Puerto RicoBananaGuy3 years ago

Also, though I haven't tested it PC's versions could give faster or slower loads depending on the model and the settings that the game is ran at.

Puerto RicoBananaGuy3 years ago

While watching different I've noticed that load times between the PC version and Switch of the game seem to be a bit of and after going through and timing the loads it turns out that in a standard Demo% run on PC version saves around 52 seconds on average assuming the load time are the same between demo and standard version in an Oltura% run it PC versions saves up to 8-10 minutes alone on loads.

A solution to this would be to time runs through In-Game% which would mean no one loses any time due to loading screens however it could be very difficult to time loading screens and verify across a several hour long speedrun and I don't think there is a perfect solution to the issue.

PC and Switch Comparison: Run footage by @TheR3dSpade

Puerto RicoBananaGuy3 years ago

You can tame titanos relatively easy by using behemoth gates, and several catapults but what's hard are the liopleurodons they are slow and can't be crypoded that and the 30 minute time limit it's incredible difficult to get it bring it back to your other dinos

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

Personally I think the spawning alphas should not be added. My reasoning is that how dinos spawn are an integral part of the game, alphas they are supposed rare simply spawning one in would remove the purpose of that, I know that they take ages to spawn but I don't think spawning one in just because one isn't already there is the answer. The other times admin commands are allowed is because for example artifacts are suppose to spawn there, in those instances it's an intended mechanic not working properly. Maybe it's just but that's what I think, at most maybe a separate category could work but other than that I don't think its a good idea.

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

For single player you can change what events are active on the map such as winter wonderland or the anniversary event. What happens is that, specifically in Eggcelent adventures, you get the dino candies from oviraptors that increase your creature speed by 5,10 or 15% even to flyers, depending on the rarity which over an hour long run could be extremely. Question is, are events allowed or not?

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

Try to use herbivores specifically woolly rhinos, instead of 20% the dragon's breath deals 15-10% on any herbivore as well them being all around great damage dealer along side being extremely common in the artic area and the saddle unlocks in level 53

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

Cause bug limit is way more fun and entertaining than pure glitchless at least that's how I feel about it and also there's no real need for glitchless

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

I think it's faster to grab the wood cutters ax and defeat the talus that way even though the fight it self would be slower it's faster than going all the way to stasis and grab the hammer

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

The best work around that I can think of is using either Cemu or Yuzu which is much easier to mod and you won't get banned on them but emulators are banned from submission

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

Seems quite arbitrary like literally you can have a mod that can teleport you from the SoR to the end credits and I don't think you guys have actually modded a switch game and trust me it's very lengthy process which includes only switch models with a custom Tegra X2 chipset can be modded also nintendo can easily ban from all internet access and the eshop for modding it if you ever go online. To sum up this is not a good idea

Pear und Wimti gefällt das.
Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

I'll test on fireblight and see if it could work I don't see why it wouldn't

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

It's not that you don't have it, rather it's that you skip grabbing it from the Shrine of Ressurection so you just grab the spirit orbs by teleporting to other shrines

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

Wait does the two bomb runes count as one or two if not you could just use magnesis the sheild for the blights and for calamity you just magnesis the weapons in the observatory.

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

Didn't know about that glitch sorry @archetypespeedruns so basically you just beat the game with the bombs rune and that's it

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get the spirit orb without getting the runes the monk will just say "go back and get the rune from the pedestal" unless you can find a way to get passed that it won't work. So for now it is impossible to get the skip the runes.

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

Plus it would take a lot of math to figure out exactly the bare minimum amount of weapons to defeat the blights and Gannon as well as the amount of resets to get the perfect calamity cycle is going to be brutal especially with no arrows

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

I didn't realize until you mentioned it but yeah the movement is very similar bees and there isn't any other mud or swamp in the great plateau.

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

Billguy the runs are in the category request thread redux

Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

Die% Bog (sub category to die%)


  • Timing starts when gaining control of link
  • Timing ends by dying to mud
  • If killed by anything else the run is invalid




Puerto RicoBananaGuy4 years ago

What happens in this run is you preform ride Sidon anywhere glitch as fast as possible. Timing ends when riding Sidon outside of the Vah Ruta battle.

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