Thread: Cruis'n Blast
Are there any specific best cars to use in arcade mode or are they all the same with max upgrades? Just curious if anyone knows
Thread: F-Zero
Why has Fzero Central been down for so long? Are they actually working on it or is there a new place to submit 5lap runs?
Thread: F-Zero
Thread: Asphalt 9: Legends
Thread: Fire Emblem Heroes
And also no auto play category’s that would be fun too
Thread: F-Zero
Yeah and also, im too lazy to learn another website’s layout
Thread: F-Zero
Thread: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Would the SEGA Classics for Amazon Fire TV be a legal option for speedruning or Is there something that makes it illegal about it
Thread: Sonic the Hedgehog
Could the SEGA Classics for Amazon Fire TV stick be considered as a legal way to play this game
Thread: Super Mario Bros.
Is the new game and watch mario system legal for speedruns?
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