one of the biggest things you have to take in consideration is: Will people have fun running this apart from you, like if its a dead category then there is no reason in making it. there was a conversation about this a while ago already in the rayman speedrun discord. but overall we understand all teensies being a categorry and hundo because then you get to see more of the game but all hoodlums is going to be so anoying seeing how much hoodlums there are, this means its almost the same as no major glitches because you need to kill the hoodlums causing you not to be able to skip about 80% of what you do in any%.also no major glitches is not that popular like I'm the only guy who runs it once in a while. so you gotta understand, do people like it and will it be run? thats the reason why it isnt there already.
Activy here you go btw it has every rayman game there so like about any Rayman runner is in there
Activy are you in our Rayman Discord community yet? we talk about everything there, as well as you can contact mods easier ;P