Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin54 years ago

i know i am like 7 month late and dont know if you are still interested.

But yes its definitely possible to beat my time (i have just recently done so myself).

And if you look i did my run on the ENG version aswell. That would only be a problem for the VITA-Version as it has no official release.

If you need any suggestions or w/e feel free to PM me and i can help

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin56 years ago

The name of the category is not the main problem tho... its the fact the stream was turned off. We told you several times that this will not be on the digimon leaderboard if its not streamed in 1 sitting. This is simply staying consistent with the rules all other titles operate on (several of them would have options to have equally long "100%" runs). As it is the run in its current form does not meet the standards that were set by the entire community several years ago that all new games/runners have abided by and i personally dont see any reason to change those.

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin57 years ago

My opinion is to keep the current any% as it is but renaming it (if you want no major glitches would fit the billing quite well imo) make the category with all glitches any% as that would be properly naming it. And don´t many any arbitrary rules just because it would make it more fun. We always tried to stay as far away from exactly that. This is the reason we don´t have a Gabumon% category on the board. We always wanted to make the board as clear as possible. And making a category that allows wrong warping but disallows all other new glitches is exactly what i never wanted to see in this game. arbitrary rulesets. It simply does not make any sense to include some glitches and forbid the usage of others in my opinion. Sure it may make the run more fun. But if you want to run this "category" (for example only using wrong warping but no other major glitches) nobody stops you from doing so. But i dont think it justifies having its own category on the leaderboard. I personally wouldnt want to argue why we allowed one glitch but not the other to anyone from the outside of the community, neither could i then give him a good reason why we dont have a gabumon category, Because if we start defining categories with arbitrary rules we should probably open up the gates entirely and comply with all the suggestions we ever had aswell. Since i dont want to do that either my vote would be to simply have 3 categories. Any%; Any%NMG and 100pp (idk if and how this would change with the use of the new glitches but maybe a split would be justified for this category aswell)

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Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin58 years ago

i feel like 100% for a game like this is so far from a speedrun that its prettymuch a misc category at best. From what i assume is that this is gonna happen in several sittings aswell right? Personally not a fan of Speedruns that involve pauses. Also since the game doesnt really have a percentage tracker our best shot for making this category is to actually make up the rules ourselves. Since you tried this here i would actually say you compiled a pretty good list of what a "100%" category would look like

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin58 years ago

In my opinion they should be banned from the speedrun. I dont have much of a problem with this DLC (if you dont need to have beat the game) but any future DLC might just ruin this and banning specific DLC´s would just be really arbitrary. So we should just from the beginning ban the use of all DLC´s imo

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin59 years ago

to be fair. since any% no banlist is allready a really short category i dont see any point in adding it to the levelleaderboard. Currently for the NG+ parts of the leaderboard you are not allowed to use the "no banlist" cards. if you insist on us adding them we would add them as a seperate part of the current levelleaderboard.

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin59 years ago

this takes wayyyy too much time. there is absolutely no reason for this shit to take any longer than 2 hours max... most of your points seem pretty arbitrary about leaving duelists out in an "all duelists" category. Also for any% taking the end of the schoolyear seems pretty stupid. i dont know why not aknowledge there is not any% in this game? or rather there is no difference between 100 and any% as that seems to be the only way of actually beating the game somewhat properly?

all in all make this quick because its getting hella stupid

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin59 years ago

i agree with strawberry all of this is taking way too long. I honestly dont see how shit can take this much time. all you have to do is what strawberry says. establish an end. afterwards you can see if any% as a category even makes sense or if any% and 100% may even be the same and something like NG+ makes sense.

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin59 years ago

i agree with gcah absolutely no point in having this IL leaderboard. especially when its allready the biggest meme on speedrun.com

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin59 years ago

just out of curiosity. Who is "we"?

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin59 years ago

I am fairly certain that this has to be the weirdest rule i have ever seen on here. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I am confident the difference between VBA-M and VBA is negligible compared to the difference between console and VBA in general. You might wanna look into banning VBA in general and having Bizhawk as the emulator of choice cause that is the most accurate emulator you will find compared to Console. Maybe you should contact the Seriesmods (who you seem to conviniently have excluded from this game for some reason) about this issue. They have handled the same issue for several other games aswell and you might want to look into options that make more sense than the current state.

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin59 years ago

I´m just gonna be brutaly honest here. If you have no way of running this game any kind of legit version your time wont be on the board. thats it. it doesnt mean you are not allowed to run the game and track your progress. this leaderboard is not about you showing off how cool you are or w/e you think it is that makes it important to be represented on it. if you pay close attention you see that my run (4th place at the time) got removed from the board aswell. and i am fine with it because i know that my run has no basis for any kind of fair competition. if i wanted to still do runs on VBA i could noone is going to stop me noone will stop you from doing so. but asking for a category that has absolutely no basis whatsoever is just beyond selfish. This descision was/is the only right choice to make to provide equal chances for everyone competing on console. And console runs should always be the standards Emulators have to be comparable to.

Hamburg, GermanyBlackwin59 years ago

sounds like the best solution for your case is to actually get windows. or maybe you contact the developer of Bizhawk and ask for a Ubuntu version. you could also get a console and the game.

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