ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

In a game I moderate's stats fullgame works as intended, but none of the ILs seem to. Is this something I've bollocksed in the settings or are other people having this issue too?

YUMmy_Bacon5, MrMonsh und 3 Andere gefällt das.
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

In case anyone's submitting full-game runs who's not on the Discord, we recently overhauled the way the runs are displayed, all platforms now appearing alongside each other.

There is no difference to the submission process, time your run in RTA as the rules outline and the mods will do the rest :)

DeepDarkness und SSBMagy_ gefällt das.
ScotlandCasssss5 years ago

Since I should be able to record my 360 again soon, I've been practicing this game again and I noticed the PC times that have been posted.

It seems that the PC version has the advantage of not running like ass lol, plus there's some slightly different movement tech and loading times are drastically reduced - this in itself leads to some neat tricks like checkpoint reloading.

So my point is this - should we separate PC and console times? To be clear, I'd suggest PC be the main category with console being a variable or subcat. Obviously I'm not a mod so it's just me thinking out loud, but I feel that it's a fairly common practice.

What does everyone think?

ScotlandCasssss6 years ago

Just had this happen to me and wanted to write it down somewhere.

So I was going through "Assassination Plan" and I got killed on pretty much the same frame as I crossed the end level trigger. This brought up the "load previous checkpoint" screen, so I did.

It then played the intro cutscene for the next level, then crashed the Xbox on the next loading screen,

It'll be pretty difficult to reproduce so I don't think it will ever be a problem really, but watch out for that I guess?

ScotlandCasssss7 years ago

Been a fan of speedrunning for a few years now, just as a viewer, but recently decided to give it a go (mostly to impress my kids). I'm having fun so far, so hopefully I'll stick around for a bit :)

ScotlandCasssss7 years ago

Sorry for newb question, but how do you go about this? Simply paste link or use embed code?

Cheers :)

ScotlandCasssss7 years ago

So, after you ride the second elevator down to the main area of the level, when you step out you'll see 2 guys talking to your right, and a door to your left.

In my PB, and in almost every video of the level I've seen, the door to the left is open, and following the corridor leads you to a large hangar.

However, for the last 30+ attempts, this door has been closed and the door leading to the hangar has been locked. Is there any way to manipulate the chances of the door being open, or is it just rng and I've been incredibly unlucky?

The door has been open in the past and I have no idea what I'm doing differently, pretty frustrating as the alternative route is a lot longer and pretty reset-heavy...

Anyone else having this issue?

ScotlandCasssss7 years ago

Hi guys, I started running this game mainly to impress my kids (they love the game) and I'm getting to tthe point where I'm pretty happy with some of my IL times.

Basically, my setup has too much delay for a "live" timer for real time, so just double-checking if it's ok to add a timer in post?

Also, are we allowed to choose our own weapons before each IL, or do we stick with the defaults?

Cheers :)

Casssss Informationen
fka Pentaghast
7 years ago
7 months ago
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