: The Site
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

The mobile game Redungeon (https://www.speedrun.com/Redungeon) has only one moderator and he hasn't been onlyne since more than one month ago. I'd like to request mod for this game

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
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